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Everything posted by lmc

  1. I agree...I use CDNs in C3, but the Premier 700 series would be my 2nd choice. They have a nice steady flame, even burn, wick doesnt curl and when you find the right size, theres no sooting.
  2. GC had this fragrance and I loved it...anyone know of a close dupe to this? TIA
  3. Mmm I have my pour temp down for the 16oz canning jars (C3) and rarely get wet spots but it never fails on the 8oz jj. I've tried different pour temps-lower and higher-and every stinkin time I'll get them on every jar...any suggestions? tia
  4. I have a few favorites from them and order my wax from there also. They have great customer service but as mentioned, each fo should be tested in your system. If you live out west you should give Peaks atry as well..hth
  5. I agree with the previous 2 posts...I get very good results with CS and Peaks using C3. There are many factors that affect ST...wax, wick and wick sz, amount of fo used and when, etc...more info and we may be better able to help
  6. Peaks Peppermint Kiss or LS Peppermint Bark...LS's has more of the dk choc scent w/ touch of vanilla and Peaks has more of a peppermint kick to it..hth
  7. Stella, I got a huge sample packet of Premier 700, 800, and 900 series from WickIt..hth
  8. Really nice...love the cake slice!
  9. That co only sells in LARGE qty. but there is a supplier that sells the Premier 700 series..if you like them let me know and I'll look it up. I believe FunFlames mentioned she emailed you-she's been of great help to me!
  10. I started buying soy candles from a mother/daughter team and loved how they smelled and burned and decided to use soy because of that. I experimented with 3different types before choosing the C3...did lots of reading on this forum and user reviews on supplier sites and then my own testing...hth
  11. I briefly used 464 and with an ECO wick you may want to try a 16-18 to start for a 4" hth
  12. Cary, although I've chosen to use CDN'S in C3, I have used LX wicks in CBA and 464 and really liked them...they are available from many suppliers and I like that they don't 'curl'. Many offer sample packs with different sizes...maybe try a LX 24 in 16oz jar-although I'm not familiar with your wax. You can call or email WickIt and they send out a huge sampler assortment and you can request some CDN's...you only pay $5. for shipping..hth
  13. ChrisR is right...fo's and eo's need to be measured by weight not volume because there are heavier and lighter oils. You can buy a decent digital scale at Walmart for $20...hth
  14. Usually by adjusting your pour temp you will be able to eliminate the sink holes. Different size containers generally require different pour temps. I briefly tried 464 and for me, pouring cooler helped alot but many swear by pouring hotter...you have to experiment to find what works for you HTH :smiley2: Oh and a heat gun will smooth that right out
  15. Hi, Stella is right-I use both CBA and C3 and C3 is definetly drier which I do prefer :smiley2: Let us know how you like Fillmore's fo's...I havent tried them yet
  16. LS Butternut Pumpkin in C3-5 day cure...not too happy here either I'll be retesting Peak Amish Harvest this weekend (wicking+ht) and hoping for a much better ht...
  17. They're awesome...I know the amount of time you put into those (my mom carves and wood burns) and I admire (envy) your creative mind
  18. Beautiful! I could never accomplish that lol...
  19. Those look great! CS Hazelnut Coffee is a strong thrower but yours sounds really good
  20. Hi Cary, I use the same jar (mainstay 16oz) and with CBA soy used the HTP 126 and it worked well, try a 105. You can melt it down, either by double boiler or in oven set at 200*, then pour into new tester jar. This may slightly alter ht but sounds like your just testing for wick sizing so you'll be fine. You can find CDN's at Southwestcandlesupply.com or CD's at Lonestar...either will work but the CDN's are specifically for soy HTH :smiley2:
  21. Hi and welcome...from az too I havent found any local suppliers but I've found that, for me, shipping from Lonestar and Peaks are the most reasonable..HTH
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