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Shredding 4625 wax

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This is a hard wax! I use small amounts of it to make batches of 5 clamshells. I spent maybe 2-3 hours shredding a 2 lb chunk by hand on a cheese grater for easier measuring. I'm wondering if there is a technique or even a power tool/machine I could buy that could break it down to at least bits for easier measuring? All tips, tricks, and advice are welcome and appreciated!

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Put a slab in a couple of plastic trashbags, then a pillowcase & drop on cement until it breaks into pieces. I then store broken up wax in a plastic tub. No need for shredding/grating. Pillowcase keeps plastic bags from tearing on sidewalk. If a piece is still too big, it's manageable to cut with a knife, carefully!

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I wrap slabs in a piece of plastic and then put one edge on the cement and I hold the other. Then I whack the center with a hammer and then repeat until I have pieces that fit in my melter. It's harder to break if you lay it flat, but put it up in the air and it breaks a lot easier.

I can't imagine trying to grate it. I would just smack it into pieces and then melt. It's fun to smack it with a hammer!

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Yikes!! I can't imagine grating it either!! I have a super thick plastic bag that I put like half a slab in, and a piece of a 2x4 that I lean one end on, and smack with hammer! Great way to work out frustrations, plus get pieces small enough to throw into presto.

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I had to giggle as I got an image of you wiping your brow grating and grating and grating!

The suggestions you have received are good ones.

I got a wooden cutting board, my own chisel and hammer (the chisel and hammer idea was from someone here but I cannot remember who!) and I chisel nice little half pound to pound size chunks. I can rip through a couple of slabs in a couple of minutes.

Like ChandlerWicks, I also store my chunks of wax in a Rubbermaid container and then just pull out what I need when I need it.

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I alway break mine apart using methods mentioned above, but you have me thinking, MissKasey. I have a salad shooter that is used to shred soap. I wonder if it would work for this wax? Hum, might try it. It sure would be easier to work with if it was shredded up.

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It's much easier to just punch chunks in a Presto Pot and melt it, then measure out on a scale what you need for each clamshell. Much better to measure coming out of the pot melted than going in unmelted. I can't imagine shredding that wax. You'll save a lot of time!

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I tried the hammer and chisel thing too. I broke two chisels and my favorite household hammer that I have owned longer than I've had my husband! I was pretty bummed. Hubby found me a heavy duty hammer at a swap meet and so I use that now. I just chunk it into pieces small enough to melt in my pots. When I'm working with small amounts I melt a large amount and just pour the small amounts off, like others have mentioned.

I have also ripped up a couple of old pillow cases, so I just use the heavy plastic bag now. Then everything gets dumped in a rubbermaid tub. I keep all the hard paraffins I use in different tubs.

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Oh justajesuschick, you had me laughing. I can just imagined how it looked sitting on my couch in my nighty just shredding away, busting a sweat, and wiping my brow. Especially since anyone could have walked in on me and not realized what I was doing if they couldn't see past the arm of the couch! LMAO!

Back to seriousness....when you guys measure after melting, do you just use a large clear glass measuring cup or something? I always wondered how exactly to measure after pouring the wax. I also use 2 different waxes......will this method still work? Maybe one is denser than the other and would not pour out evenly? Maybe I'm just overthinking this...

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I use a blend of two waxes as well. In my system I have two presto pots - I melt the waxes in them (one in each) then I pour into pour pots and weigh. You should be measuring melted wax anyway - a pound of solid paraffin wax makes approx. 20 ounces of liquid.

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I take a hammer straight to it and clobber it into submission...ermmmm...pieces...yeah, that's it...pieces :grin2:

Another hammer head here! Just whack it!

I use a large plastic tub to hold a case of slab wax. As I get to a new slab I just hold up one side and hit it in the center to crack it in half, followed by several whacks to crack the halves into smaller and smaller pieces. Takes less than 30 seconds to hammer time a slab.

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That sounds easy, duh!

Another hammer head here! Just whack it!

I use a large plastic tub to hold a case of slab wax. As I get to a new slab I just hold up one side and hit it in the center to crack it in half, followed by several whacks to crack the halves into smaller and smaller pieces. Takes less than 30 seconds to hammer time a slab.

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I throw mine around! LOL! Or I give it to hubby and he gets at it with a hammer and chisel.

You must be marvellously patient to grate so much! Wowzers! Sometimes even grating enough cheese for tacos gets to me. LOL!

Me too! I only buy grated cheese. About the only time I use my grater these days is to shred soap for laundry detergent.

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