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Everything posted by soapncandlecrazy

  1. Thanks, I like to make silly rhymes with my kids so I thought I would come up with something for you. Glad you like it.
  2. Maybe try something like: A baby is a precious gift, But what comes with is not nice to sniff, A special scent I gave this hare, So your nose will not care. Love your baby with all your might, And know that when you hold it tight, Those smelly messes will end some day, Until then just giggle and play.
  3. I use the little plastic cups that come on top of medicine bottles like cough syrup to weigh my fo's. They work great.
  4. Try these links. http://www.threadart.com/shop/ http://www.denverfabrics.com/pages/static/iron-on-patches.htm http://www.appliquebuffet.com/ minimum order $15 + s&h I have only ordered from Applique Buffet for my mom and she loves them. Hope this helps.
  5. I found some on ebay. They are not exactly like the ones I used but here is a link to them. http://stores.ebay.com/montesano-corner-shop_MINIATURE-TEDDY-BEARS_W0QQcolZ4QQdirZQ2d1QQfsubZ162035619QQftidZ2QQtZkm
  6. I bought the small bears on ebay a while back, can't remember the user name. The tags on the bears said B & D Bear Company but I can't find anything by doing a search. Sorry I can't be anymore help.
  7. They loved them! My SIL had never seen anything like it before. My MIL told me I shouldn't have spent that much money on her so I asked her how much she thought I spent. She said she had seen some dipped bears at a flea market that were smaller than the ones I made for $40, so with the incense and the ornies I had to pay atleast $50. My DH just laughed and told her not to worry about it. Thanks for the great tips everyone posts on here and for giving newbies like me the courage to try all these wonderful things. HAPPY NEW YEAR
  8. Very nice! I can wait to try pillars but it will be a while. I think containers are enough for me right now but I love looking at everyones beautiful creations.
  9. It was fun trying to keep my daughter, who is 21 months old, from playing with them after I dipped them. I bought 7 bears so I would have backups in case I goofed and she took 2 as soon as she saw them. It was so cute watching her walk around with a bear in each arm. Thank you all for the feedback, now I'm sure they will like them. MERRY CHRISTMASsanta chee
  10. Thank you. I made one for my mom, MIL, sis, SIL, and my neice. I hope they like them as much as I do. The real shocker is that my husband actually likes them.
  11. This is one of the gift baskets I made for my family for Christmas. Everything is scented in Cherry Blossom. This was my first attempt at dipped bears and at incense and I think they turned out good. There isn't any black smoke from the incense and they burn fine. I am still a newbie at all this so please let me know what you think.
  12. I have been thinking about making some of these for myself and I was wondering how long these last. I know the scent will disappear after a while but how long does the ornie itself last.
  13. Here is a web site for the rag balls. It has a picture and looks easy to make. I might have to try some. http://www.wicks-wax-scents.com/waxed-dipped-rag-balls.html
  14. I love the mold and I have to ask, can you use a regular acrylic paint on candles or does it have to be a special acrylic paint.
  15. Looks great. I will have to get some CO and try it. Maybe I won't have to use my heat gun so much.
  16. Try golden brands 402. I'm not sure where to purchase it because I get mine from ebay, but I like the softness of this wax.
  17. Can someone tell me if the wickless candles are better made in a glass container or in a tin? I am always so worried that the glass will get to hot and crack. Thanks.
  18. I love the swirls. Seeing all these beautiful soaps is making want to try it. I used to have a wisteria and it smelled heavenly when it bloomed but it was so invasive. I choked out 2 rose of sharon bushes and sent underground runners out for atleast 20 ft. I finally had to get rid of it but I still have runners poppinp up is some places.
  19. Where do I find this tutorial. That looks great:yay: and I have always wanted to try hurricanes.
  20. I can't help much other than to say, try doing a search on the fragrance oil finder. I did order some on ebay one time it had a good smell but it gave me the worst migrane when I poured it. http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/index.php
  21. Thanks for the ideas. I knew you all would come up with some good ones. Thanks:yay:
  22. I have some fresh baked bread and was wondering what I should mix with. I was thinking of mixing some blueberry, strawberry, and cinnamon and calling it cinnaberry bread. Any other thoughts.
  23. I like them. The breakthrough just gives them character.
  24. I have been told that you should add the fo around 170 - 180 degrees and stir like crazy. This has worked for me and the cold and hot throw are stong. Melanie
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