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Do you think I have a problem???


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Nah, not at all!! How can you possibly be creative if you don't have an entire counter full of colors?? And having several of one color...well that is just a must! LOL

I am thinking I have an addiction- called MICAS and OXIDES.




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Thanks all!!! I appreciate it.. Leslie was the one that enabled me with all of these micas. LOL I just kept buying and buying and buying. I have a lot of dupes so after V-day , I am heading to Fl for 2 weeks and when I get back, I may go through them more and get rid of some that I have several of.


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Thanks all!!! I appreciate it.. Leslie was the one that enabled me with all of these micas. LOL I just kept buying and buying and buying. I have a lot of dupes so after V-day , I am heading to Fl for 2 weeks and when I get back, I may go through them more and get rid of some that I have several of.


Now you just pack up all those extras and bring them on down to me:grin2: Don't forget that I live a few miles from where you'll be staying. Could you come over and chase the soap gremlins away??

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HEHEHE. And this doesn't include all my liquid colors and Select Shades.. LOL This is just my powders :-) Sometimes I wonder where hubby sleeps because this whole house is nothing but supplies!

LOL! I know EXACTLY what you mean! My husband and I actually moved OUT of the master bedroom (MB) into our extra bedroom because the MB was larger and therefore provided more storage room for my business stuff! That room is overflowing. I've also taken over the linen closet, the upper shelf in my boys closet. Their closet also has a 5 foot bag of packing peanuts in the bottom of it. Better than it's place of honor in the dining room (that's where it sat for the first week!).

I have extra packing boxes in the bottom of my closet. I usually have a few buckets or bottles of oil floating around the kitchen.

And, in about two weeks I'll have over 400 lbs of oils arriving (I'm running a shea & cocoa butter buy, as well as restocking almost all my oils). I'm also trying to place an order for at least 12,000 lip balm tubes, as well as 25 kilos of lip balm flavor oils. And honestly, I'm not sure what else will be coming in. I haven't decided. Can you tell my tax return is coming later this week? :yay:

We'll try to fit everything in, but we've been talking about renting space, as we're tired of the businesses constantly overtaking our home. The biggest question is will it be just storage space, or will it be actual working space.

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