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# of scents for Shows


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As many as you have made up and ready to go. I have a list of "my scents" for my wholesale accounts (which includes all the regular scents and then the seasonal scents are always changing)...but when I do retail shows I take everything I have. Even if it is one you had made up...only have a few and decided you really don't care for the scent.....someone else probably will just love that scent. As long as I have tested it (and it burns great and the throw is great) and then decided I didn't really care for it (smell wise)....but have some of the FO left to pour a few more...I pour them and sell them retail. I even do a sorta "sale" on some of the scents I am not going to carry and call them a discontinued scent.....and mark them down 50 cents or $1.00 or something and usually sell them out....everyone loves a bargain. And that way they also know they aren't available for reorder because they are a closeout type thing. But by then they have tried your candle...love it and want more! :wink2: I have done the discontinued basket for awhile now and it is pretty funny because I actually have customers that get their right away so they get first pick on the discontined basket. They have certain regular scents they buy...but they want first pick on the discontinued! As far as regular scents.......I have about 30-35 and then usually 5-10 seasonal. WOW....I got windy sorry about that!

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For fall/winter shows, I take a lot more bakery scents because that is what tends to sell for me at that time. But I also take a few classic scents that sell year-round for me, such as lilac, lavender, and Love Spell type. I basically bring my whole line with me to shows and markets, or at least most of it.

Since 50 scents can be overwhelming to some shoppers, I separate into categories to make shopping easier. I use smallish risers that hold about 8 different display candles each. So one display riser will feature all my floral scents, one will have the fruity scents, one will have fresh & clean types plus some herbal kinds, and the other two have my bakery scents. That seems to help customers narrow down the choice level.

Good luck!

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Here is where I definately differ in opinion....too many scents means too many choices and many people will not be able to decide and will not buy anything.

For holiday shows offer holiday scents (cinnamon, sugar cookie, etc.) but I limit mine to no more than 20 and usually I take less. Decorate those jars, that is what really sells them as gifts. You need to make your candle stand out, not just a plain jar ... every one has a plain jar. KWIM?

the last show I did I made over 3k so it works for me. (3k profit not gross)

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From what I noticed during the past shows, some people take MUCH longer than others while trying to decide on a scent that they like when there are too many choices. They go back and forth along the table sniffing the candles only to buy one votive!I've lost potential customers who were standing behind them waiting and then walked away. I've had over 25 -30 scents and now I'm considering narrowing them down to make it simpler for the customers. I like the idea of categorizing them by bakery, spicey,floral,etc. Yes it can be overwhelming especially at Christmas. People are going to crowd around your booth so you want to make it quick for them when deciding on scents and purchasing. I would make a list of all of the fragrances that you carry should they ask about them. I guess it all comes down to how spacious your booth is going to be to allow that many scents and people going through. My 2 cents.


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I plan to group my fragrances this year as well. Last year was my first craft fair and although I did well in sales, I didn't categorize my fragrances and it caused some problems. I, too, noticed that people took too long find their favorite fragrance if they had to dig through every one of them to locate the type they liked. People who have to wait to reach your booth because someone else is taking up space sniffing away at every fragrance or rooting to find what they want will eventually give up trying to reach you and walk away.

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We take the top 10 for every show - decided on this a long time ago. When you give customers too many choices, they get confused and usually end up walking away.

And look at it this way - they can always go home and look you up on the internet to get the scent you didn't bring. I actually have little coupons for 10% off when a customer asks for a scent I didn't bring - it gives them a good excuse to look at my website and buy when they get home.

Of course, there are always exceptions - say if you have a holiday show, it wouldn't hurt to have "special scents" just for that show, but make sure it is separate from your regulars.

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