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Anybody Else Worn Out?


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How about 2 jobs and pouring candles every night....I am beat.

I have to sneak in a pour tonight....DH is trying to ban me from candles for the night again. Just one pot...I promise.

I get four days off this month. I have not had that in years. I think I may get bored. Normally I get one day off a month between both my jobs.

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Yes, Eugenia, I'm a bit on the frazzled side as well. I've also got a show tomorrow and have been filling orders and worrking part time. I don't know how you guys do it working full time.

I'm also very active in my ladies auxiliary unit, and this is a very busy time of the year for us. I missesd the luncheon today honoring the WWII vets, and we have a lot of things planned for the veteran's hospital in Charleston. What keeps me going is knowing that all of this will be over in a few weeks.

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Me too. Tomorrow is my last show and then Sunday I have two Christmas parties that I have to take food so in addition to making whipped shea for tomorrow I also had to prepare food that looks good. I did a show today which is unusual for me but I took a personal day. I also work fulltime.

I am tired and my feet hurt.

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Our last show was tonight! :whoohoo:

We have had some orders coming in, but nothing too big.

I am so ready to just sit back and relax........but I have no decorations up, I have one gift and the house is a disaster.....

Yup, I am ready to be DONE! LOL

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Me, me, me! And, I don't even work full or part time. I am a SAHM with a 4 year old little boy, an 15 week old Cocker Spaniel pup, and I've been pouring candles all day... and some of the night. I've finished my Christmas shopping, but have no decorations up. DS is hounding me to put the tree up, so I have to get that done this weekend!!!


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I wish I was frazzled from sales, but I haven't been super busy with order. I am stopping with orders (unless small or I have the stuff on hand) on December 15th so I can get the rest of my christmas stuff done.

I was frazzled this week with my son's CHristmas program at preschool. It was a busy, tiring week and running so much had me pooped! I think I slept better last night, so that helped.

I hope everyone is able to get everything done and able to enjoy the holidays!


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Yep, I'm with you! Day job is kicking my butt because of year end, my day starts there at 8:00 ends at 6:30, then making candles every night til 11:00. I have a wholesale account that's doing well, my last fundraiser came in (that I didn't approve, but I didn't decline) and tomorrow is my last show of the year, my annual open house. I have turned down orders, I am beat. I haven't been the grocery store in a month. Yeah Florida in 1 month!!!

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I am tired and frazzled too between craft shows, my first fundraiser, accounts and regular orders, kids, horses, house, husband and instructing group fitness partime. My house is disorganized, tree is up with no decor and I still have some orders this week to do. I don't have a lot of energy left to get too excited about decorating. I hate to decorate when my house is a disorganized! Good thing I love what I do, or I would NOT do this! The rush will be over soon. :D Although, I don't really know how to rest anymore....can't seem to get business off my mind much. :undecided

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Well, cheers to you ladies with all that ambition. I salute you. :D

I went on hiatus earlier this year due to health issues. I've been off work for quite a while. Going back in January. I can honestly say I do not miss running around like a maniac during busy season. Nope, not one bit. I've been shutting down earlier and earlier every year prior, as I was completely burned out.

Quite frankly, it is DIVINE to just sit back and chill.

I still do my wholesale accounts, but I stocked them early Oct. I don't do shows or fundraisers. Not my target market. But I will say, I am seriously considering doing wholesale only. My life has beens so stress free. I can't even tell you how happy I've been. The downside is, I've had way too much free time and have been spending money like water. Oh well, this to~ shall pass.

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I'll say! But there is a light ...I had my last show today. Surgery is behind me, had my granddaughter's birthday celebration today, I have my last final on Monday. I get to pretty much coast until January! Oh, wait. I need to decorate and bake cookies, wrap presents and then do inventory...did I pay my property taxes? hmm better do that, too. Oh well, sleep is highly overrated! :D

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We are in our second year of selling and the shows have been tough. Lugging those candles all over the place has been difficult. I really think I am too old to be doing that part :undecided , but it is the only outlet we have right now. We will be working on a website over the winter.

I was also hoping that if we did continue to do home shows, we could bring a sampling of what we sell - maybe all the votives so people could have an idea of the scents and some jars so customers would see a finished product - but take orders for the jars. I just don't see us being able to lug these candles all over with us for very long! Has anyone ever tried that? I thought it would be more like other parties ie Tupperware, Pampered Chef, etc. We buy our wax by the case and our wicks and stickumms by the 1,000's, but until we can buy in even larger amounts, the cost of making them is still too high for me to figure out how to wholesale them.

Our last two shows were the best - one being held in a home, and the other in a local beauty shop for four hours on a Friday night. Neither of those shows cost us a table fee, so it was pure profit. :D

We put a deadline of December 8th for Holiday orders in our brochure - and of course nobody noticed that - so the orders are just coming in and I just don't have the heart to say no...

I love making the candles - and I love trying new things - the marketing part is the killer...lol

Can you tell I am worn out this season???? :cool2:

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I think that I need to plan better, so that I am not killing myself on stock before each show.


This is exactly how I feel and what I need to focus on. By the time I get to a show, I am so wornout that I end up being sooooo tired when I am there. I spoils the fun. I want to get more organized next year and get more structured with my time. I need to get my shop arranged better too so I can work faster.

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I'm finished with making candles for the year. I am working off of the stock I already have. The shows are over and it's strictly wholesale right now.

I've got a few orders to ship out and then I can turn and concentrate on getting my final supplies for making CP soap!

Research and development will mostly be the soap but I plan to look over my candle scents and thin out what is not selling and NOT replace it with something else!:tongue2:


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3 more late shows to go- one tonight (at a church), one each morning the next two days (two different Dr offices whose staff has requested I come in- their Dr's are off those days and they don't have much to do lol).

What's surprising me this year is the number of people calling me out of the blue and asking for specific candles. I'm selling to 2-3 repeat customers a week with no marketing work (cause I'm supposed to be DONE for the season after Tuesday!). I have 3 deliveries to make when I'm in town on Wednesday. And 2 more who are deciding what they want still.... I'm strictly SMALL time (at this stage, I greatly prefer it), but I'm surprised at how much this has grown over last year. I really thought people were broke this year! They're finding money somewhere! I've had to reorder containers once already and should have gotten a couple more cases...


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:wave: Right here!! I've got all kinds of family drama going on, plus working full time and I have two very busy toddlers. I am beginning to ask myself why I became a biz in the first place! Oh, this time of year drains me! I already have some nifty projects in the works for ME though! I am going to learn how to sew! :D I almost can't wait until December 23rd when I close until 2008! *super banana*

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