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Fingers crossed!


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I'm afraid to jinx this, but am excited so will share anyway!

Many of you know I have my pillars on consignment at a Tuscany home furnishings store. My sister works there and has been doing well selling them for me.

Last week a guy came in that makes rustic furniture that he sells to these stores and he loved my candles. He wants to try to sell them to his accounts!

I met with him briefly this morning, gave him 8 sets of pillars plus some jars to take to a furnishings trade show in Vegas. He's going to gauge some interest and see whether or not he could sell these. He has some big accounts and could be really huge for me.

He has no idea if this will work or not, but it's worth a shot to see. My only problem is he'll buy wholesale from me, mark them up to sell to retailers, then the retailers would mark them up. So having that middle man might make them too expensive for any retailers to buy, but you never know!

He also said that if he orders, it will be several HUNDRED sets to start, maybe even a thousand. Holy cow! I need more molds!! ROFL

I'm excited at the possibility, but realize that it most likely won't work. Now it's a wait and see how the trade shows go... :)

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So having that middle man might make them too expensive for any retailers to buy, but you never know!

I wouldn't worry about that too much...unless your candles are costing you outlandish amounts of money to make. Those trade shows attract Interior Designers who buy and then turn around and charge their customers at least double and sometimes triple the money for EVERYTHING. No questions asked. If you can get into an upper eschalon market, the money won't be even the slightest of an issue! The upper crust doesn't bat an eye at paying what appear to us as exhorbitant amounts of money for things that will be displayed in their homes. ESPECIALLY if they believe they have a one of a kind item! Just a fact of life! Good Luck! :)

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Has anyone heard of a store called Z Gallerie? I guess this guy that might wholesale from me, this is one of his accounts. He asked me this morning if my pricing was negotiable, because if Z Gallerie wants my candles, they'll want to buy around 600 sets to start (but they'll want to negotiate the pricing)!

I don't know if I could even make that many, that's 1800 pillars. Oye...

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Sounds like a fantastic but scary opportunity. Didn't I just get an e-mail tha Peaks has a sale on their pillar molds. ;) Sounds like you could be pretty busy this fall. Your Tuscanny pillars look better than anything I saw on that web site.

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