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IDSO Emu Oil Pain Rub Recipe

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Does anyone here make an emu oil rub/balm recipe they would like to share ? I have never made bath & body products and don't know where to start. I did a search here and read about 8 pages of results. I know that emu oil is supposed to have anti-inflammitory properties and that it penetrates deeply into the muscles. What would be a good percentage to add ? I have seen some creams online that claim to be 40% emu oil. I would think this would be way to greasy. Also would adding MSM and Glucosamine powder help ?

My Dh had shoulder surgery back in Feb and still has alot of pain. He cannot take anti-inflammitory meds due to having a bleeding ulcer.

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Stephsteph, I have some extra Emu, if you need some. I don't make any kind of salve so didn't post anything to your other thread, sorry.

I too would use straight emu. It soaks in really fast, melts on contact and is really good for pain and inflamation.

Let me know if you need some.

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for my own personal use, I have added emu oil along with MSM and Glucosamine to some regular store bought lotion. Soaks in pretty well and does give short term relief for muscle & joint pain. Now keep in mind that doing it this way, the mixture can go moldy on you so just do enough for a day or two at a time. This can get you by till you find a recipe that you like and can make from scratch.

Even something like whipped Mango or Shea 60% with Emu Oil 40% would be beneficial.

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Hi everyone...sorry I'm a little emu "dumb", but I have heard so much about emu being good, but I thought it was for, like dry skin..it actually helps ease pain as in the joints? OMG....if that is true, then I need to get some too. Seriously, all my joints, fingers and toes and knees mostly, just ache constantly. It takes me so much time to get moving in the morning because of my feet. If emu will truly help I am willing to try it. Do you know of a good source to buy it from? TIA...

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here's what I've used....

You can tweak this as you become more familiar with it and adjust the Emu and MSM powder to you pain level.

4 oz. Body Butter

1/2 teaspoon Emu oil

!/2 teaspoon MSM Powder


Mix well together and store in covered container. Apply to effected area as needed.

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Wow Thanks for the recipe...Teri, does it help you, I mean do you notice a real change in pain? I hate being miserable, and lord, if I spend all day on my feet in the kitchen making soap or whatever the project for the day is, I am sooo miserable the next day. Emu is definitely going on my list of things to get...just curious, does it have a whanky smell? (sorry, thinking about lanolin..lol)

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is does help... at least I think it does... and so did my couple of testers....

I'm sure it's not going to help for really nasty pain - but then what does really....

I don't think Emu Oil has any smell at all - and it sure isn't cheap I'll tell you that much !!!!

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Emu gives only short term relief so don't expect it to be a miracle cure. But you can use it as often as you want. I've even rubbed on stuff like aspercream then rub straight emu oil over top of it. Emu works like a carrier oil and will help draw the other stuff into the tissues.

It has no smell and no taste. I've used it on an infected tooth when one hit on the weekend & couldn't get to the dentist for days...it took the infection down big time.

The stuff is expense but it does go a long way. I got some thru a co-op a long time ago and have no idea where it was purchased from but I sure with someone would do another co-op. I keep mine in the fridge.

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I have been using this recipe for quite sometime for my 85 yr old mother for her arthritis pain in her legs and the pain in my knee and it really does work! I found that you can mix the Emu oil and the MSM powder with whatever base works best for you! I have use BC's Hand & Body Lotion, KY Soy Whip and KY Body Glaze, My Mom likes the Body Glaze the best because she says it soaks in faster and is easier to apply, but she said the same thing about BC's H&B lotion, LOL (You can put the lotion in a bottle or a tube and it carries easier in your purse or pocket, by using the Soy Whip you have to put it in a Jar, But some perfer the Jar! With the Body Glaze you can you either!)Use your own judgement as to what works best for you, or what you carry! As Terry says tweak your recipe by adjusting your MSM powder, for your pain relief, I feel that that is what helps most with the pain! You can pay upwards close to $20 for a jar of pain relief rub in the pharmacy for name brands containing these same 2 items and a bunch of other fillers! If you don't believe me check it out~I DID! I looked at a 2oz bottle of emu oil locked in a case at my locale pharmacy the other day and it was priced $11.49 :shocked2: GEE Whiz ~locked up and priced like it was the drug of the Gods!! It must be something we should be checking out!!:rolleyes2 Ummmm Any way! I hope this information has helped out anyone who could use it! Arthritis pain is no fun and if you can get some relief with this AWESOME!!!!!!!

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When I first read about emu oils anti inflammatory properties, I had to get some. I had also read how great it works for arthritis and thought I would test it on my every aching joint:sad2: and I hate to be the one to say it, but I may as well have rubbed olive oil on those joints because it didn't do anything for me. :mad:

I have RA and perhaps the inflammation levels were too high or I should have bathed in it. I don't recommend it for anyone with serious pain unless you're planning to use it as a carrier of some other wonder oil/eo. I've had a unfinished formula in my head forever, maybe one day I will put it on paper:embarasse

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You can pay upwards close to $20 for a jar of pain relief rub in the pharmacy for name brands containing these same 2 items and a bunch of other fillers! If you don't believe me check it out~I DID! I looked at a 2oz bottle of emu oil locked in a case at my locale pharmacy the other day and it was priced $11.49 :shocked2: GEE Whiz ~locked up and priced like it was the drug of the Gods!!

that's exactly what I did - I bought one jar of Blue Emu and about puked at the price so when I needed more I just made my own.

Hibiscus: I can see where this would not do much for severe RA.

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I use emu oil around my eyes at night, it's supposed to help with wrinkles! Don't think they've gotten better, but no worse in the past 3 yrs.

I also use the Super Blue Stuff with Emu that is for muscle aches and arthritis. It isn't cheap, but a little goes a long way and we can't live without it. Stuff works great as long as it's the original stuff, the knock-off brands aren't as good.

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I purchased mine from here & love it! Their customer service is wonderful.


32oz...OUCH! It's completely refined (odorless & tasteless) and they're AEA (American Emu Association) certifed. I also did a lot of research on it and now give it internally to my son & daughter (1 tsp each) as well as externally on my daughter. She has really bad eczema. When I rub it on her skin, I mix a few drops w/avocado oil and it has really healed her flaky, dry patches.

Whichever place you get it from, make sure they're certified.

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At one point I found an awesome site that had several different recipes/formulas for all sorts of uses of emu oil varying from eczema creams to joint creams... Duh me, must not have bookmarked it and can't find it anywhere! grrrrrrrrr

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here's what I've used....

You can tweak this as you become more familiar with it and adjust the Emu and MSM powder to you pain level.

4 oz. Body Butter

1/2 teaspoon Emu oil

!/2 teaspoon MSM Powder


Mix well together and store in covered container. Apply to effected area as needed.

In all fairness to some other posts, I haven't found a joint cream yet that is a "cure all". How long would a recipe like this last, I am ignorant to MSM powder all together.... :embarasse

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I found that when I was taking two supplements, arth-x-plus and beta glucan, I had 70% less trouble getting up in the morning, and also noticed that I didn't have that "ache" in my back after standing all day. Now I am out of both, and waiting for my SIL to order from the co-op, I am miserable...It takes a few days for it all to get into your system, but I can sure tell a difference when I don't take it. :D

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Hi Guys,

Hospitals over her euse Emu Oil on their burn victims to help reduce scarring.

I use it on my face, my daughter on her belly (her stretch marks were shocking)...and I swear by it.

I am an Emu addict...lolol



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