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Everything posted by gloworm

  1. OK here I am again & my suspicions have been confirmed. It is me who we are discussing. I have finally found the "missing" email, it went to an account I rarely check as it is mainly where my paypal receipts go along with tons of spam from our forum site. I did not receive an email in our "contact us" email account, and silly of me but I guess I didn't realize our customers had access to the "spammy" account. I sincerely apologize for my ignorance. And yes I have discussed this all in detail with those involved via pm & email & phone messages. Just wanted to set the record straight for any who are following this post. I have also contacted my postmaster who is correctly tracking packages for me and has advised me to file a complaint (which I have done) with USPS for the incorrect data displayed on the track & confirm site. My local guy is a peach and I am so thankful for him. I have had to call him so much this last month we are on a first name basis & he has me on speed dial. LOL. As for the long shipping times the only thing I can suggest is that you contact me when you order if you prefer UPS. I believe I have posted before that we started with UPS a year ago and had so many people complain about the high price and request USPS that we changed. Also I believe that I have all of the low flashpoint fragrances noted as parcel post ship only in the description (if I missed any I again apologize). As soon as one goes in the cart I have to automatically downgrade to parcel and on my end of the order I don't actually see if you paid priority or parcel. I basically see a shipping quote & if you have no low FP I send priority, if there is a low FP I send parcel so sometimes someone may pay parcel & get priority shipping. Believe it or not sometime priority can be cheaper now. As I stated I frequently pick up a bit of the postage as confirmation is not calculated in the shipping quote and sometimes it runs a bit over. Not a complaint just a fact. Beginning to wonder if we should just drop all the low FP fragrances but many of them are the best selling ones. Guess that more flammable stuff smells good. LOL. Anyway hope this clears up any confusion. Glo
  2. One of the packages I called my post office about last week was in Pa same as me & was going 2-3 hours north. It took about 10-11 days. I always send my packages out the same day or the next mail day after receiving the order depending on when I get the order and if I can catch the mail run that day or not, once it leaves the suppliers hands it is all up to the post office (or who ever is the shipper) as to the length of time you wait. I have had one package to TX take about 20 days to arrive. I have spoken to other suppliers about this and we all agree it is a problem. As for the email I have to agree that maybe they did not receive it. I answer my emails as promptly as possible. I even answer on the weekends if I am home. I had a question late Saturday night and replied as soon as I opened it, this is just common courtesy to me. Glo
  3. The tracking system for USPS has not been working properly since 6-5-07. I spent all of last Tuesday on the phone with my local postmaster who tried to tell me to use the USPS tracking page and not the click & ship page & I would get the correct info. Did as he said & USPS page is also malfunctioning, called him back and he accessed the page as a postal employee and found corrected info, accessed as a consumer and found the info I kept getting, ie package sent up to 4 days after I had actually sent it (lucky for me there was a way he could find out when I actually sent it and he verified that the tracking site was incorrect), sometimes it states electronic notification of postage printed only, in some cases it says "no info is available on this tracking number please contact seller." Well you can imagine the nightmare this makes for the seller who actually completed the transaction in a timely manner. I had him track many of these packages for me and most had already been delivered but the system is still showing all this incorrect information. And you are correct that since the postal increase many times priority is not much different, as a matter of fact when I pay for delivery confirmation on click & ship I frequently pay a tad more than what is charged for shipping by my calculator. In a few instances parcel post has even cost more than priority lately so some orders you pay priority for actually have to go parcel due to FP and I pick up the difference. Please don't slam me for answering this thread because I am a supplier, just felt that maybe this information might be of interest to some. Glo
  4. Well thought I would google a search to locate a supplier for you and believe me "silicone mold for a penis" search brings up a wealth of info. Such as the "Clone a Willy" kit., and a few others that I decline to post here. LMAO. Glo
  5. Backwoods is gonna be there. Just Mike & I this year. We will deliver any prepaid orders to the convention too. Glo
