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Volcano Scent for Incense?


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This scent seems to be everywhere, what does it smell like? How good are the sales on stuff scented in this? I'm going to make more oil purchases to test, and I think I'd like to add this to my list for incense and candles. What company has the best Volcano scent that you have tried? Thanks a bunch, in advance for any input.

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18 hours ago, Pam W said:

I'm confused........what is a volcano supposed to smell like?  I can't see that a volcano scent would include any orange scent......but then I've been drinking tonite so maybe I'm outta the loop :-).


The one we saw smelled pretty good. Kind of "fruity"? The store we visited had a lot of candle selections, from soy to the fake flamed ones. We were goofing off that afternoon so we thought we'd drop in and check out their offerings, and possibly pay a later visit to see if the owner might want to buy some of my candles at a later date. She wasn't exactly "friendly", so I did not approach her with the idea. Maybe I will, maybe I won't. 

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Aztec has the best Volcano Capri Blue imo.This scent is very similar to Fruit Slices as runner mentioned .I had to rename to get this scent to move at all.I have called it Citrus Fiesta at times & change it to Citrus Explosion .I find that most scents will sell better if the name is inviting kwim. The original name does not fit the scent at all imo.It is a good scent for citrus lovers .I know Aztec has reformulated this scent .I have not tried it since I still have a half pound in stock .I am thinking the reformulated version is just fine thou. Aztec has some wonderful oils .

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On 4/23/2018 at 10:01 PM, Pam W said:

I'm confused........what is a volcano supposed to smell like?  I can't see that a volcano scent would include any orange scent......but then I've been drinking tonite so maybe I'm outta the loop 🙂.

Orange for the lava maybe lol!

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I have Fruit Slices from Lone Star. I'm thinking it may be too sweet for an incense. Better to use that in a candle and see what happens. Most of my incense customers go for standard scents that they are accustomed to. 

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Seconding the love for Aztec's Volcano, in fact I'm about to order more (and hope I can trust Aztec with the reformulation). I've also had folks tell me CS's Grapefruit and Mangosteen smells like a sweeter version of the Capri Blue candle and that sells well for me.


I personally love it, and at markets it's a scent that is immediately recognized - it's a top seller. I rename it though. 

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