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Venita & Donita 1945


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Here is a short 4" candle with an old photo that I "fixed" and was able to use it yesterday on this very special candle. It is the only one I have of me and my mom when I was a baby. (my sisters have more, but they aren't sharing for some reason) I know she would love this. Donita


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Thanks everyone....I am trying so hard to learn something new. And...NO my sisters aren't afraid I will put photos in wax...they don't even know that I am doing that....but after our mom died a couple of years ago.....not one of my three sisters in Santa Cruz have sent me and my sister here anything that belonged to her or stuff that was ours....not because they are mean...but because they are lazy......I am the only one out of 5 girls that works....it's always been like this......My grandmother sent me the family tree papers because she knew that I would take care of them....I have and I know where they are at this moment....even in my clutter....I know that they are on a shelf on the left hand side in my studio next to the TV......that is where I keep them....I look at them from time to time....I have relatives that fought in the revolutionary war and I hear they go back to just about Columbus....My sisters would have lost these papers......one sister let a man steal my violin when she was living with our mom and she was in the hospital. It was my grandfathers and he willed it to me. I played for a few years when I was young.......it was very special to me and I don't know why it had the name on the inside unless it was real, but it did say Stratavarias(sp)......she also let him steal all of my dad's tools, my mom's tv and a pineapple white crocheted afghan that my Grandma Ava made and a lot of other stuff....see I have stupid sisters....I do not speak to 2 of them....one is even homeless I hear....living under a bridge......she is the baby...She used to help me at craft shows when I was making victorian lampshades....but then she let drugs and alcohol distroy her life. I can't help her. no one can.....they are all amazed at what I do but it is because I WORK.......hee hee hee......moving to a party beach city distroyed my family......I didn't move with them....married a man I wasn't in love with just to move to LA....but it saved my life and I got two wonderful sons out of it and met lots of good friends...and got to hang out at the Playboy Club on Sunset Strip....I have stories to tell....everyone tells me to write a book......I used to work at a courthouse and got involved in a police and sherriff coverup where people were being dropped into the river with cement shoes......I had to be called out of work to have a special meeting with the deputy DA......they were the only ones I could trust with the info that I knew......then that man wanted to have an affair with me...he was married and I was 19.....The DA made me come into his office and look at condoms filled with drugs....that was a no no in 1964......it was sexual harrassment....then there was this traffic court judge that used to pull me down to his lap and say "come and sit on judgey wudgey's lap" ick ick ick.....worked in politics too...republicans and democrats......ick ick ick.....they were all a bunch of creeps.....Took a famous press secretary to the local "no tell motel" for the evening.....he worked for a very famous president.......so at an early age I was disgusted and decided to work for myself and make pretty things....the real world was just too much for me. I did have some nice jobs being a florist, but the rest was just plain STUPID. My father always wanted me to be an art teacher. He really encouraged arts and crafts and music....thank heaven. They would always give me money to go to the hobby store.....I made candles from the time I was 8. When I was 7 I produced a play and made the costumes and sold the tickets for 1 cent for children and 2 cents for adults....got in the paper "Young Thespian Raises $1.13 for the March of Dimes".....my proudest moment. I had fun growing up and experimenting with making things, dancing, drawing etc. Never got really good at anything, but I sure do know a lot of stuff.....I sorta have attention deficit desorder....they didn't know what to call it in junior high, but they were baffeled because I was interested in way too many things. And I talk too much...can you tell???????LOL

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I sorta have attention deficit desorder....they didn't know what to call it in junior high, but they were baffeled because I was interested in way too many things.

lol. I have ADD, too, & it is a blessing & a curse at the same time. I too am attracted to too many things/crafts/interests/etc that it's hard, if not down right impossible, to choose JUST one! That's the curse. The blessing is the ability to "hyperfocus", which allows you to do what you do w/ your flower 'canes. ;) The amazing thing is that you've been making candles since your early years ... so, you've got a lot of follow thru, which is where I fall apart. :(

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