  6. Cybersix I would halt the freebies real quick if you can tell which ones are from the freebie hunter sites even if they sign for the newsletter. Those things have a way of snowballing and those forums are frequented by people who belong to more than one freebie hunter forum and they may post your offer on other sites and you will be inundated with freebie requests. Believe me you could spend months trying to catch up on the free offers and they will never return & buy from you. Glo
  7. :laugh2: :laugh2: Well that was my Sunday morning chuckle!!! Then I happened to notice a full box of these clips among the mess of my desktop. No idea where they came from but know where I'll be using them!! I use the transparency sheets and they have a tendency to curl after a couple of uses. Great idea!! Glo
  8. Maybe someone from the UK will sell you some of their extras and you could send them a check or something. Glo
  9. Good Heavens am I looking in the right place? I am only seeing 13 people listed and 2 of them are my son & I?? Glo
  10. Thank You, I had a vague idea that it might be something along those lines but wasn't sure. Glo
  11. What is a spider? Seriously not the little eight legger description any one. Glo
  12. You know I have never seen laundry detergent in one of those. What brand sells those? Great idea. Glo
  13. Sheesh, just tell them not to eat the soap and they are fine on the trans fat!! Glo
  14. LOL. Thanks guys but I can't hold a candle to most of you who posted. You all make awesome soaps & you know who you are. Thanks for liking the layering also-that is my sad attempt at colors because I can' swirl to save my soul. Course I just use log molds-never tried a slab. I also have trouble working fast enough to pour at a thin enough trace I think. Can't count either apparently cause I just realized I made seven soaps not six!! The twigs & berries was colored with brick red oxide. Glo
  15. Hey, I am just a Fo Ho disguised as a supplier & you all are my enablers. :laugh2: Each successful sale enables me to add the new batch of testers to our line. I have the next orders awaiting the end of this sale & I think we have some doozies in the works again. Awaiting the arrival of my little pumpkin. He is coming to visit Grandma today. Was a surprise visit, I found out this morning. Wasn't expecting to see him this weekend. Darn gas is too expensive to make the drive every week. Grammie Glo
  16. Here are a few soaps I managed to get done this week. [] First one is Lilac which is a nasty taupe color. The purple oxide definitely did not turn The Color Purple. Smells good though. The second one is Pink Pepperberry, used some TD in the white part and stayed pretty nice, also smells good. The third is Breeze in the Keys with coconut on top, I really like this one, colors are pretty much what I aimed for & smells so nice too. [] Now the first one here is Blackberry Lemonade (Blackberry Patch, & Lemon Tart) and it smells so nice together. The second is Tropical Fusion, maybe smells a little lighter than I would like but we shall see with a cure, still smells nice though, just like my stuff really strong. The third is Cucumber Mint with real cucumber in it. Scooped a little out & didin't color it to make the cream patches in it. This is hubbies favorite. And last is the Twigs & Berries. Man this is one powerful fragrance. You can't miss this soap if you likw woodsy scents. [] Glo
  17. Yay!! I just got in. Let's hope it stays. Glo
  18. Ahhh. I can't get in now either. I was on this morning and shipped some packages so it was working early today. Hope they fix it soon!! Glo
  19. How about Cactus Blossom instead of Cotton Blossom? Saucy Fruit Salsa or Salsa Smoothie? Glo
  20. Absolutely beautiful. Very unique idea. She will love them. Glo
  21. Yes a kitchen utensil tray & it needs lined with freezer paper or mylar or something similar. Glo
  22. What about styrofoam cups? You could even cut the bottoms out to save space. Make a layer of cups covered with cardboard or poster board and layer them in the shipping carton this way. Glo
  23. Ida you can get a very inexpensive log mold at Kmart. The "Martha Mold"-which is Martha Stewarts utensil tray. It has 3 compartments that each make about a 4 lb log (if I'm remembering correctly). Only cost 7-8 dollars. Also for small test batches I've used the crystal light containers (the plastic tubes). Cut the bottom off, tape the lid in place and there you are. With the CP (not HP, haven't used these in HP yet) I've poured I didn't even have to line or spray the crystal light containers. Martha Mold needs lined. CPHP is thick & goopy when you pour so you have to slam the mold on a counter to get the bubbles out and make it flow better into the mold. I saw a post on here just lately where a lady was using an old wooden drawer as her slab mold. Lots of things will work. Last year I made a gardeners soap in a cucumber scent with some corn meal in it for scrubbiness. Roebic is comparable to red devil . When looking for the lye make sure it is 100% lye with no additives, I had read at one time that some drain cleaners have metal shavings in them.. Glo
  24. My CPHP has looked like vaseline at a certain stage-gets to a sticky mashed potato consistancy and is rather translucent. You are brave to try GM on the first try. I still stay away from liquid milks. I prefer the powders. Also I have noticed some GM soaps have an odor that interferes with the FO scents. JMHO, Glo
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