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Huge order on my site question


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Hi everyone. I have gotten everyones dream of an order on my site this morning. A gentleman has place an $800.00 order. Red flags set off in my head like crazy because its not wholesale and of course seems to good to be true. He has supplied me with a CC # and all other important info and he lives in VA. (USA) however he has emailed me with instructions to ship to a PO box in Ghana. I am thinking this is a scam. Any thoughts? thanx so much

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If you have the cc holder info give them a call! I had someone steal my info and I only found out after I tried to go grocery shopping and a nautical company called me about the order that was placed to them using my card. I was so thankful that company called me. They mainly called because they had never seen my name spelled the way I spell it and they thought it was weird. I ended up having over $1500 in charges from that theft and that one company was the only one that decided to call me about it. The others just took the money and shipped even though it was to a foreign country. My card was used for numerous orders and sent to different countries!

You may be doing that person a huge favor if you call them and ask!


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You could also call the card company and verify if the shipping address is on file. When I worked for the CC company, if they wanted something shipped to an alternate address, the customer would call us and give us that address. Merchants would call in to verify that alternate was on file. If it was not, they would not ship.

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Call your merchant account and see what they advise. See if the can do a fraud check, and find out the charge back policy. I would strongly advise against purchasing the supplies or even starting the order until the payment is in your account-- for good.

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I finally found the # for mastercard and contacted them, they gave me the # to where this card was issued from so I called them and the card # doesnt even match the name given. I gave them all of the info they asked for and they said they will contact the gentleman that the card really belongs to. I hope this poor fella doesnt have a racked up card. Thank you all so much for your help.

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Definitely check up on it, but it *could* be legit. Our church has a partner church in Ghana and we have a missions team that goes there 1-2 times a year, so I wouldn't assume just based on that alone that it's a scam. Our missions leader has access to the church's credit card, so for example if he were to place an order with you, HIS name wouldn't match the CC info.

As I said though, definitely check on it though. Best wishes ~ I hope it's a legit sale for you!!!

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Definitely sounds fishy! However, I did receive an online order 2 years ago from Japan. I emailed the person who placed the order to let them know that the shipping would be 3 times the amount of the order and she said OK. So I did it, shipped it and no reprocussions.

Email them and see if they respond or if the email addy is good. If it's not, then you know.


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The email is good because he emailed me telling me where to send the order. I wish it was legit but the CC company said there is no match to the name or anything else for that matter. I know I did the right thing and I figure if this is a senerio like some of you say it **could** be then wehn the cc company contacts this fella and finds out he really DID place the order then he will hopefully email me back and say"hey, thanx for looking out for me but please send me those goodies"....LMAO, wishfull thinking...hehe, thank you all so very much. If things change for the better I will let you all know.

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It's definitely a scam. I've received this twice.

I contacted mc and the name did not match, not only that but the card holder had not reported it stolen, so most likely the poor person didn't even know yet.

The actual card doesn't have to be stolen. All they really need are the numbers. It happened to me for over $600.00. Someone got my numbers, probably from an internet order I made, and used it that way. I knew nothing about it until I got my statement. Heck, it could be happening to any one of us right now. :angry2:

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Latenight is right...

In December I was taken for $79 on my bank debit card. (didn't have that much in there so you can imagine the overdraft fees) The bank could only tell me that it was 'keyed' in rather than swiped. They said my address matched, but the zip they gave didn't, but they had my security code so stupid Cricket Communications approved it. :angry2: Why wouldn't I know my own freakin zip code!? I use my bank account and card for pay pal to buy little stuff off Ebay, and classies here. I've never spent over $35 at once on the card ever, but it wasn't enough to alert anyone either. I only knew because I like to check my balance online right before I pay for something. I don't get paper statements.

Anyways, I have NO idea how EXACTLY, but it had to be paypal. My card was not 'lost' or anything, no one else had it. So they could really have no clue. It's amazing what people get away with and how easy it can be for them.

I'm still hoping though that it works out for you and maybe is legit like Soapmon suggested. But then again, I'm not above being naieve- and i'm not even sure I can spell it, lol.

Good luck, let us know what you find out!

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Latenight is right...

In December I was taken for $79 on my bank debit card. (didn't have that much in there so you can imagine the overdraft fees) The bank could only tell me that it was 'keyed' in rather than swiped. They said my address matched, but the zip they gave didn't, but they had my security code so stupid Cricket Communications approved it. :angry2: Why wouldn't I know my own freakin zip code!? I use my bank account and card for pay pal to buy little stuff off Ebay, and classies here. I've never spent over $35 at once on the card ever, but it wasn't enough to alert anyone either. I only knew because I like to check my balance online right before I pay for something. I don't get paper statements.

Anyways, I have NO idea how EXACTLY, but it had to be paypal. My card was not 'lost' or anything, no one else had it. So they could really have no clue. It's amazing what people get away with and how easy it can be for them.

I'm still hoping though that it works out for you and maybe is legit like Soapmon suggested. But then again, I'm not above being naieve- and i'm not even sure I can spell it, lol.

Good luck, let us know what you find out!

How was it paypal....when the employees do not have access to that info? please explain

Do people realize when you pay at a restuarant for food if they do not swipe your card in front of you, your number, exp date and cvv2, and name are in jeopardy of being stolen. Same with writing checks. The name, routing number, acct numbers are in jeopardy. Bought anything at store and the clerk turns around or moves out of your site to swipe your card - that is putting your info at risk.

You can have all your credit cards in your possession and have it stolen. I for one am excellent at memorizing numbers - this is why it does me no good to cut up my credit cards because I know all the numbers. If I was a thief, I would work in an industry where I came in contact with such info and use it to my advantage. But I like my freedom - what little I do have...lol.

I pay in cash - it sucks, but I rather be robbed upfront than from behind. I don't trust any one with my financial info since having my cc used fraudently a few years back. I then opened a paypal account and I have never had a problem with my info on paypal being used.

So if you truly feel it was paypal maybe you should hire a lawyer. But I would really research it a bit more before you wasted your money.

To the OP ~ I would be leary and get the all clear before pouring one single candle.

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sorry for the OT, but I believe sometimes employees at the bank or at the PO stole CC numbers.

My grandfather, who was 90, had the CC renewed, he put it in a drawer somewhere in the house, never used because he was not very well.

Then he started to be charged for TVs, computers and a lot of expensive stuff.

The CC had only the time to leave the bank and arrive at my grandfather house.

the card was still there, no one physically stole it, and he hadn't the time to start using it!

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sorry for the OT, but I believe sometimes employees at the bank or at the PO stole CC numbers.

My grandfather, who was 90, had the CC renewed, he put it in a drawer somewhere in the house, never used because he was not very well.

Then he started to be charged for TVs, computers and a lot of expensive stuff.

The CC had only the time to leave the bank and arrive at my grandfather house.

the card was still there, no one physically stole it, and he hadn't the time to start using it!

That's a felony, I know here where i work (small bank) if one of the employees were to do that not only would they be out of a job, they would have to pay restitution, and face jail time...I've seen it happen once in the 3 years i've been here.

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