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Candle Wealth?

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Hi! I am trying to decide where to start with my candle making biz. There is a company called Candle Wealth that has soy wax, fragrance, wicks, colors, etc already tested with one another. This appeals to me so I wouln't have to waste money trying to figure out what works and what doesn't, but I don't know anything about their candles in regards to how they smell, etc. Has anyone ever used their wax and fragrances?

Also, a while ago I had requested some information from someone about Mia Bella Candles and they had sent me several samples. The smell from them are AMAZING (they are already made though, you just sell them) and I'd like to be able to make a comparable candle. Do you think it's possible? Thanks!!!

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Yup, have to agree with Candlesprite...... I've been making candles for about 8 months now, and am still in the process of testing. Making candles is not just about throwing some fragrance and dye into a pot of wax and VOILA, a candle!!!! There is a lot more to making sure your candles burn well, and safely, so that you do not put the public, or yourself, at risk.

So far, I've probably spent close to $1500 on melting pots, waxes, wicks, FO's (which can turn into an addiction), additives, dyes and molds. The list is endless........

Good luck!

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Becky, you could start small to see how you like it. You can get a starter kit for $50. It will have everything you need except for the scale which would be another $30 or so. So with $100 you could start learning and see if this is something you might like doing. Even if you had $1500 to spend, you wouldn't want to buy all the stuff until you know it is what you really want.

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Testing is an ongoing process. I just started in October and I've already spent thousands. I wouldn't consider putting my name on something that I hadn't thoroughly tested to my satisfaction.

Any item you choose to sell, whether it be candles or cookies or furniture is going to require an investment of time and money. There aren't any easy roads to a quality product. Even if someone gives you an exact formulation of wick, wax and scent things such as altitude can effect the outcome. That's why it's always better to do what you love, because the investment will be worth it!:)

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Becky, you could start small to see how you like it. You can get a starter kit for $50. It will have everything you need except for the scale which would be another $30 or so. So with $100 you could start learning and see if this is something you might like doing. Even if you had $1500 to spend, you wouldn't want to buy all the stuff until you know it is what you really want.

I agree completely, I forgot to say that...LOL...Starter kits are the perfect way to check out candle making without spending hundreds all at once.

Just do a search for candlemaking starter kits and you'll find one you like.

Just have fun with it!:D

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I agree completely, I forgot to say that...LOL...Starter kits are the perfect way to check out candle making without spending hundreds all at once.

Just do a search for candlemaking starter kits and you'll find one you like.

Just have fun with it!:D

I forgot to say that too! I meant to suggest buying an inexpensive kit. I started with one from Cierra Candles.:grin2:

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i started with them & yes they are suppose to be experts but what they don't tell you is they are more than helpful if you want to recruit people but if you just want to make candles they will leave you in the dust. I don't even hear from my sponsor anymore cause i told here i want to make candles. besides that, their products are VERY expensive & they never had the good fo in stock. i was able to venture out on my own to find just as good of products for alot less example 50lbs of wax $75.00 & no matter what you get you must test. they didn't tell me that either till i found all my 12oz jelly jars were lousy. so i burn they myself. if you want to make candles by samples of wax also natures garden has some excellent candle kits alot cheaper. hope this helps :D

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Im not with them, but I have been to their site, and their prices are fliping HIGH! You could do alot of testing for alot less. I agree with going with a kit. You can get just as much for so much less by going that way. Just searching around the boards here will give you a pretty good idea of what works (most of the time) and what doesnt. Yeah, everyone will have some different results, but you can at least get a good idea of where to start.



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  • 2 months later...

I think you really should look into Candlewealth, I sent communication a couple of times asking questions and have received answers to those questions. I was sent a zip lock container that had enough soy wax and fragrance to make myself a Great smelling candle!( it comes with instructions and doesn't take that much time to make, I was sent creme brulee fragrance). I am looking at signing up for their candle making kit, I love candle and to have a natural candle that is NOT made out of Parafin is a wonderful thing.

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I think you really should look into Candlewealth, I sent communication a couple of times asking questions and have received answers to those questions. I was sent a zip lock container that had enough soy wax and fragrance to make myself a Great smelling candle!( it comes with instructions and doesn't take that much time to make, I was sent creme brulee fragrance). I am looking at signing up for their candle making kit, I love candle and to have a natural candle that is NOT made out of Parafin is a wonderful thing.

:rolleyes2 :rolleyes2 :rolleyes2

I think you should save your self Lots of Money and try a soy candle kit from a supplier..

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I was sent a zip lock container that had enough soy wax and fragrance to make myself a Great smelling candle!( it comes with instructions and doesn't take that much time to make, I was sent creme brulee fragrance). I am looking at signing up for their candle making kit, I love candle and to have a natural candle that is NOT made out of Parafin is a wonderful thing.

It ain't natural if you have creme brulee fragrance in it ... just thought I would point that out. Afterall that's a naturally made fragrance?

Eeeww paraffin. <Shivers> Get real, please. Do you think they squeeze soywax straight from bean?

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It ain't natural if you have creme brulee fragrance in it ... just thought I would point that out. Afterall that's a naturally made fragrance.

Eeeww paraffin. <Shivers> Get real, please. Do you think they squeeze soywax straight from bean?

Definately agree! I'd probably educate myself a little better before I buy into such claims as the Candlewealth folks love to make!

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I am down to my last maybe 8 pounds of their NV Soy. I am so glad that I got it for free. This stuff is a PITA to get properly wicked for it to burn right, the frosting is atrocious. I have had to add other waxes to it to get a nice smooth top and no frosting. They make it sound so simple just melt, color, scent and pour. Bull Hockey!!! And I do agree their prices are outrageous. I will be glad when the last of this is gone.

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What I have read by everyone on this question is true, and by the way hi I'm new to this sight, I have been making candles for about a year and prefer parraffin IGI 1274 mottling wax, I love the way it looks in the jars, and yes you will spend quite a bit making candles and it will always be a forever testing project, because there is always new products to try. I do really well and love this business, that at the end of the month I will be opening up my own web sight, I order a lot from Peak candles, Bittercreek, Save on Scents and Candle and Supplies and Lone Star Candle Supply, Inc I also use the IGI 1945 for wickless candles, I do know all the big candle companies have there own chemist and as far as I know we will never find out the exact formula they use, but one that I feel is taking the industry by storm is Wick Woods by Virginia Candles, you actually burn wood instead of a wick and it sounds like fire, I do not know if they have an exclusive patent on it as I would love to try it, But if I were you burn you favorite candle and keep making one till it smells as strong. Hope this Helps and sorry for the long winded letter. :)

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