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Your opinions please, immature or helpful to others?

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How many get threats from a particular group of women of “Do this or give me this or I will post blah blah on this message board, Crazy demands or just out right BS because the customer did not get their way and then the group collaborates and trashes your name on the net.

I could go on and on with examples but for those that make candles and have or have yet to be tortured by these women, I have a question. Do you think it would be helpful to have something like merchant911 for candle makers? An email sent to those that want to be made aware of questionable and unethical people (providing you include legitimate proof and email corresponds to prove your case, without the financial info etc.passed to others)

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It's probably a one vision thing, my guess. You know, I'm right therefore you are wrong? I am a consumer extraordinaire and now I want justice for my spending habits? See without knowing just what greenballing efforts they're prompting, it's hard to say. Most are probably looking for a deal and maybe trying to black(green)ball producers/makers etc. into cutting costs for their holy and righteous dollar. You know, kinda like let's go to McDonald's and make some retirement money by spilling coffee on our lap?

At least I am envisioning these individuals to be of this nature. I've had similar people come to shows and do the same thing .. pick a busy tent or booth and starting loading up their arms because even though they didn't see Wal-Mart on your tent, they think you're going to sell them as cheaply and when you won't they get indignant.

It takes all kinds, unfortunately.

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I know people that had dealings with a few members of this elite band of high and mighty whack jobs. The mods over there are just as bad. The members think that they make or break a business. However, some that dealt with them were nice enough to clue me in on there practices so when they order I refund there money and refuse to sell to them. The way I look at it if you spend $20.00 and I end up shelling out $60.00 to make you leave me alone it is just not worth it.

Here’s just one example of the customer service complaint that takes it to the extreme. I know of 3 people that this crazy lady ordered a bunch of stuff from, waited until it shipped and claimed that it was not shipped with in the time specified on the web site.(Which was not true anyway but so what.) So she emailed them and said the only way the business could “redeem” themselves was to allow her to keep the entire order and have ALL of her money refunded or she was going to let everyone know of the horrible customer service she received.

From what I have heard these “ladies” also claim stuff is broken or damaged and refuse to send it back or even have the shipping company pick it up, demand you “make it right to there satisfaction”. Meaning send more stuff for free. If you do it, they get on the board and tell everyone about it, so now they all buy a few things from you and pull the same scam.

If you refuse and stick to your policies, the members or member will not only blast you on there board but travel to additional candle lover chat boards and trash your business. And I am talking trash it to the point it will come up in search engines! Unfortunately every message board has the “we are not responsible for what people post” policy and posters can say whatever they want on their board, right? Freedom of speech and liable is tossed around and the battle is over. But still the damage is done.

So what do you do then? Sue? And if so who? I personally rather avoid people like that all together, but how do you know unless someone warns you or gives you the heads up? It still amazes me that people think that once they buy something they own you and can say or do anything to you and your business because “The customer is always right”.

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I don't sell yet, so I might be missing some factors, but- I would go over your policy with a fine tooth comb and be as explicit as you need to be...state that they are entering into a sales contract....and if something came up with someone of this sort...copy and paste your policy to them... as many times as it takes and this would be your only response to them. It's hard to argue with a contract... and yes they will try but if you can keep out the personal responses they really can't blast you too much. Most people want both sides of the story and if your contract is part of that story, how can the majority of people go against you? Business can be too wishy washy and they look for this. As a consumer... or human, lol... if someone was bit**ing about something i'd say well what's the whole story? They really can't tell theirs with out including your contract and I would have no sympathy for them knowing no one twisted their arm to enter into that contract. If they were to try to exclude your side of it, I would go where they post and chat and I would paste my contract into there and never go back. Sounds like a PIA playing keep up but if you know who they are it shouldn't be too difficult. And I can't imagine there are THAT many that it would be too hard to keep up with. But I know, a few are waaaay too many no matter what. Perhaps a one time meeting with a lawyer to go over your policy would make you feel safer as well. Far as the emails letting people know about these people... it sounds like grounds for a suit against you. Maybe there are legal ways to do this, i'm really unfamiliar with it. But I admit, it would be nice to have a heads up! Maybe in your policy you can state that any correspondence between you and the buyer belongs to you and may potentially be used for 'Public feedback purposes' - meaning good and bad.

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I've had a customer call me with a complaint that the second candle (wickless) she received from me was not as strong as the original. She wanted me to send a replacement, even after I did say that I use the same percentage each time. Giving her the benefit of the doubt, despite my gut feeling I was going to work with this lady. I told her that I needed to check out the "defective" one so I needed her to send it back. She would be reimbursed for shipping and a new one sent out. All she kept saying was "It's all gone." How can a wickless be "all gone." Did she break it, give it away, want another for free or ????? I stuck with my "deal." She never returned it. In fact, she signed up later for my mailing list.....do ya think I added her????

