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True Confessions of Power Burners

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Some of our most hallowed members have been heard confessing to "POWERBURNING." Scandalous as this is, and I know many of you are shocked to the very core of your being, it's true. :undecided In hopes that others will feel free to unburden themselves, below is a sampling of confessions picked from the threads...

Names have been changed to protect the innocent... or guilty

"6 hours of steady burning is a mild power burner I have been known to leave a candle burning up to 18 hours."

from The Matron Saint of Powerburning.

"So long as I am home and not in bed a candle is burning and in all likelihood, the same one. If that's a power burner, then I am one. I am not a professional chandler, just a witless customer who likes to burn every last bit of wax that she buys."

from the Mouths of Babes...

"I'm a power burner too.

Just for research purposes only."

from a late night Queen of De Nile

"I try to test like the public thinks - set it and forget it, indoors, outdoors, in a draft. I have become a perfectionist about my wicked candles, which means I still don't have too many wicked candles to sell.

Thank goodness for tarts!"

from a Nutty Powerburner whose candles are absolutely wicked


from a Candle-Abuser suffering from selective blindness

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If it's confession time, then yes, hands up guilty as charged.

I committed the ultimate sin last week: got up for work to find one of my candles burning merrily away on the dining table. OMG I did such a double take and nearly had heart failure. I couldn't blow the darn thing out quick enough; it had been going all night, approx 14 hours in total.


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Of course I am a power burner. I test mine that way because I know some of my customers push it to the limit. My cure for power burning is a beautiful palm pillar put in a 3" high dish. I can burn those for 12-15 hours. No problems, no soot, just great smell. Carole

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I too am a power burner:o ...I never trimmed wicks before I started making candles and I dont do it now either. I DO trim to test wicks and scent throw but then the REAL test is how they do power burning. I always include instructions with my candles that say for the BEST performance trim wicks after every 3-4 hours of burning. But my candles do well and jars are mostly clean after power burning.

I have been known to forget to blow out the candle and burn it all night too:tiptoe: . So that is at least 18hr burn.:tongue2:


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Guilty as charged!

10-12 hours easy on the weekends. And just last week I left one burning all night in the living room. I woke up a couple times and could smell it..I just thought, damn that Wildberry Mousse has a terrific lingering scent!!

Got up and saw it had burned all night and about had a stroke. And the melt pool was still only between 1/4-1/2" after 14 hrs.

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Yup -- add this to my LONG list of faults! Rules are for the cautious that never discover how to build a better mousetrap. I turn into a mad scientist when I test additives, heating/pouring temps, wicks ... well let's just say I do a LOT of coloring outside the lines. There really aren't any rules, if you test properly & have at least an ounce of good sense. I've actually tried to make a candle ignite or shatter a container & can tell you it's almost impossible. I've burned a candle from top to bottom for about 26hrs, so I'm pretty confident w/ my wax, additives, fo %, wicks & containers. I'd much rather have a candle used by a powerburner, that the cautious Nelly's that screw up the candle's memory by burning 30 minutes & blowing it out. Then they tell you the candle didn't burn clean or put out enough scent! <grrrrr>


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I don't know if I count as a power burner, But I do have a melt going on my electric melter all the time...

Electric melters are much safer when not home or in bed...LOL...

Here is the one I use...

It has a 20watt heatting plate, and it plugs into the wall.

Similar ones can be found at tartburners.com

an NO IT IS NOT my site. I found it surfing the web one-day...


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I don't know if I count as a power burner, But I do have a melt going on my electric melter all the time...

Electric melters are much safer when not home or in bed...LOL...

Here is the one I use...

It has a 20watt heatting plate, and it plugs into the wall.

Similar ones can be found at tartburners.com

an NO IT IS NOT my site. I found it surfing the web one-day...


Does having an electric warmer on constantly count as a power burner?

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Does having an electric warmer on constantly count as a power burner?
Well, maybe, if you have cats it could get excitin'... or the cord is plugged into an extension cord in the bathroom on a shelf over the tub...:shocked2:

But, ya know, still, I think ya gotta have flames from the get-go... There's just something primal goin' on there that a warmer just doesn't reach... Now if you had a tart warmer with a CANDLE under it, then I think THAT would qualify... Yep, ya gotta have flames.gif


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Power Burning,, the only way to test!!!! LOL. I test my candles for 7 - 10 hours of burning...

I had someone once ask, well what do you do about those who only want to burn a candle for 2 or 3 hours, if you only wick them for slow burning, they will never get a melt pool as they should and they will tunnel.

My response:.. tell them to buy a votive... Grinzzzz..

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Since there are so many here confessing, I guess I should too. I've been known to forget that I have a candle burning on the table after a long night of pouring.... then wake up the next day and come downstairs to find the candle burning... one time just last week, actually- it was a palm votive that had been burning for like 18 hours! One time I came down and said, wow... it smells good... then went back to lay down and said, crap! I bet I didn't blow out that candle!

I do it for research, too.... but that's when I'm planning on being there! :tiptoe:

Sometimes things just come up!:cool2:

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