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What are your oops moments?

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How many of us never learn from our mistakes?? LOL I would love to get some laughs on some of our "Oops" moments

I always always always catch the oven on fire. I use a cookie sheet and put 2 paper towels on them to clean my molds.. That way the wax melts on there and I can throw it away.. Why is it that I always forget that I put it in there.. Usually I remember when hubby says "" Christina, do you smell something burning" or " Christina, why is the kitchen smoking" LOL


That is my famous one!! Do it over and over again..


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Thankfully, not many...

but the other day I was in the middle of several different pillars sets and I thought to myself that I was going to add the wrong scent to the wrong color...I just knew it so was being extra careful.

Wouldn't you know it! I was doing the second layer of a set, already added all the additives and scent then went to add dye. Put teal instead of blue! ACK!! So I made a couple testers in different molds I want to test wicks in...lol

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My kodak moment had to be when i was using my presto pot with the spigot,, opened it up all the way, drained the wax out then the next day filled that baby up, turned it on, but yep you guessed it, forgot to close the damn spout,, 6 pounds of wax ended up on the floor before i went back in to check it... that was a big OOOOPS

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(1.) wax and color in the pot... not enough scent to make it, have to think fast to find another scent that you can make with that color and amount.(2.) Forgot to put scent in the wax.(3.) Sleep til 2pm (like today) and dont get chit done. and thats all i have to say about that... Bruce

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Ruined my first mold by putting it in the oven to clean it, setting the oven too high and melting the solder off of it.

The stupidest and most potentially dangerous was when I turned the Presto pot off ( I thought ), then went out to eat. Came back and found that I'd turned the knob the wrong way and had about #4 of wax cooking at somewhere around 400 degrees.

I do some cooking and I'm used to taping the spoon on the side of the pot, after stirring something, to keep from dripping stuff all over. I've ruined 2 glass thermometers due to that habit, not to mention having to throw out the wax I was working with.

I've left the double boiler on the stove and left the eye on til the thing boiled dry, more than once.

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OH wow.. These stories are something else.. We should write a book about

"What not to do in the Candle Making Process"


To do that, you would have needed to watch me, during the first four months I was doing this. I pretty much made every bonehead mistake you've ever heard of and invented a few new ones.

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dustpuuppy, do tell!


I jumped into this with both feet. Got obsessed with it from jump street. Made all the ussual newbie screw ups in a surprisingly short period of time.

I've left them in the car and had them melt, left them in the fridge and had them crack. Poured them up and only realized after de-molding, that I'd forgotten to add the FO.

Poured too hot, poured too cold, poured too fast and got bubbles. Poured too hot into a plastic mold and watched as it melted.

Made mistakes with additives... too much, not enough.

Dumped a whole bottle of blue dye into a pound of wax, because I had some dyes that driped and some that I used an eye dropper with and forgot that the blue needed the eye dropper, so I turned it up and squeezed...

Forgot to use sealer around the wick holes and had wax just pour out on the counter... more than once.

Mis-measured FOs, wax, additives... etc. In just about every way you can mis-measure anything.

It's a miracle I didn't burn the whole apartment complex down, with the presto pot incident, I mentioned above.

I have to laugh when a newbie comes in and thinks some small mistake is the end of the world. Usually I'm sitting there thinking, "I did that... twice". LOL

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I'm still a newbie, but the worst thing I have ever done was, when I was using my dads presto pot, I cleaned it up real good, so I thought I would make 2 lbs of wax in it, all of a sudden smoke was everywhere, I had to open all the windows and doors because my smoke detector was going off.

If that wasn't bad enough somebody must of called the fire department and I had several fireman in my yard ready to hose my house down. My bf is a fireman, and ran in the house, full gear and looked at me and then looked at the pot. Went outside and said false alarm, Mindy is just making candles.

Everyday, I have to hear about it.

Mindy :embarasse

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I'm still a newbie, but the worst thing I have ever done was, when I was using my dads presto pot, I cleaned it up real good, so I thought I would make 2 lbs of wax in it, all of a sudden smoke was everywhere, I had to open all the windows and doors because my smoke detector was going off.

If that wasn't bad enough somebody must of called the fire department and I had several fireman in my yard ready to hose my house down. My bf is a fireman, and ran in the house, full gear and looked at me and then looked at the pot. Went outside and said false alarm, Mindy is just making candles.

Everyday, I have to hear about it.

Mindy :embarasse

I'm very sure I would never live that one down either....

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Dustpuupy said:

I've left them in the car and had them melt, left them in the fridge and had them crack. Poured them up and only realized after de-molding, that I'd forgotten to add the FO. Yep did this...

Poured too hot, poured too cold, poured too fast and got bubbles. Poured too hot into a plastic mold and watched as it melted. Did this too...

Made mistakes with additives... too much, not enough. And this one...

Dumped a whole bottle of blue dye into a pound of wax, because I had some dyes that driped and some that I used an eye dropper with and forgot that the blue needed the eye dropper, so I turned it up and squeezed... Havent done this one I use the dye chips

Forgot to use sealer around the wick holes and had wax just pour out on the counter... more than once. I've done this 4 times...:shocked2:

Mis-measured FOs, wax, additives... etc. In just about every way you can mis-measure anything. Yep....