Sometimes you just gotta stick to your guns. Your customer will return despite a few loud mouths.

HTH. Good luck!

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News to me. I can't help but wonder where this is? Whacked indeed.

ANYTIME I hear or "read" someone whining and moaning and complaining about ANYTHING, I ALWAYS consider the source. Most people that complain all the time are just not credible to me. I have a tendency to "listen" more closely to NICE complainers that are not too frequent about it. KWIM?

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IMHO... If you have a quality product and customer service, I don't believe that what a few negative loudmouths on a few BBoards say would harm your business. The "ladies" frequenting those boards know the score and are looking for trouble, not to become a good customer.

From the time you hit kindergarten on, there will be some badmouthing others. How you respond to it shows what kind of person you are (business you run).

Make sure your policies are stated explicitly and stick to them.

Granted, I've never sold much and not been on the receiving end of this group. It's always easier to say what you "should" do or "would" do before you've been put in the position of topic, no matter what it is :undecided

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IMHO... If you have a quality product and customer service, I don't believe that what a few negative loudmouths on a few BBoards say would harm your business. The "ladies" frequenting those boards know the score and are looking for trouble, not to become a good customer.

From the time you hit kindergarten on, there will be some badmouthing others. How you respond to it shows what kind of person you are (business you run).

Make sure your policies are stated explicitly and stick to them.

Granted, I've never sold much and not been on the receiving end of this group. It's always easier to say what you "should" do or "would" do before you've been put in the position of topic, no matter what it is :undecided

Where the heck have you been?

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I know exactly what you are talking about and I've had a one especially nasty customer "threaten" to write a negative review on a message board if I didn't submit to her needs. I stood my ground and referred to my policies and she ended up disappearing. I'm not going into details, but she was "dead wrong" and was just trying to get free candles. I think they will try and push your buttons to see how far they can get (with your merchadise and their money). I say as long as you stick to your policies and do what you are supposed to do then there is not much they can do besides talk. :highfive:

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Considering the amount of people who don't know what you are talking about (who these people are, or where they are from) I would say it is safe to assume they can't do too much damage to your business. If their site is "hidden" on the net, not many others are going to find them, especially if they don't know they exist. Their threats are useless, so they would bad mouth you to their crew--and would you want them as customers anyway?

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Yep, I agree with Di. All these posts that mention these consumer message boards confuse me b/c if I can't locate these message boards when actively searching then how many consumers are actually active members besides this bizarre pack of women?

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Considering the amount of people who don't know what you are talking about (who these people are, or where they are from) I would say it is safe to assume they can't do too much damage to your business. If their site is "hidden" on the net, not many others are going to find them, especially if they don't know they exist. Their threats are useless, so they would bad mouth you to their crew--and would you want them as customers anyway?

Good point, as usual Di.

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First off, we have never been on the receiving end of these whackos either, and we do quite well....:grin2:...however, if ANYONE ever went on another board and tried anything to ruin my business...the first call I'd make would be to my lawyer to see about suing these ppl for defamation of character. As long as you stick to your guns regarding policies and such...you'll have no problem. You can usually tell when someone is looking for a freebie...the right thing for the customer to do would allow YOU to make ammends first...not be demanding and outright rude from the get-go. Of course, if this was only a perfect world............................

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First off, we have never been on the receiving end of these whackos either, and we do quite well....:grin2:...however, if ANYONE ever went on another board and tried anything to ruin my business...the first call I'd make would be to my lawyer to see about suing these ppl for defamation of character. As long as you stick to your guns regarding policies and such...you'll have no problem. You can usually tell when someone is looking for a freebie...the right thing for the customer to do would allow YOU to make ammends first...not be demanding and outright rude from the get-go. Of course, if this was only a perfect world............................

Very well said. What I would like to know is if they are going after their competitors in order to try and ruin the compitition around them? Who are there woen and are they banding together? What board are they on? Maybe if we read some of their posts, we could get a better idea of their tactics.

I have whako customers who try this and that but when I ask for the candle back and they can't produce it, they have no proof, just words and opinions. That's also why I give directions to everyone I sell to. They don't follow the direction, sucks to be them.

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Yeh, why don't you post the board you speak of so we can see how nuts these people are?

Not only is that defamation of character but wouldn't that also be a form of blackmail also?

If I was in this situation with them, I would not care how much these people spouted off to me.

If They are wrong and I'm right They arn't going to get me to give them anything else for free.

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