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Everything posted by franu61

  1. Hi Wicky, Welcome. This is a great place for learning and sharing info. Just have to watch out for the fragrance oil addiction enablers.
  2. I do! They are my closest supplier . I get my wax and most of my fo's from them. Great customer service.
  3. Dunno if its needed. I've got some really OLD fo's that are in the original plastic and they still smell and work fine.
  4. Thanks for the info Tam. I just went with the lowest amount. I can barely afford that. But it feels good knowing I am covered now. Fran
  5. Actually Tam I didn't ask what was covered. I just figured since it was product liability that it would be. (yikes I hope so). I know what u mean about hating to spend the money on ins. But I am glad I found some I can actually afford. One place I got a quote from was gonna charge more than I actually made from my candle biz!
  6. I just signed up w/brower after reading this thread. it is the lowest price I've found and I've been searching for affordable insurance for 2 years. I LOVE this forum! Thanks for asking the question Tam, and thanks to all who shared info.
  7. I have sold warmers in the past with my wax melts. really good sales at xmas time. I like the ones at TCS http://www.thecandlesource.com/
  8. Lovely! I hope you enjoy many hours of crafting in there.
  9. I have a few extra that I am selling on the classies
  10. paper towels from costco are my best friend
  11. Candlesoylutions - closest to me, works in my EL soy, great customer service Natures garden- great selection, reasonable shipping,strong, variety of products (ie aroma beads, fo's, soap etc) Candle Science- good selection, so far all fo's ive tried are good, reasonable shipping
  12. very vanilla :love/love/love (I don't smell butter) Black Cherry :very/ strong/sweet banana nut bread: sweet/ true/ not fakey plumeria: delicious/flowery/good throw lilac: true/ good throw meditterreanean fig: earthy/strong/not sweet
  13. Here goes; . . . I named it my ; "Patchouli Pin" !!! gonna have to get me one a those
  14. I know a lot of people love patchouli..but to me, if it is in anything, that's all I smell.. so any patch mixes smell the same to me, and it is definately in my do not like category. BTW I have now made a Spreadsheet! Thanks for the idea
  15. I don't have a name for you but had to comment. when I saw the title in this post I thought you wanted to rename "laughing my A** off" (LMAO) made me LMAO when I read the rest if the post.
  16. About a year ago a scentsy rep saw that I had soy candles and melts and she told me " I love Scentsy they are made from soy" ? ?? Have they always been paraffin? Do the reps even KNOW, lol
  17. Bringing this thread up. Just wondering if anyone has had any recent dealings with this company.
  18. Thanks for looking into it. I did a search on here and found (wickswares). An old thread with a little info about them came up. I'm very curious to try them out, but I'm TRYING to hold off on ordering more fo's. will keep u posted. Please do let me know what they say about percentages and testing.
  19. http://www.wickswares.com/ Just wondering if you'd tried any of their FO's. Prices are good
  20. I re-name a couple of my "piney" scents and take them to spring & summer shows. "Sleigh ride" becomes "walk in the woods " etc
  21. Candlesoylutions (EL) has Irish cream.
  22. I am in CA too. We are sposed to collect tax for every sale in CA. If your family doesnt live in Ca and u r shipping it to them u don't have to collect tax. Look up state board of equalization for permits.
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