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Everything posted by gloworm

  1. Well it looks good from what I can see. The thumbnail won't enlarge for me:cry2: . Really cute. And you made the mold?? That's the part that has got my interest!!! Glo
  2. Yes I cut them almost an inch thick, just a little shy of that. And I then have an end piece to test too. My batches are 40 oz of oils and I usually have a bit left over for an individual mold or two. I use one 40 oz batch for each cavity. Glo
  3. Schmoopie, The Martha Mold( Martha Stewart utensil organizer at Kmart) is a good loaf mold too. Has 3 loaf "cavities" and makes perfect sized loaves with straight sides. Do have to line it, I use old transparency sheets, but it is only around 7.00 so very economical, I get about 17 bars out of each loaf. HTH, Glo
  4. Interested in how you made the molds. Silicone ?? Glo
  5. Wow all so beautiful. I think the Ocean Mist is perfect. Glo
  6. I could be wrong but I think she wants to use the peanut butter as an ingredient in her soap recipe and she has a strawberry FO for the "jam" portion of her soap recipe. Two different soaps swirled together. My guess would be that the peanut butter would sub for a portion of the oils?? Glo
  7. Black bear season is in early Dec. here in PA. Very legal-as long as you buy a license. Personally I think it stinks too. We see bears but not that often and they rarely cause trouble unless you leave food out or something. I'd rather see them shot with a camera. GLo
  8. Great-hey how can you scent those little guys with it. Perfect for them. Better than Moose scent I would think!! Glo
  9. And I just love mine!! Thanks again Cathy!! Glo
  10. How about Mary's Suds n Wicks?? Or Wicked Suds Glo
  11. My DD who just turned 29 had a "Bun Bun" too. He's quite grubby now but still around. Yours is so cute. She'll love it.
  12. Texas & Jakalax, Now could either of you explain what the differences are between your two Janome machines?? Jak, you got me interested a couple of weeks ago in the 9700 & I actually went to a dealer on Saturday and they had closed early. ARRGGG. I'm mainly looking for one that I would be able to monogram shirts and such but of course would like to do some neat embroidery from time to time also. These machines have some of that already programmed in right?? Or do you have to buy a new "pattern" all the time?? Sorry to hijack your thread here :embarasse Glo
  13. I suppose it is because we are a new FO supplier that came into our business after 911 that we are more aware of the regulations. That and my son majored in Safety Science in college and he knew already that there would be restrictions ( I didn't). We researched extensively when we began and got a whole lot of help from some of the members here on CT. We never gave any thought to NOT following the shipping regs although in the beginning I did have several people angry with me because we wouldn't ship illegally to Canada. Apparently they had gotten FO elsewhere with no problem and were upset that we weren't going to comply. The fines are astronomical and frankly any company who ships illegally is very foolish. One leaking bottle and you could be out some BIG bucks. Hence most of my packages are shipping parcel post. We only have a handful of FO with a lower FP but they are some of our most popular fragrances. You may buy 10 samples and only one is the lower FP but the whole package now goes parcel post. We have a choice here, UPS for faster shipping or parcel post for economical shipping. I shipped UPS in the beginning before we had a handle on the USPS regs and had lots of requests for USPS for economies sake. Now lately the post office has been EXTREMELY slow in delivering some of my packages and I am now getting requests for UPS shipping. UPS is much more lax in their regulations. And once again these regulations are not new-apparently the only new thing is that most suppliers are now deciding to comply with the regs. GLo
  14. Whoa Steph, Your swirls are so cool!!! Mine still stink. Glo
  15. Wow, What a shock. Lots of little guys going out of biz this past year. And here we are littler than most, kind of has me quaking in my boots. Glo
  16. Or just set it on a candle warmer and do as Merideth said instead of firing up the oven for one candle. I wouldn't worry about frosting etc. either while you are learning, plus in our area (also in PA) we have some customers who think frosting is rustic and like it. I for one don't mind, it fits with a country type decor I think. Hardly anyone ever even asks about frosting and if they do I say it's just the nature of a natural soy wax. Glo
  17. That is why I am basically a parcel post shipper too. As someone above said orange doesn't agree with me. Accentuates my rosacea!! Glo PS, I agree these are not new regs just some PO's are starting to be stricter,and I am thinking better safe than sorry so parcel it is unless all FO ordered is the above 200 mark for FP. I'll happily stuff a flat rate box if all the FO meets the 200 degrees, just so happens some of the most popular are below that. Nearly every order has at least one sample below 200.
  18. Wow, so beautiful, and what a unique idea. Did you think them up on your own?? Just love them. Glo
  19. I kind of like them being a bit smaller actually, made the nicest little rounds. I'm just so pleased with how they unmolded. Didn't even have to toss them in the freezer. I actually think I forgot to spray one with Pam and it unmolded fine too so I'm thinking you may be able to skip the spray. Next time I'll do one on purpose to make sure. I'm all for no spray, no liner, and quick easy clean up of plastic and reusable is a bonus. I made a master batch of oils and then measured out just 8-16 oz for testing of new FO's and these were just perfect. Then if one is a flop I don't have loads of icky soap. Glo
  20. Lynn, What about giving them a choice? Just package a couple in fancier packaging and charge accordingly. If they move great if not it's only a few packages you can us in baskets. See how quick your complainers choose cello when it's cheaper for the same amount of potpourri. Don't you love how people love to tell home crafters what they should do but never give a thought to what they buy in the stores? I have people grimace at my prices on electric candles at shows ( and they are cheap, with a pan & I decorate around them. I've even had a few reasonable customers seem surprised that they get all of that included "because the crafter down there has them for the same price but not as nice as these"). Then I was at the mall over Christmas and the candle shop in there gave me their schpeil on their electrics and how they couldn't keep them in stock. They cost 5.00 more than mine!! GRRRR Glo
  21. You are much more than welcome!! Glad they finally got there.:highfive: Connie
  22. I had a rose fragrance oil,my husband had an immediate reaction to. Got a headache and this throat would start to feel tight. Couldn't be near the stuff. Maybe you are allergic. Glo
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