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What not to do when soaping...


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1. Soap tired

2. Soap hot

3. Dump lye into milk all at once

4. Soap a new (spicy) FO hot, with a water discount, with a stick blender

I was in a hurry. Now I have 4# of glop. I tried to rescue it by letting it gel and SBing some cold water into it to get it into the mold. I did get it into the mold but it ain't pretty. I'll cut it tonight. I'm thinking TRASH.

I cannot imagine WHAT I was thinking.

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how about soaping when you feel like death? I have the flu and I swear I have not gotten a cold of the flu for about 2-3 years. I am so sick I just can't hardly think, but I can tell you this...

I soap 100% GM all the time and I always just dump all the lye on top of my totally frozen GM and stir like crazy - and it works, but having hot oils, oh no, it's got to be RT or it's orange goo city!

Sorry you had some bad luck!

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Care Bear, ACK! Sorry to hear what happened. But, ummm, where's the pic? We need a pic!

I always pour all my lye also over the frozen goat's milk and then drizzle it into my oils which are heated to approx 110F. I've never had it turn orange. (watch, now that I said that, and since i have a batch of GM soap planned for tomorrow, it will happen, lol)

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Silly me, I thought you were a newby soaper. My, how time flies!

I hardly think with her post count you could have thought that. If you have nothing to do with making soap, why are you over here trying to give advice and contradicting YOURSELF, as you did in another thread??


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Naw - it's in the trash. Lye pockets. And it didn't smell good enough to rebatch...

It's my own darned fault - I did all the things I tell new soapers NOT to do!

I'm so very sorry this happened to you. I wanted to make soap today but found I was in a poor mood so I passed up the urge. Had I given in, I think I would have messed it up big time!

We will all have bad soap days. Even the most experienced soaper and chandlers have those. It's part of life.

We can never appreciate the peaks of the moutains unless we have been in the valleys first!


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Time does fly when you are having fun. My post count is high because I'm on here a lot, and does not necessarily reflect my level of expertise. That comes from the amount of time I've spent researching, and soaping and from by understanding of the process and the ingredients. I'm no newbie to this stuff - I've been soaping for two years, I have a background in chemistry, and I know what I'm doing (for the most part - though still learning of course). Back when I was new to soap (I'm talking 2 years ago) I did overstep and gave advice where I shouldn't have - I was just repeating what I had read or heard. I did not have the experience I have now, nor the understanding.

Not to say I don't still make mistakes, I still do that. If there is a vastly superior member here who doesn't do foolish things on occasion, who doesn't make mistakes then I ask her to step forward so we can all bow.

I knew when I started this thread it could be fodder for someone who puts herself in that category but then again I thought - why should I let such a person control what I do?

There are some who cannot differentiate between time and experience & knowledge. Some who think they can define expertise in an arena they don't even play in. They don't really worry me too much though. They have a lot of problems I cannot be bothered with.

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Hey Carebear,

I have watched you grow and learn on your soaping venture and you have done WELL!!

Everyone makes mistakes now and again. I just hate when I leave out something important or forget to add sugar to my water BEFORE adding the lye....you know.

I dont have a high thread count here but have lots of experience and learn new things everyday.


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From what I can see/read, this is a VERY bitter person. She gets OFF on coming to the board and going off on people. Makes her feel superior in some way. She sounds like a therapist's DREAM!!

I read one post from her today (praising soap from a couple of members here) and that is the only time I can ever remember anything positive in a post from her......

From what I can see, she is like a horrible virus.... wipe your 'puters and keyboard down with some lysol after you read her post, just to make sure the scum does not stick to you.

BTW... I've also seen her website.... Yawn, yawn and double yawn. Not someone I'd take advice from in ANY FORM, ANYWAY!!!!

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I hardly think with her post count you could have thought that. If you have nothing to do with making soap, why are you over here trying to give advice and contradicting YOURSELF, as you did in another thread??


Post count should never be used as any indication of anyone's experience. Some sit on the computer all day long, racking up post counts and it does not mean squat when it comes to post count being a reflection of experience. Experience is better judged by the quality and content NOT quantity of a person's posts.

