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Everything posted by puma52

  1. Try making wickless in the 8 oz square mason jars or the 12 or 22 oz tureen jars. Not only would they be something different to add to your line, but they would be pretty setting on a warmer.
  2. Hi Brenda! I'm sorry I don't have advice for you since I do not have a melter, BUT I am considering buying a melter. Is yours a water-jacketed melter? Did it ship/arrive safely? Was it packed well? How is their customer service? Are they nice folks to deal with? Do you feel that if you had any problems with it, they would take care of it? Thanks for any info you would like to share, I appreciate it.:smiley2: Juanita
  3. Reading all these posts MAKES me want to make candles....but GRACIOUS ...almost 100 here today...sooooooo no make candles for me for now... I will start in August sometime. Sheesh...it'll be hotter then than now probably....I guess one day this Summer I'll grow a wild hair and just do it! LOVE making the Fall scents!!:smiley2:
  4. Haaaa!!!! Candle Lady how appropriate that I would post right after you!! They were ALSO my FIRST supplier in 2000!! LOVE THEM...LOVE THEIR PRODUCTS!!! My #1 Best-Selling scent for the WHOLE 12 years I have been in business came from them:thumbsup: Even though I have discovered awesome new suppliers/scents through this board...I will ALWAYS be one of their customers until I retire!! Try their scents/products/wicks...you WON'T be disappointed!!:smiley2:
  5. What fun projects Horsescents!!! Thanks for giving us some different and great ideas to use our mason jars for!! Those jars are such great jars to have..so versatile, so many uses!!!
  6. You're welcome KSranch! Last year at Christmas I had several orders from customers (you know one smells it and another smells it and they order..just love it!! ) for the Oakmoss just by itself and they just LOVED the BCN version!! The customers that loved this rich deep scent also loved Patchouli....so all you good folks who have Patchouli loving customers might want to blend the two or offer them Oakmoss....just throwing the idea out there!! KS.... Keep us posted on your adventure into "new territory" with this.....we want to know how all this turns out for ya !!
  7. Those are fantastic!!!! The Vanilla Silk looks divine!!!!
  8. Hee hee great story...those young'ins are so funny when they take what you say so seriously!!
  9. Beautiful soaps!!! I tell ya...there are so many awesomely tallented people here!!!
  10. THAT is beautiful soap!! It has a really neat look to it.....LOVE the line in it ...looks so rich!!!
  11. Wow....THAT is beautiful soap!!! It HAS to smell heavenly!!!
  12. Hi Ksranch! Bittercreek North has a wonderful Oakmoss....NO florals, NO powdery smell..... just deep woods.:smiley2: You would love it!
  13. Good Morning fellow candlemakers and soapmakers and everything else makers! :smiley2: I am making votives in Citronella/Satsuma, coffee mugs in Mocha Cappuccino, pillars in Jamaica Me Crazy and jars in Northwoods. It's going to be hot here today...gettin' out to the "Candle Cave" now. Wishing everyone a wonderful, productive, profitable, relaxing weekend!!
  14. About every type of paraffin candle/item you can imagine...too chicken to try soap!
  15. Everyone's prices have been going up.. the cost to do business is EXTREMELY painful, but in order for our favorite suppliers to stay viable and in business they have to pass their costs on to us **BUT** there is no reason for extreme price raising. I buy several scents from Cajun Candles they have several new scents that have just come out this Spring....Butt Naked, Jamaican Me Crazy, Lick Me All Over, Monkey Farts and others....they are fantastic!! :smiley2: My best-seller for the last 11 years is from Cajun's !!! Love them!!!
  16. WOW!!!! Those are fantastic!!! It's extremely obvious that you would sell out at any venue that you would take these to!!! :smiley2:
  17. That wax looks sooooo creamy!!! Great job!! .....love the fig leaves in the pic too!!!
  18. Why, yes we care and keep the pics coming...love them !!!! When people work so many hours and work so hard to create something...hey.. you've got bragging rights!!!
  19. Beautiful colors Suzy...LOVE THEM !!! :yay:I am always amazed at what all people can do...
  20. Hi! No I don't have any pictures of these in a pool, but they are an awesome size for galvanized tubs or hot tubs or pools....they are quite impressive...one of the people who have bought these off of me said that she put hers in a galvanized tub surrounded by flowers and she said that everyone loves them. Another idea is to surround this candle with other smaller floating candles ...would make for a beautiful evening party/wedding setting. :smiley2:
  21. The pan above (Brioche Mold) is what you are looking for. Several years ago I bought 3 of these from Candle and Supplies, but they no longer carry these pans. They measure 8" across x 3-1/4" deep. In wax weight they will hold 2-1/2 lbs of wax- I triple wick mine w/51's and use 4625 pillar wax......these are HUGE floaters and they will make the impact that you are looking for. I use pillar wax only so that when burning, wax doesn't go flowing into the pool, hot tub, galvanized tub...whatever they are placing these in. I did a search and found these at Pastrychef.com ...they sell these for $14.99 each .... BUT they should last you forever. I sell mine for over $20 each... Hope this helps..:smiley2:
  22. Get thyself to WWW.ONLINELABELS.COM ASAP......you will love their products...quick shipping, tons of different labels in all shapes, types and sizes and the best part is that with your purchase, you get access to a WONDERFUL, AWESOME and EASY label design program which I LOVE!!! I just made my largest purchase yet with them yesterday... love this company!!
  23. Absolutely positively DITTO what Horsescents said!!!! Grapefruit and Mangosteen is AWESOME!!! I just bought it this Spring for the first time and have sold quite a bit of it! Pink Sugar, Caribbean Teakwood and Tall Grass have also been GREAT sellers for me this Spring! As far as Fall scents go...Pumpkin Cheesecake, Caramel Apple, Harvest and Candy Corn ALL from BCS...ALWAYS for years my best-sellers!! I hear ya on the can't wait for Fall to start pouring those scents!! The coolness in the air, the leaves rustling, pumpkins...gosh it truly is a WONDERFUL time of the year!!:smiley2:
  24. It's going to be a Jamaica Me Crazy weekend in my Candle Cave!! 5 pillars, jars and tarts...all in Jamaica Me Crazy....love it!!!!:smiley2: Wishing everyone a wonderful, fun and safe weekend!! God Bless and keep our Nation's Sons and Daughters for their sacrifices for this country! The blood of our men and women in uniform cover the shores of countries all over this earth! They fight for their country and die for their friends!! May we NEVER forget that many of them have paid the ultimate sacrifice!!! FREEDOM ISN'T FREE ....To all Soldiers...THANK YOU!!! PROUDLY flying the Red, White and Blue to honor our Veterans, our Heroes every day !!!
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