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i want to start a candle making business


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ok a little background info,

im a 19yr old college student trying my hardest to make ends meat- my classes are spread out so i cant have a decent job and i need something i can make then sell

ok umm i just started researching this today...

basicly what i want to know is how hard will it be to make candles and sell them on ebay? what should i know? what kind of candles are popular?

and anything else you guys feel like i should know...

im kinda planning on turning this thread into a blog/step-by-step process

btw sry for totally coming outa nowhere and asking vague things like this and expecting yall to help nicely

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ok a little background info,

im a 19yr old college student trying my hardest to make ends meat- my classes are spread out so i cant have a decent job and i need something i can make then sell

ok umm i just started researching this today...

basicly what i want to know is how hard will it be to make candles and sell them on ebay? what should i know? what kind of candles are popular?

and anything else you guys feel like i should know...

im kinda planning on turning this thread into a blog/step-by-step process

btw sry for totally coming outa nowhere and asking vague things like this and expecting yall to help nicely

If you want to "make" money by making and selling candles on ebay you should show a "profit" in a year or 2 if your lucky. This is not something you just do to make money. LOL You can get dirt cheap candles on ebay so thats a hard place to start selling them also. I think I would try something that wont burn down houses and junk like that if I were you. Anything but candles! Bruce

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If you want to "make" money by making and selling candles on ebay you should show a "profit" in a year or 2 if your lucky. This is not something you just do to make money. LOL You can get dirt cheap candles on ebay so thats a hard place to start selling them also. I think I would try something that wont burn down houses and junk like that if I were you. Anything but candles! Bruce

Very well put, Bruce !! I couldn't agree more! :D

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because of the time and money that usually needs to be invested in candlemaking, i would think this might not be what you are looking for. don't get me wrong, it's awesome, but most of us spent WAY more than we made when we first started. that probably wouldn't help you much.

that and they are right about ebay. most of the candles are ridiculously low priced - not a good way to try to make money for most people.

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Hi theemon,

It is hard to make money and candlemaking is alot of work.After you see the cost of supplies you will know.

I know how it must be juggling college and work.I have a nephew who has been trying to do just that.He is now going to work days and going to tech school at nights.He did go to college for 2 years.I really don't see how he will do it but the new job pays $35,000 to start and he cannot pass it up.

Could you just work week-ends.I know not alot of money but could help.

I know a company that seems to be getting college students to sell knives.Well forget that.I know some that did it and it isn't good.I couldn't believe when my friends daughter did it and she was valedictorian(sp?)and a straight A student for her class.I think you could do better selling AVON than knives.I know a person could.

Check out what the cost is for candles.If no place near you that sells supplies you have to pay shipping. Don't go to craft stores for supplies.Check other things though to do.

First and foremost work on that college degree.It is so hard for kids now and not like it was when I was in school.I talk to my friends about it all the time.

We agree how much fun we had and how we did not have the worries kids do today.Now we worry about our kids and grandkids.Their future.

GOOD LUCK.Kids nowadays need to make it in the world.I know you can do it.I admire kids going to college.You must have been a good student to get there.My hat is off to you!!!!!


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Make soap...I think its cheaper than making candles.

Or how about wickless candles. Dorms can't burn candles, but they could use melters. That's something to consider.

I think soapmaking is cheaper too but still expensive.I've been making soap for over 3 years now.LOL...

The wickless is a great idea!

That's what I am going to do for Christmas.

Jenn A

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I also think the wickless is a good idea, but it's still going to cost money to start. Quality FO's, wax and containers don't come cheap. I just cringe every time I think of how much I've spent trying to make a "good" candle. Never dreamed when I started it would be in the thousands. You just might want to look at other options to make some money. Candle making is no way a get rich, or even a break even business. It takes time and money to perfect.

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What about selling lotion? Get the base that you only have to add water and FO. That might work for ya. You can get bottles pretty cheap. Make sure you read up about the legalities of labeling. Also make sure to get a vendors lisc.

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I know on your post you said you wanted to make something and sell it,

candle making can be really addicting, its time consuming and expensive.

