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Used Oil in Soapmaking


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Yes, I've heard of people doing that. I so totally wouldn't.. for one thing, if the oil has been used for cooking, it's shelf life could be reduced by the heating it's already gone through. DOS city. And I know there's sometimes cross over from bio-diesel production, another yuck for me. The savings wouldn't be worth the cleansing time for me.

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Thats really gross IMO. I guess if you are penny inching and using it for yourself, you gotta do what ya gotta do. I often get grossed about when I see some pics online where someon is making soap or lotion etc and their pet is right there, practically sitting in the mix. I can just imagine how many animal hairs get into their products. Stuff like that just grosses me out.

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I agree with Robin 100%. Heating oils causes them to lose freshness and stability. They will become rancid much more quickly. To prevent DOS, you want fresh oils kept in a cool, dark place so they won't oxidize quickly.

If you want to use some used oils for a little batch of soap for PERSONAL use, and this soap would be used up quickly, then fine -- you could go for it. But I'd never sell such soap. The shelf life would definitely be diminished, especially for your less stable oils. It's DOS waiting to happen, and it probably would not take long, especially in a humid climate.

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Not an advocate of making soap with used fat, but want to point something out. Fats and oils are extremely difficult for our water processing/treatment facilities to handle and very bad for groundwater if it's dumped, so finding a way to minimize the amount that gets trashed is a really good idea.

Not to say that soap is the right way, mind you - there are lots of negatives as you have all noted. But still, reduce - reuse - recycle... in whatever way you can! I at least save my bacon drippings to fry my eggs in! It's not much but it's a start!

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You know a year or so ago I did try bacon fat (cleaned, boiled etc) in place of lard in a batch (not to sell). It did turn out. Didn't smell like bacon. Really hard-almost brittle but I never did it again so I really am not sure if it was because of the fat or just a soap fairy trick. I have never seen dos in any of my soaps and I think a bit of this soap is still hanging around here somewhere.


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A friend of mine told me the story of his grandmothers bacon grease soap and asked if my soap was anything like that:laugh2: I recycle just about everything and if I ate bacon and eggs I would sure find a way to reuse the old grease and egg shells. ...people I am sick with it!:laugh2:

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I can definitely see how they did this back in the day... but now... eh, not for me. I hardly fry for goodness sake... and I HATE that my mother leaves grease from frying or what have you on the stove.....:mad: I'll freeze then chuck it in a minute.....

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Ahh yes recycled egg shells. My grandma ( the sweetest person who ever lived, bless her soul) used to dry egg shells then crush them, color with food color and then mix with glitter and mosiac the outside of the old dusting powder boxes ladies used in the 50's & 60's. Then she put a "rose" on top for the handle made out of candy or that bread & elmers glue dough. I thought she was just the craftiest person!!


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Funny this topic came up, I just saw a few nites ago on tv where a guy- I think it was in Canad- converted his car so it runs on used cooking oil. Hows that for recycling?!

I saw that show too!! I think Mythbusteres tried it too.

But back to the subject I have never heard of using used oil. I would be scared of getting a piece of french fry or bacon in my soaps. Crazy~~ I think that I will stick to my new oils..

Thanks for bringing this up because I am sure that people would try it..

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