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Copy Cat or not?

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Don't know who this person is but I have had wholesale accounts in NC. I retired from wholesale in January. But have my web site for retail only. Do you think she means she knows what FO I use for all my other tarts? I had another account ask what scents I used and who I buy them from? I have had these questions before but this one ticked me off.

Hi* my name is Amanda and I'm from NC. I am a beginner at tart making and i need to find the little baggies that you package your tarts in. Is there any way you would let me know where to get these baggies and maybe even the foil too. I actually am using vintage molds for mine right now but i like to play with different ones to see what i like best. I love making tarts i think it is just so much fun. The only one that i cant figure out is the desperate housewives is it two that are mixed??

thank you for your help, have a wonderful day and HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!

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I have the same problem. I helped a girl out about the wax, color, etc....and now she follows me like crazy on FB. She's trying to use the same supplies and everything from me. I don't mind helping out but sometimes it's not cool. COPY CAT.

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Am shaking head over here. It does sound a bit strange. OK...it sounds very strange.

Asking that many questions and outright saying the only one she cannot figure out is Desperate Housewives in whether it is two mixed is either a very nervy person or someone playing a game with you...imo.

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Sounds like a newb ignorant to the business world trying to give herself a leg up. 'tis the season after all.

That's one of the reasons I rarely use FO's as-is OOB. Blends are more difficult to copy.

As for the bags, you could offer to sell them to her at a decent mark up. Or not. depending on which nerve that email ignited at the time. When people get too pushy I tend to send them to WSP.

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Sounds like a newb ignorant to the business world trying to give herself a leg up. 'tis the season after all.

That's one of the reasons I rarely use FO's as-is OOB. Blends are more difficult to copy.

As for the bags, you could offer to sell them to her at a decent mark up. Or not. depending on which nerve that email ignited at the time. When people get too pushy I tend to send them to WSP.

OMG to funny :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:

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;) jack, me too !

Seriously though. The hardest thing I've ran across is a good friend of mine from school, wanting to know how I did this and that because she wanted to start her own. Well, I gave her a little info and a ton of advice and pointed her in the directions of some good suppliers.. and of course I pointed her to this board. I wasn't so worried about competition since she was in south Bama and I was in Tn.. my main concern was 1. finding out just how serious she was in making a really GOOD product or just dabbling and 2. To make sure she wasn't one of those that half ass do something, and give the rest of us a bad name.

I honestly think, in our situation , it turned out for the best..but would I just give someone my secrets, uh NAW , not happening. The only one that even remotely knows some of my secret blends is my DS because sometimes he needs to work for me cause of my back.. and even he has to pull out the notebooks.

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Oh how we all change over time. In the beginning I used to spill the beans on everything and be Mr. Helpful... well that time has passed and I understand why some on this board (and others) get the attitude / snarkyness with some people. It's work to do what we all do and to just give that info out... Hell no! Not anymore!

Just like the bags mentioned (or foil too) in the OP. When you think about the time spent in finding some of our supplies in this industry at a decent price and a reliable supplier.. I know I have spend hours upon hours researching for the most minor things and ta hell if I'm just giving that up anymore...

Maybe the wax or the FO's have gotten to my head over the past year and I'm infected with a FO bug or something but this just isn't happening anymore...

Hope you recommended WSP (I LOL'd at that comment as well) and told them to FIND THEM YOUR DAMN SELF! =) <--- Notice, I still said it with a smile tho LOL

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That did take a lot of nerve of that person, she maybe doesn't know better, just an eager beaver newbie. Direct her to this forum, SO many people are helpful and willing to give advice to those that put in the time to research, I know as a hobbyiest (sp), I have appreciated all the advice and comments here. All of you provide a wealth of information/hints as to what works best for them, which I have greatly appreciated. Many people have provided information of the blends they use, wicks they use with certain wax, fo's they use with wax, even wax blends- but you have to put in the time to research. I have learned so much by doing this. I would just tell her "use the craftserver forum, my supplies/scents are proprietory, and I'm sure you'll find what works best for you- good luck!"

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I decided to delete her. I want to sell my company so I'm not giving out any more info. This is an expensive business and I have spent way too much. When I do sell I have to be sure they use the same wax and scents. I have already quit most of my wholesale accounts and a few have tried other companies. Now the "other" companies are asking what FO I use because my customers are complaining. At first I gave a few scent blends but I really don't think others will spend what I do, there is just not enough money in it. Oh well just bitchy today, I have an order to get out and all I want to do is lay around and watch Netflix.

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