I don't want to say its not for you, but maybe its not for you right now.

You could join a candle company, some are free if you look around and some also don't care how you advertise like selling on ebay.

You could also look up mymommybiz.com, they have tons of work at home ideas that you could apply yourself to.

Mindy :grin2:

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Since you are trying to make ends meet, I would suggest selling a service instead of a product. Because when you sell a product (candles included), it will involve a substantial amount of capital outlay, which may cause even more hardship for you if you are now already trying to make ends meet.

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And either way, bath products or candles, you will need to shell out some good bucks for insurance as well. Product Liability Insurance isn't cheap either. Some people pay well over $800.00 a year just for their insurance so they can sell to the public. Add the costs of buying the jars and shipping them in, the wax, the F/O's and making labels by the hundreds. Very time consuming and expensive.

And why in the world would you want to do Ebay? Bruce is right. THOUSANDS of candlemakers on there and they can will outsell you because you're the new kid on the block.:undecided

Sorry but you need to know how deep this water is before you jump. Make sure you can swim too.:lipsrseal

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I have a great idea. If the reason you want to start a candle business is because you want money, and you like candles, how about looking into selling Mia Bella candles. I had someone come by my house just the other day selling them. They're beautiful, they smell nice and the best thing is that you don't have to do ANY of the testing...they send you the candles, you don't have to worry about spending thousands of dollars testing wax, scents and wicks. You can just sell. The girl selling them thought I was lying when I said I owned my own candle business until she saw my GIANT bookshelf filled with candles and test subjects. :) Give it a try, it may be just what you're looking for!

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I think Spellkast has mentioned a great idea! Mia Bella is nice. Another company you can look into is my favorite candle company, Gold Canyon. It will now be my competitor. :tongue2: Altough, they do not make soy candles. They have a demonstrator program and they are EXCEPTIONAL candles. They have a much bigger line now (variety of jars) and they have a very classy look. She started out in her kitchen too and now they are getting bigger and bigger. I wanted to be a distributor (different than a demonstrator) and I couldn't because someone sold them to close to me -- this only pertains to becoming a distributor not a demonstrator. Anyway, I then went on the hunt for another company that offered the same and could not find one that I felt as good about. This what got me into making candles.

I have to tell you that at that time, to be a distributor for them you had to purchase $5,000 dollars in candles to start -- not that way now. I thought that was A LOT. Well, turns out I have had to spend more than I ever thought I would spend. This is very addicting and it is very expensive to get it right where "you" want it.

Whatever you choose to do, I wish you success. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, I'm a college student too. I deliver pizza you can make really good $$ doing it enough to pay for the addiction your probably about to pick up. I also use to be a baloon artist. If you live in a big town this is a totally cool gig. You make your own hours and can make a ton of money I did this in High School (like 8 or 9 years ago) and made $75-$125 for a three hour shift. I started a buisness doing all this when I was about 20 have been working it on and off for the last five years and it still by no means makes enough to pay the bills. but my goal is after college to really work at it. - if you want more info on the balloon thing pm me.

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Never saw this when it was originally posted, but dontcha just love when someone comes over here and posts about wantibg to make fast bucks doing candles, and then everyone takes the time to respond, giving advice in a nice but stern way-and the poster vanishes into thin air, never to return again, never saying thanks or kiss my booty etc?? :rolleyes:

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Its weird, every time I see one these posts I just roll my eye's.

Candle making is such a fun thing to do I can see why so many people would want to do it. And then they think.. hell if Illuminations can get 16 bucks for a 3x6 pillar I can too. They really don't think about all that goes into it.

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I started out just wanting to make tarts.....and man, it's been 2 months and LOTS of money (for *simple* little tarts). AND I'm still not happy with them! I'm playing with wickless right now, but haven't gotten around to wicks yet. Eventually I'll try my hand at candles.....but you guys are right, this is alot of work and research. Definitely not a quick money maker.

It does amaze me that people think they can just jump in and sell with little or no testing. Very scary! I have no intention of selling for years to come (eventually, maybe, but not until everything has been proven and tested).

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