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Greetings everyone!


I've purchased a few times from JS and have always been satisfied, but does anyone else find it annoying that they only post the positive reviews for their oils on their website?  


I find that other suppliers such as Peak post the negative reviews as well as the positives. I like to take into account the pros and cons from reviewers before I purchase; because unfortunately we can't smell test through the screen! Yet!




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Yes! I have posted several positive and negative reviews on Just Scent but somehow only the positive ones get approved... I've had the same thing happen at Fragrance Buddy if you write a review rather than just click a star rating. Shady practices, but I still order from both. I wish there was a separate website with all FOs in existence that everyone could go on and post/read real reviews!

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1 hour ago, PinkSugar said:

Yes! I have posted several positive and negative reviews on Just Scent but somehow only the positive ones get approved... I've had the same thing happen at Fragrance Buddy if you write a review rather than just click a star rating. Shady practices, but I still order from both. I wish there was a separate website with all FOs in existence that everyone could go on and post/read real reviews!


That would be helpful!


I do love JS, but it I think that their tactic backfires; anytime I see a fragrance (that they rave about in the description) with no reviews I think, "hmm, there's no reviews, there must have been only negative ones that they didn't post!"


In any event, I just ordered a bunch of FO from them, some with no reviews but I'll have to smell for myself!

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On 4/15/2016 at 2:27 PM, jfear said:


That would be helpful!


I do love JS, but it I think that their tactic backfires; anytime I see a fragrance (that they rave about in the description) with no reviews I think, "hmm, there's no reviews, there must have been only negative ones that they didn't post!"


In any event, I just ordered a bunch of FO from them, some with no reviews but I'll have to smell for myself!


I love their selection but I totally agree with you, when there's a lack of reviews on a scent I get suspicious and move along. I read somewhere that people are more likely to buy something with TONS of reviews rather than a few, even if the majority of the reviews are bad... Maybe someday JS will embrace this!


I do like their cotton candy scents, and their Bath & Body Works dupes are good too! The hit or miss ones for me have been their bakery scents. I hope you love all the ones you got!

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yes, very annoying. I agree, i like how peak + cs post all - makes me trust them more...imo :) I've been ordering from Indianna + happy with all that I've chosen

but i noticed theres very few if any reviews + are all only very good ones.... weird . btw .. if anyones looking for a zucchini bread, indiana has an awesome one :)

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On April 17, 2016 at 6:17 PM, PinkSugar said:


I love their selection but I totally agree with you, when there's a lack of reviews on a scent I get suspicious and move along. I read somewhere that people are more likely to buy something with TONS of reviews rather than a few, even if the majority of the reviews are bad... Maybe someday JS will embrace this!


I do like their cotton candy scents, and their Bath & Body Works dupes are good too! The hit or miss ones for me have been their bakery scents. I hope you love all the ones you got!




I've been looking for a great Cotton Candy so I will try theirs for sure!

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When it comes to CP soap I count on 'bad' reviews so I have an idea if a FO discolors or accelerates trace. Since I tend to buy FOs that work both in candles and soap I tend to buy from suppliers that have full reviews about usage rates for different applications plus customer reviews.

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On 4/19/2016 at 3:29 PM, kandlekrazy said:

Maybe we all need to bombard them with emails asking why?????  We do need honesty and come to expect it from our suppliers.


I feel like they think they can get away with these behaviors because we all keep buying their oils regardless... But when we come to rely on their oils we can't just stop purchasing unless we wanted to spend a boatload of time and money trying to find a suitable replacement from a different supplier.. So yes I agree, we need to bombard them with emails demanding why! I'm sure badgering suppliers isn't high on everyone's priority list, but at some point they need to realize how dishonest they're being to their customers, who are the reason they are able to exist in the first place!


So I will email them asking for an explanation, and I've kept track of all my "lost" reviews for ammo.. I'll report back if they reply to me!  If anyone else emails them, keep us updated!

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5 hours ago, PinkSugar said:


I feel like they think they can get away with these behaviors because we all keep buying their oils regardless... But when we come to rely on their oils we can't just stop purchasing unless we wanted to spend a boatload of time and money trying to find a suitable replacement from a different supplier.. So yes I agree, we need to bombard them with emails demanding why! I'm sure badgering suppliers isn't high on everyone's priority list, but at some point they need to realize how dishonest they're being to their customers, who are the reason they are able to exist in the first place!


So I will email them asking for an explanation, and I've kept track of all my "lost" reviews for ammo.. I'll report back if they reply to me!  If anyone else emails them, keep us updated!


Well said! I appreciate your enthusiasm. I shall email them as well and see how they respond.

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Update! So I emailed her on Friday asking about the withholding of negative reviews and overall lack of reviews in general and received a thorough reply about an hour later. In sum, she said it's rare for people to leave reviews because they don't want others to find out where they get their oils. I'm not sure if I buy this or not.. She also said she checked my email address and did not find any reviews associated with it which I know can't be right because I know what I submitted reviews for. She did say that the next time I leave a review I can email her and she will make sure the IT guy gets it or something like that. Sounds like a pain though, I don't think anyone should have to email to confirm their reviews.