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Well let's see.

I've stuck my hand into a pot of wax trying to save a candle that lost its wick while I was dipping it.

I may have finally learned just to let a recently used heat gun go ahead and hit the floor instead of grabbing it by, inevitably, the nozzle.

Ocassionally I add way too much dye.

Mistaking vybar for steric in a late night incident, added 3 T pp of wax.

Melted the solder off a fairly brand new mold while cleaning in the oven.

Most recent would have been cleaning votive cups in the oven and a fire started because I forgot to turn the heat down after making something to eat.

Popping the bases off wick and votive pins trying to either remove them from the mold or straighten them.

Mistaking waxes -- Palm for J223, but then found out the bags were mislabeled by the person I bought it from. (Don't think I've played with containers since then lol)

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I was pouring two different scents of container candles ... Grandma's Kitchen and Cinnamon Buns. I had both FOs weighed and poured out into measuring cups. I got the Grandma's Kitchen mixed in with the wax and was waiting for it to cool down to pour. The phone rang, I got distracted and decided I didn't have time to finish up with the Cinnamon Buns so I would just pour that FO back into the bottle and pour those candles another day. Well, I put the FO into the WRONG bottle. You'd think that Grandma's Kitchen wouldn't smell too bad with Cinnamon Buns mixed in, but it was awful! Then I got the idea I'd just add some other fragrances to it to try to "doctor" it up and create my own scent. Let's just say my creativity does NOT lie in creating new fragrances. I ended up having to throw out an almost full bottle of Grandma's Kitchen!! GRRR!!!!

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the one that I have a brain glitch on is melting the wax, adding the dye and getting ready to add the FO - but guess what I'm out of that particular FO - or don't have enoguth - and its ususally some weird color that you just couldn't use another FO in. My customers know my candles by color and anytime I have changed the colors on them they freak.

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just last night i had a big oops....

while trying to squeeze one drop of teal liquid dye into my jar of aroma beads...it happened...POP!!!!

teal dye sprayed all over my kitchen and me! it took over an hour to clean up and well, the jar of beads is ruined....and my clothes...new tennies...and even after a shower...i still have green spots all over my arms and hands! even found one on my glasses! i bet my son's dr. looks at me oddly when we walk in today!

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this isn't really funny, but I had one of my over sized homemade hurricane molds malfunction, yeah I and the kitchen were covered in 20 lbs. of melted wax. Thank God I was pouring cold. lol

Don't even ask me about cleanup, I still have night-terrors

completely unrelated, I now have a facination with aloe plants and keep a lot of them growing in the windowsills around the house...


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Well, I don't think these were the most disasterous, but definately long term screw ups...

Like.. the first 4 months I made candles, I added UA thinking it was UV in ALL my candles, most of which were preblends. Then... Finally figuring out what I'd been doing and bought some actual UV. Promptly added it at 1tsp pp when it was supposed to be 1/2 tsp per 10 lbs. Did that for 3 months before I noticed...LOL

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Carved candles (like the ones Bruce does) is my goal!

I ordered me 6 star shaped polyurethane molds and I was gonna make me a bunch of core candles before I started to dip and carve. When I poured them they had air bubbles, I tapped on the sides but the air bubbles weren’t coming up fast enough to suit me. So here I go with THE HEAT GUN! Bubbles started flying to the tops and I was so proud until a mold’s bottom melted and fell over. No problem, I cleaned the wax and mold up and propped it up with wick sealer. I was oh so careful not to melt the rest . I poured them, left them by a cracked window so they could cool. Next morning, 5 of the molds were cracked and none of the candles were coming out. I had to melt the wax in the one that wasn’t cracked.

The oops I do most is hold molds with paper towels, heat them with my GUN, wipe out the melted wax, lay that towel down that I wipe with and grab the mold with that hand to sit it down.

A few other oops I have done is:

went wick happy and put 5 wicks in a candle that needed 3

used a 3” wick pin in a 4” mold and had it way off center

poured repours in votives too cool and had the repoured part fall off when I took the wick pin out

My oops for today is running out of glue sticks and not wanting to stop and go get more. I found one that had red dye on it. I cut the red parts off and I have been using about a forth of what I usually use.

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Wow there are a lot of these I can relate too

1. forgetting to add FO

2. dropping my eye glasses in my presto pot (DH got me contacts)

3. Trying to clean my plastic embed molds in the oven ( Hello, plastic melts) need new ones.

4. I am on my second heat gun because when I was using it I accidently set it back onto the counter in my Presto Pot. (DH willnever let me live this down now)

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Breanna's heat gun problem reminded me...

I had laid the heat gun on the floor. At some point I kicked it, either to move it out of the way, ro just tripping over it, I can't remember...

Anyway, when I kicked it, I apparently turned it on. With the TV on, the water in the double boiler boiling, other noise making things... I didn't notice. It was pointed toward the plastic garbage can. Thankfully the can was empty, when it melted.

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