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Husband says I'm out on the street....

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if he sees one more test candle burning in this house!:laugh2: I told him if he kept it up, he wouldn't have a home to worry about testing candles in!!!!

"OOOPS, was that flame ABIT high!?!?!?!":embarasse

Stella and her damn CDNs started this mess!:D


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LMAO!!! Well if he's like my husband, you might want to remind him who does his laundry, cooks for him, among other things. Then pick up and start to kiss a candle. Really freak him out! ;)

I remind my DD who pays the mortgage when she complains i get to drink soda and she doesn't.:whistle:

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I'm boasting here! Mine is an excellent tester. When the timer goes off he starts running to measure the melt pools; he checks the labels to make sure what wick I'm testing to make sure he doesn't clip too short before lighting one off; he'll move them to different sized rooms to evaluate the throw. Heck he'll even fire one up at work to get other's opinions. One cool dude! :cool2:

Yep - I got him - and I'm gonna keep him!!!!

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I'm boasting here! Mine is an excellent tester. When the timer goes off he starts running to measure the melt pools; he checks the labels to make sure what wick I'm testing to make sure he doesn't clip too short before lighting one off; he'll move them to different sized rooms to evaluate the throw. Heck he'll even fire one up at work to get other's opinions. One cool dude! :cool2:

Yep - I got him - and I'm gonna keep him!!!!

I've got one of those, too. I consider myself very lucky. :smiley2:

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me too, he does all my label making and he smells all my FO when i know he is thinking not another one. hes the best he let me quit my fulltime job too so i get to do this fulltime and of course take care of him but i dont mind.

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I remember one scent I was test burning (Ginger Bergamot) that was so strong that my kids kept blowing it out- it would make their eyes water and they started calling it "Daddy's Deodorant"... I never did test to the bottom cause I had to pull the scent. They'd have run away if I started pouring that one in the house.

That said, my 7 yo ds's all time favorite scent is LoveSpell... I may have a problem with that one as a teenager... :shocked2:


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I remember one scent I was test burning (Ginger Bergamot) that was so strong that my kids kept blowing it out- it would make their eyes water and they started calling it "Daddy's Deodorant"... I never did test to the bottom cause I had to pull the scent. They'd have run away if I started pouring that one in the house.

Vanilla Nutmeg is mine, it's downstairs and one person asked me where i got Barn scent.

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My DH is just as much a part of this as I am. In fact, he runs the booth most of the time when we have shows. He sets them up, works it all day, tears it down and comes home to Mamma and gives me the money. He even makes some of our stuff. He'll make soap but I have to tell him what ingredients, how much and what to do with them. He gets to choose his colors, scent and additives and boy does he love the additives!

I always tell him though that his most important jobs are to lift heavy stuff, look good and flirt with the blue hairs. :laugh2:

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I always tell him though that his most important jobs are to lift heavy stuff, look good and flirt with the blue hairs. :laugh2:

:laugh2: That just kills me! I make my husband do the same and the little ole ladies just LOVE him! He calls them his girlfriends!:laugh2: :laugh2:


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