So, eh. I'm not calling her a liar because for all I know it could be the truth but I'm taking the response with a grain of salt. All we can do as customers is review as much as we can and make sure our reviews are posted.. They are helpful to everyone and I know I've bought great oils and avoided bad oils due to the reviews... Maybe I'll look into the creation of a separate review website.. I have no idea what that would entail but it might be worth checking out!

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I've read similar things about her before on here. I've personally never had a problem with her except that I left some negative reviews about some of her oils and they were never posted. All of my positive reviews have been posted though. It irritated me when she wouldn't post my negative ones but I never asked her about it because I had already read on here where she does stuff just like what you're saying and I do like quite a few of her oils.


I'm like you, a website with reviews would be great but I wouldn't know how to put one up. There is one called The Scent Review which is part of this forum but it doesn't look like too many post there anymore.

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Im going to be the odd ball here .... i partially believe her, she said people don't want to leave reviews because they don't want others to know where they 

get their oils from... i can really see that being true. I know some sites post your full name state etc... personally, i don't like that. i think they should post 

maybe just your state. With me its more of a privacy issue than anything. I just don't know why your full name is necessary. I guess this comes from my 

years of working for the state ( community mental health services) but i do agree with you that negative reviews should be included, its important to

let others know how the oil performed in candles soap etc. thats just wrong imo to flat out leave the negative one out . plus, I've noticed a trend of

people not leaving a review period ....i guess if there was something wrong they would of contacted you idk ??? btw are there any oils that are must 

haves on there - or ones to avoid ?  

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I don't believe it. There are other suppliers with both negative and positive reviews alike. Look at CS and Peaks. Just a couple of examples of what I am talking about. The excuse 'people don't want to leave reviews because they don't want people to know where they get their oils' is something I think she either made up or believes herself. There are plenty of people who like leaving reviews on suppliers sites who don't have a problem with sharing the info.  She just doesn't want to post the negative ones. That's the plain and simple truth. That is why I am disappointed. Shows she is out of touch with her customers and the reviews are purely selective based on her opinion.

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Candybee your probably right thats she's out of touch with her customers. and that is a shame :( This is why I do like Peak + CS they include all reviews 

good + bad & let the customer decide. I also like how both Peak + CS just include first name . I have left reviews - all good btw on some sites where they

post by first + last name + city /state. I don't know how necessary that is though to include last names ? oh btw ... the orange pekoe tea from Fillmore is 

SO good ooh - smells just like the tea :)

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Yes. This sounds like a lot of excuses to me. They seem to be overly-sensitive to criticism and have a hard time accepting honest reviews without being defensive. Here is a quote from their site:


"When calling or emailing and you are frustrated, mad or upset; take a breath.  Remember, a little kindness goes a long way. We are here to help you and we want to help you.  If everyone could spend a little time on the receiving end of someone who is unhappy or upset, the world would be a much more gracious, patient and humble place. We are not just faceless people behind a computer screen or on a phone line.  We are more than happy to help you with any issue you have, but we are not here to be yelled at or cussed at. If we have made a mistake or you are having problems, we will work it out, but we will not tolerate abuse of any kind."


I don't know about you guys but as a business owner I can't stand reading things like this; it makes me afraid to ask them anything because I'll offend them. We don't need to know this, quality oils and exceptional customer service should speak for itself.


I certainly do not intend to come off criticizing JS, but I was inordinately disappointed with my recent order with them. Some of the oils were just plain bad; even worse after curing and burning. 


So, the amalgam of their defensiveness and mediocre oils has left me with not wanting to purchase from them anymore. 


Sorry JS if I offend you.

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I would think leaving a positive review would give competitors information you don't want to share, not a negative one.  And as someone else mentioned, names would not have to be included in reviews.  


Interesting what it states on their website, jfear.


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7 hours ago, GoldieMN said:

I would think leaving a positive review would give competitors information you don't want to share, not a negative one.  And as someone else mentioned, names would not have to be included in reviews.  


Interesting what it states on their website, jfear.



Excellent point!

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That's what gives me doubt about her explanation, people can always remain anonymous when reviewing or give a fake name or whatever. And like you all said, there are plenty of reviews on other supplier sites so for hers to have very very few seems odd.  I really think I am going to start veering away from Just Scent..If I have to forego Cotton Candy Frosting, so be it! Lol. Plenty of other honest suppliers out there.


jfear, I got a chuckle when I read that on the site! If you have to put a disclaimer on your website asking customers not to be mean, then you must be pissing off a lot of people! LOL.


I was looking up separate fragrance oil review sites and found one called fragranceoilreviews.com but sadly it looks abandoned and doesn't even have a security certificate anymore. I'm going to email the owner and see what's up. The site itself looks really nice and functional so maybe they'd be willing to hand it over to someone else? We'll see!

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`I don't think you should give up on their oils just because one person has problems dealing with the public. JS has a solid reputation and FOs that many people love and buy.


Pink Sugar I would honestly keep buying your cotton candy frosting if it is working for you and you have not had any problems with purchases or service. One person's opinion is one thing but if it doesn't interfere with the service and product you expect then I would just tend to ignore it until it becomes a problem.

Edited by Candybee
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