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New western store with new label need critiquing please.


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I just designed a label for new western store for candles which is a western store and had a question if you all could take a look.

Do you think the store name, Sacketts and her logo design is ok in size?   Does it need to be smaller?   I keep looking at it and hope it is ok cause this was a pain to make this label.  I'm thinking it is.   This label is going on the lid of the 8oz tins.   Please everyone, tell me it is...cause I don't want to get back in there and redo....but if I have to I have to.....


This store I went to back in Feb for a presentation for my candles and supposedly I was going to get the order in a week or so....so long story shortened, after a few phone calls and emails for a couple of weeks I never heard from her and it was a 1 1/2 hour drive so I figured that she decided not to get any candles, but it sure would have been a proper thing to at least respond to my phone calls or emails....but nothing.    While I was sitting there doing the presentation her daughter was there and she was telling me how she is making candles and started to ask me questions in regards to candle making so I told her things about candles just like we all discuss here on this forum and even said to go to the forum, that she never heard of .  So I figured this wasn't going to happen and in the back of my mind, I thought .....ah ha...her daughter was going to be making her candles.  She also wanted to supply jars and me make them, actually canning jars....no problem with that I told her but she wasn't going to be able to get them as cheap as what she thought she was going to.  Then just the other day I get this email from her and also a phone call that she wants me to come up with the line like we discussed with 20 to 30 fragrances and design the label....close to 200 candles....ok...no problem...but now she decided to go with all tins of which she sent me a picture of that she could get from Uline...Well long story short, I told her I get those same exact tins from somewhere else and she wouldn't be saving any money by her getting them.  So well, it's a great order and I'm not really complaining cause I need the work....but now everyone is ordering for the holidays and now here comes the mad rush....and now I have to get all these made and delivered right away....dang!  .But it is what it is and people do this at this time of the year...so what else is new?  Just would have been nice to have had a heads up.


Well anyway back to the label....Do you all think it looks ok?  I'm concerned about the name and logo.







Sacketts Finalized.jpg

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Thankyou FB....


Yes Birdcharm, country is part of it.   Her logo on facebook and her business cards look like this except that they are in color and she wanted to go very simple with cream fonts and a black background.   I told her the logo and her name wouldn't show up on a black backgrond.   Here is what I had to work with for her logo.  see her pic.


Goldie, these are silver 8oz tins...just a regular tin.



Sacketts 1.jpg

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Ok, thankyou everyone for critiquing......It's always nicer I think when someone else looks at something to give an unbiased opinion....


No I was asking if the fonts and logo of the name of the shop was too big and should I have minimized it a little more



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IMHO, I think you should make "country" a tad bit smaller and move it a couple hairs closer to the Company name and maybe reduce size of Jasper, Atlanta a little more...


I do like all the same color - looks good!

Edited by gls
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