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Wick Stick Ums

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Hello everyone,


I had been previously using the wick stick um Pros from CS and they had been working great. The last few rolls I have gotten have been horrible. They barely stick to the wick tabs let alone the jars. I have spoken to two different people at CS and they keep telling me there is nothing wrong with them and nothing has changed. I stressed that even on the CS web site under reviews there are several people posting issues. My question to you all is who has the strongest wick stickers? I want something that does not come off even if I want them to. 


Thank you,

Karen in MA

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I bought a HIGH HEAT glue gun and HIGH HEAT glue sticks from Michaels and that has been working great. I have poured as hot as 195/190F and the only time a wick came loose when I poured was in a sheet pan I was using to wick test. I did not wipe it down with alcohol first but the 5 other wicks didn't move and sometimes I don't use an excess of glue. I have not used  the wick stick ums or that red cement whatever it is called. I re-use my jars so with the high heat glue they stay in place and I can remove them with a little heat and muscle. 

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I use the Flaming Candle ones, and out of god knows how many I've gone through I've only had 1 bad batch, but they replaced them and everything was fine again.


If you really don't want the wick to move then get the RTV red stuff, it will never come loose.

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I used the high temp glue for a while. After I saw how they can slide around toward the bottom of a container if the candle is not perfectly level I changed to the stickers. Stickers turned out to be faster to apply too, bonus.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey,....skip the cost of wick-stickums and use Yakey's Tackly Wax.  This can be bought at any craft store and the wicks can be easily removed as needed.  My thought is.....''why waste your $ on stickums when you can use something else that works better and cost less??



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You're not the only one. The first roll I bought back in June? July? I forgot worked great.

The last 2 rolls I bought from CS (1000 stickers) have been HORRIBLE. 50% of them unstick within 1 min of applying, and then another 20% of them unstick while I'm pouring the wax...I resorted to using a glue gun instead.


They do have fantastic customer service though and I was able to get my money back.


On 8/28/2020 at 12:00 PM, kfintoni said:

Hello everyone,


I had been previously using the wick stick um Pros from CS and they had been working great. The last few rolls I have gotten have been horrible. They barely stick to the wick tabs let alone the jars. I have spoken to two different people at CS and they keep telling me there is nothing wrong with them and nothing has changed. I stressed that even on the CS web site under reviews there are several people posting issues. My question to you all is who has the strongest wick stickers? I want something that does not come off even if I want them to. 


Thank you,

Karen in MA


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