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FOs and temperature variances


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Here's my story--I went to the county recorder's office today to file my business paperwork.  The lady working there stops me in the hall on the way out and tells me her Mom was a chandler.  The Mom had to go in a nursing home due to a brain tumor.  The lady said all her Mom's candlemaking stuff has been sitting in a barn for a couple of years.  We're talking drums of FO and wax. She wants me to buy the whole lot so her Dad can have his barn storage back  and so her Mom's stuff will go to a good home.  Will the FOs be ruined since they've been exposed to temp changes (extreme Indiana hot/cold)?  Any advice is appreciated   :)

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I'd be leary of anything exposed to extreme hot or cold, especially hot.  Also, if you are just starting your business what would you do with drums of fo?  You have to think about if and where you could store

it if it was good.  You will need to go look and smell and decide if it's worth both the price and the storage room.

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Thanks kandlekrazy.  There is tons of other stuff too like pillar molds, glass containers, roasters, wicks, etc.  I'm just afraid they want to sell the whole lot and won't split it up.  If the FOs are probably gonna be bad then it might not be worth it.

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The only way to know is to smell them. They could be great. Not every supplier warehouse is perfectly climate controlled, so if you have the time, why not?

If they're not good then you've only lost a little time. :) then suggest she put a quick ad on Craigslist.

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Sounds like an exciting trip out to the barn! lol  I  love doing things like that...


I ditto what everyone said......And like everyone said, the oils are what is going to be a hit or miss.


Does this woman have an inventory of what is in the barn and does she have a price of what she is looking for?  Or is she wanting you to give her a price?


Now if that was me I certainly would be very interested in everything but the oils (maybe).......


I would go and see just what she has. Jars, wicks, pour pots, molds, roasters if you can get for a bargain, then I'd defintely get them.  If any waxes, MAKE SURE they are marked on the boxes EXACTLY what style/brand wax is in the box.  If not marked, don't even waste your time.  You have absolutely no way to test a wax without knowing what you will be buying unless you were going to make firestarters.  Being that this woman was a chandler, I'm sure she probably does have them labeled.  Good luck and please come back and post to us how you made out!


Good luck!



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