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Have you raised your prices?


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I haven't, but am very small-time (I only do melts) and have a decent amount of wax right now. My supplier has not informed me of any impending increase, but I'll probably stock up again soon just in case and ask when I go.

I'm considering raising very slightly just before Spring, but am changing my packaging as well; I'll be profiting the same as now, but hopefully customers see the new packaging as worth it. We'll see..

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I raised the prices of my 8 oz jelly jar candles by $1. I tested the price out at my last fundraiser and the candles still sold just the same. Still on the fence about my 16 oz jars. Don't believe I need to raise those yet.

There really is no way around it. If I kept the price the same I would be selling myself short.

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Right now I still have plenty of supplies bought at the old prices to possibly get me thru spring. But as soon as I have to re-stock supplies my prices will be going up $1 on my 9oz jars and 50 cents on my tart packs.

At my customer appreciation day in December I warned my customers it was coming. They were all actually surprised I hadn't raised my prices sooner since I haven't raised my prices in several years.


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My wax has only gone up $2.00 per case (so far!). I have enough 'play' room in my pricing that this doesn't throw my numbers off. I may take advantage of everyone expecting price increases right now, so I'm not caught in a tight spot w/ all the expected problems of wax pricing & shipping. Also, I'm seriously cutting out a lot of suppliers that I used to just order from on a whim & keeping my purchases as close to home as possible.


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I've been trying my best to put off raising my prices but I think the time has finally come. I left some wiggle room on my container candles but I priced my votives and tealights at rock bottom prices and am going to HAVE to raise those or I won't be making any profit on them. I'm also going to have to raise my prices on tarts.

With the soy prices still rising how are you all handling the product price increases? Are you just going to raise your prices as the price of soy rises or are you going to do enough of an increase to cover the potential for even higher soy prices? I'm afraid that if my customers keep seeing a price increase that it's going to scare them off so I'm not quite sure how to handle the situation.

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I am thinking about raising my JJ prices by .50. I only started selling those this fall, so not too many people have bought them. I had them at $7.00 and will probably raise them to $7.50 for my open house in February.

I am lucky to be able to pick up my wax and glass (and most of my FO's) locally so I can afford it. If I had to ship it, I probably would quit doing it as a business and just do it for friends and family. We will see how this year goes.


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I don't think I'm going to have a choice. My wax, which I pick up usually, just went up another $6.00 a cs. It just went up this past fall and now again and I didn't raise prices last time. I think I'm going to try 10% and see how the response is...I do think that now is the time if you're going to increase.

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Seeing that UPS had a 4.9% price increase for Ground deliveries, and USPS will go up this summer, Yes, I will have to have a price increase.

Darn, I really didn't want to! Probably looking at about 5% increase.

Not to mention that the oils I'm now using, thanks to THIS BOARD! lol, are in the $18 - $22 per lb. versus $15-$17 what I use to purchase, it's a sure thing now~!


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I raised them because of the shipping increases. I was doing discounts for buying multiples (5/$20 for 4 oz tins, 2/$15 for 8 oz, 2/$25 for 16 oz), but have stopped those... now 4 oz is $5, 8 oz is $8 and 16 oz is $15. Just no getting around it. I'm hoping prices will be able to hold steady there, but I may be looking at another increase by fall.


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