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Hello all!

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I am new to the world of candlemaking, and I just have to tell you what an invaluable tool this forum has been for me. I just cannot thank you all enough for the countless tips and ideas that you have shared. You have really given me the confidence and knowledge to safely take the plunge. I have read nearly every post and printed enough info. to fill 2 binders! I have been referring back to your posts each time a question arises and , each time, your words have seen me through! I honestly feel like I have learned more from this forum, and the archives, than I have from the books that I have recently read. You are a wonderful group of people and I look forward to the day that I have enough of my own wisdom to chime in now and again!

God Bless,


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A big HOWDY from Alabama,:wave: and welcome to this board. These are the nicest most helpful folks you'll ever known. Any question you need to ask there is always a lot of folks on here that will come to the rescue. I found this board while browsing and I was hooked from day one. Can't wait to see some of your creations. Again welcome.

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Welcome Jessie....what a NICE hello!!!!!

Seems like yesterday I was saying hello. My candles haven't gotten any better ( maybe worse, actually), but I feel like an old timer around here now. I can't give you much information on what TO do, but I am a wealth of information on what NOT to do!

Welcome Welcome Welcome


The Dallas Dean

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Hi and welcome from Italy!

I have not much to teach, I'm here to learn, and I have a great time reading this board then running at home and put everything I can find in a pot.

My cats are looking for another house where they can live in peace and have some free space.


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Well, thank you all for the very warm welcome! I am hoping to get time either today or tomorrow to create my first pillars..... I am so excited that I could scream!!! I went ahead yesterday with my first wax melting experiment and filled a few 9 oz. hexagon jars. I think from now on I'll pour them wickless for testing purposes. But, it was so great after all of this reading and preparation to finally give it a whirl!

And you guys are sooooo right.......... It is addictive!! I feel as though I am turning into some sort of mad scientist and I am loving every minute of it!:yay:

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