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Oatmeal Box Mold


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After my relatives had oatmeal for breakfast yesterday and I was about to toss out the box, it dawned on me that I should make a candle........you know....that little voice that drives us candle makers nuts (smile).....so I went into the studio and found exactly enough aqua chunks to fill the box. I sprayed it with pam first. I dyed the over pour with just a speck of aqua. When I unmolded it this morning, much to my surprise, it came out without having to tear the cardboard away. I took a photo of it as is in the rustic state then just now crackled it in snow. I scented it with Ice Crystals from Candle Cocoon. I am keeping this for myself. Got me thinking, if I can make candles in sand then maybe I could make candles in snow......oh no.....here I go again. Donita




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Donita you are amazing!!! I'm really enjoying seeing your creations! Thinking about an oatmeal container, that seems like a nice just right size for a larger pillar candle with just enough wax. Those wide ones seem like just too much wax, since they have to be triple/quad wicked. Hope to hear your burn goes well. Take a pict and post if you can, when you burn it. Really beautiful for a spur of the moment candle too. :)

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oh no.....here I go again. Donita

Yeah, there you go again --- giving us ideas!!! If the soapers can use pringle cans then we chandlers can use oatmeal boxes;) I bought a pre-cooked roast thingy in a plastic tray from Costco a few weeks ago and after it was emptied, I used it for a soap slab mold.

BTW: have we told you lately that we love you:D

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Thanks everyone. The candle is burning and looks great. It is so big that it should last a year (smile)......also notice that Crystal Lite containers look like great candle molds to me too. Well, actually, way too many things look like candle molds to me. If I live longer I am sure that I will experiment and just see what in the heck works. I love it!!!!!!!!!!!! When I made soap I found all kinds of things that were beautiful, especially European chocolate molds. Donita

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Amazing as always, Donita!! Actually, I've looked at that container many times thinking the same thing. But.....doesn't it take a LOT of wax?? Just curious. Anyway, I'm envious of you being in Tahoe. Love that place. Take care, God Bless and have a great New Year!

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Beautiful candle. I guess if it's got a hole or crevass, you can pour wax in it. I knew a lady who collected drift wood and she would pour wax in any hole she'd find. Of course it was for decoration, not to actually burn. Ginger

:naughty: Ginger.... don't get me started.....you never know where my mind will go.....pour wax in ANY hole or crevass....hehehehehehehehehe Donita

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Normally for this size chunk candle I would use a #3 SB. But I am out of it so I used #2. This is different wax than I am use to and I have to wick down anyway. I have been using 2/0 and it works better, but I am still a fan of 4045 and 4045H. I have been power burning this giant candle and it is working. However, if I were going to sell this size I would play with some more wicks because the average person doesn't really know how to burn a candle. Donita

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Julile......don't get me started. Now I have to go out to the garbage and dig out the juice can.......thanks a lot!!!!! (smile) Donita

However......I did buy 6 antique darling jello molds at the thrift store for 25 cents each and they will make some cute small candles. When I use jello molds I pour the wax in and when I unmold them I drill a hole for the wick so I don't have to have a hole in the mold. Someday I may decide that I will never use them for Jello and just make them into candle molds. I haven't made Jello for years. Donita

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LOL!!! Yeah, but you can make some cute companions!! I just don't use juice cans. Now there is an empty poptart box ... you could go for squares! In all the candle books I have there's a make it yourself mold out of cardboard. If I could cut straight, I'd try it lol. Show off the jello molds. Wonder if they match my collection of things-intended-to-do-something-with.

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