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I knew when I started this thread it could be fodder for someone who puts herself in that category but then again I thought - why should I let such a person control what I do?

Your post was an example I feel, for people like me very, very new to this, that one shouldn't try and make soap if not in the right frame of mind or tired. That's a valuable lesson I think. It's good to hear something like that, to remind people like me who are so new, if they haven't even thought of it yet. :)

No shame in sharing with others. We're all human. :)

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Ditto on the post count issue. Who knows how long a person has been making soap before they came here and who knows how long a person HASN'T made soap and has just come on over from the candles forums to troll around a bit.

I take issue with people even taking into account YEARS as experience either. I've tried some nasty bars from people who have been making soap for years. Some great from those who are new. It's been discussed on other threads. What if you've soaped for 5 years 1 batch a week? What if you've soaped 10 batches a week for 2 years? 5 batches a DAY in one year?

anyone can make soap (or candles or whatever) slap some pictures on a website and call it a business too, so even that is a hard test to tell!

Some people don't have what it takes to make soap, they just don't get it. I'm sure there are plenty of other things they are good at, but soaping isn't one. I've learned the hard way to take everything someone says on here with a grain of salt unless I know the person knows what they are talking about. (oh, and I'm not saying that about you Carebear, I'm sure you are doing great! I'm just trying to make a point here...)

And well, how do any of you know what I'm talking about anyway? :tongue2::D

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Not to say I don't still make mistakes, I still do that. If there is a vastly superior member here who doesn't do foolish things on occasion, who doesn't make mistakes then I ask her to step forward so we can all bow.

:embarasse ok, ok, okaaaaaaaaay! I didn't want to do it but since you went and called me out:naughty:

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LOL ya'll are crazy! :) (and I love it!)

One thing I have learned is to NEVER soap without goggles NO MATTER WHAT!!!

I was once soaping and talk about pure accident - a peice of something - can't remember now what - fell off the top of my cabinet and splashed down into my soap. Had I not been wearing my goggles, I very well could be blind today. So even if YOU are careful and don't think anything will happen, that does not mean that "accidents" won't happen.

As far as experience goes - I've been soaping for over 3 years, but do not have near the experience that some here have that have been soaping for a lesser amount of time.

Take AJ for instance. I remember when she first started. I have been soaping a little while longer than she has, but when it comes to experience, hers FAR out weighs mine because she has done way more batches than I have, I'm sure a ton more research than I have and devotes much more time, passion and interest into it than I do. So as everyone says - even time doesn't equate experience. JMO

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From what I can see/read, this is a VERY bitter person. She gets OFF on coming to the board and going off on people. Makes her feel superior in some way. She sounds like a therapist's DREAM!!

I read one post from her today (praising soap from a couple of members here) and that is the only time I can ever remember anything positive in a post from her......

From what I can see, she is like a horrible virus.... wipe your 'puters and keyboard down with some lysol after you read her post, just to make sure the scum does not stick to you.

BTW... I've also seen her website.... Yawn, yawn and double yawn. Not someone I'd take advice from in ANY FORM, ANYWAY!!!!

I'm always, always open to suggestions. What improvements would you like to see on my website? I realize I can't please all the people all the time, but I would certainly take your advice to heart.

And btw, speaking of advice, there's a difference between "learning" advice and "soaping" advice. Just thought I'd point that out for those who were confused.

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Post count should never be used as any indication of anyone's experience. Some sit on the computer all day long, racking up post counts and it does not mean squat when it comes to post count being a reflection of experience. Experience is better judged by the quality and content NOT quantity of a person's posts.

I really wish you wouldn't post these things about me! LOL :P

I have worked really hard for years to get my post count where it is ... just so people would think I KNOW EVERYTHING ..... and now you're gonna go and blow it for me! I have the @ss to prove how long I sit on here everyday .... hell people should be able to tell I know everythin just by looking at my @ss! :laugh2:

On a serious note: Carebear .... I have had the pleasure of using your soapies several times now and I really enjoyed them. I enjoy your posts and have learned a lot from you over the years. :wink2: Thanks for always being kind enough to share both the good and bad sides of soaping with us.

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