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Everything posted by gloworm

  1. Chris, Those all look great. Esp love the Raspberry one. Glo
  2. Backwoods Fragrance & Supply http://www.backwoodsfragrancesupply.com/ Glo;)
  3. Isn't there an old disco one "Burn, Baby Burn"? Glo
  4. Sorry I didn't see your question yesterday CareBear. Glad the coconut is from something else!! I too thought the soap was exceptional from this. Have been using mine for a couple of days even tho it hasn't been a month. It smells sooo good. I have some in a couple of rooms just kind of as an air freshener. Mine didn't discolor-kind of a cream color. Glo
  5. I can ship either way. Used to ship UPS and had complaints about the price so we began shipping USPS to save on shipping. If you would prefer UPS just email us prior to placing the order so we can adjust the shipping price. The site is set up for USPS I believe (my son takes care of this part). Actually UPS also had no flashpoint restrictions which made it easier for me but they did cost quite a bit more. Glo
  6. Care bear, When I tested I used 1 oz pp and it came out very strong in the soap. I used it the other day & loved it. The one small bar makes the bathroom smell good. Glo
  7. Hi there. My son mixes his own 70/30 parasoy blend and used our Backwoods FO. We have never used GL though. Glo
  8. Gosh, THANK YOU, all of you who have made this such a successful sale for us. All of these compliments and my head will be to big to get back in the pouring room tomorrow. You guys are great!! Glo
  9. Oh good- another crossed off my list!! So glad you like them. Glo
  10. Seems like the postman always takes his time to the midwest and south. Like TEXAS right Brat!! I've been tracking everyone and most have been delivered. Some a lot quicker then I would have thought. Hopefully tomorrow!! Glo
  11. Those are soo cute. Very real!! To look at I like the raisons-to eat I would like without please. Glo
  12. We have Pink Sugar at Backwoods and we are in Pa. Our shipping south isn't bad. Maybe someone who has tried it will chime in and let you know what they thought of it. I've never tried Peaks. Glo
  13. Pink Sugar is from Aquolina. Is that what you mean?? Glo
  14. When we test here at home -soap or candles -we use 1 oz pp. Personal preference I guess. I like em strong. Glo
  15. Oriental trading has the dolls. Glo
  16. Well Ang that is just too cute. I love all of your creations! Glo
  17. Actually if you are careful what you do with the "rewards program" clicks it does pay off. You have to be vigilant and cancel them in the alloted amount of days. I did 3 of them the first time I ordered and put them on my calandar and cancelled before the time limit was up. No charges on my CC and 3 ten dollar checks came in the mail. Really made my order a good deal that way! Glo
  18. Everytime I use the oven-even though others swear by it-I have a total disaster. Made the greatest bombs last year for a show and decided to dry them quicker to wrap. Ruined all of them, and had to keep for personal use. CPOP soap volcanos when I try it. No oven for this girl ever again.
  19. You are whipping this with a mixer so the dryflo/cornstarch wont clump, plus it is such a tiny amount. I made this several months ago (I'm thinking 4-5 months at least) and have a bit left-kind of an unplanned test of will it get yuckies or not and it has stayed great. Can't answer the e wax question for sure, but just go for it if it's just for you to try. I sub all the time and always end up with something usable. Glo
  20. Hope ours starts arriving today. I will be interested to see reviews because I thought the exact opposite of our Backwoods version. I thought it was quite sweet with lots of camelized sugar and leaned more away from the masculine scent it is supposed to be. More unisex but leaning toward the feminine IMOH. The anise was more evident in our candles too. Glo
  21. I've never purchased from them but just from reading on here I was going to say everyone loves the Blackberry Jam Cookie one. Glo
  22. Our first bottles went out this morning. Can't wait to see what all you guys think. We are in love with this scent. I have 4 bars of soap in my kitchen and they scent it up so nicely. Did very well in a 70/30 parasoy candle for us too. Glo
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