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Unusual email request


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I got this email today (see below). First inclination was that it was spam. But I looked her up and she is a real person at the school. (I starred out the school name, city and her name for her privacy.) What do you think of this? I don't think I'd touch it with a 10 foot pole. If I suggest things for her to do, and she does it and injures herself or some unsuspecting person.?? Is it just me or is this bizarre?

Hello, my name is *********** and I am a senior at ************* high school in **********.

I am interested in making soy candles for my senior project and am in need of a mentor. After looking at your sight online I was very intrigued by how passionate you appeared to be about your work and it spurred me to reach out in hopes that you would be my adviser. This would not require very much time on your part, simply the acknowledgement of our contact and your advisory regarding the process of making the actual candles. I should also mention that I have an aunt who made and distributed candles so she is able to assist me in ordering the correct supplies. (She can not be my mentor because family members are not permitted)

The whole process will take no longer than 2 months and everything can be done through email, web chat, regular mail, phone conversation, or in person meetings. If you are unable to assist I would greatly appreciate it if you could point me in the direction of someone who could. Thank you so much!

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My opinion- I would not go there...at all

Sounds like fishing to me for information, not a senior project- she has a aunt that apparently knows some of the trade...maybe family members are not permitted to mentor but the knowledge of the aunt could be used (if she does indeed have any)and family friend as the mentor

I would simply reply you have too much time and $ invested in your process to give any information regarding it

Edited by moonshine
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I emailed her back that I couldn't help. I suggested she go on internet andfind her own sites and go from there. I didn't even bother giving her supplier info. Also now when I looked at her fb page it looks like she graduated from high school. Plus who does making candles for senior thesis? I agree and think she is fishing for business info.

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Hi Everyone, I just recently joined the forum after repeatedly viewing posts lol. I started my candle journey March 2012 and still working on candles that I am totally satisfied with. I started out with C-3, the most finickiest wax around, if that's a word. I'm married with 3 grown daughter's. My baby girl just graduated high school in June 2013.

I just wanted to add my 2 scents. I agree with Moonshine and most others, sounds like someone is phishing for info but I'm glad you didn't give her anything. It was a dead give away when she said her aunt used to make candles...

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Guest OldGlory

She doesn't want a 'mentor', she wants a teacher...'your advisory' in making the candles'. I put a quick end to people asking me to show them how to make stuff by offering classes for a fee. And I made the fee ridiculously high. (I was selling crystal potpourri and posted a sign that the fee was $2500. and would be one class a week for a period of 8 weeks.) (or something in the realm) Worked like a charm! Nobody asked me again.

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Hello, my name is *********** and I am a senior at ************* high school in **********.

I am interested in making soy candles for my senior project and am in need of a mentor. After looking at your sight online I was very intrigued by how passionate you appeared to be about your work and it spurred me to reach out in hopes that you would be my adviser. This would not require very much time on your part, simply the acknowledgement of our contact and your advisory regarding the process of making the actual candles. I should also mention that I have an aunt who made and distributed candles so she is able to assist me in ordering the correct supplies. (She can not be my mentor because family members are not permitted)

She is boldly asking for you to give her your process of making candles so she can reproduce it. Its right there in bold. some nerve!

I would have written her back telling her how much that 'process' will cost her.... in advance!

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Probably just someone looking to make a quick buck for the holiday season. Figured they could get someone to give them their "secrets" and they wouldn't have to do anything except make them. What I never get is candle making isn't a cheap investment, you have to shell out a lot of money and hope that you get a good ROI.

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I would have told her that google is her friend. She could research herself and find some great communities like this one where she could actually learn and for "her own" process for making candles.

This is so true. I get so frustrated when people ask questions (not on here, but in general) that could be solved by a quick Googling. (Not that candle making can be figured out that way! If only!!!)

People constantly give me credit saying I'm so good at things and I always reply with "Nah, I'm just a good Googler!" LOL

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She doesn't want a 'mentor', she wants a teacher...'your advisory' in making the candles'. I put a quick end to people asking me to show them how to make stuff by offering classes for a fee. And I made the fee ridiculously high. (I was selling crystal potpourri and posted a sign that the fee was $2500. and would be one class a week for a period of 8 weeks.) (or something in the realm) Worked like a charm! Nobody asked me again.

Well, shoot fire, I need to raise my teaching prices!

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