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Everything posted by puma52

  1. hee hee....Isn't it SO EXCITING??!!! Big Congratulations and GOOD FOR YOU...and what a nice order!!! You'll get through it just fine and when it's all over you'll think about how hard you worked, how much you accomplished, how wonderful it was that people wanted your product, how much fun it all was and then you'll look at that money sitting in the palm of your hand and just grin.....
  2. Jenny....I would have no fear with using this jar!! I love the look of the square masons. You could make an awesome layered or grungy candle with this jar...tie raffia at the top...could end up being be a best-seller for you!:smiley2:
  3. Those are beautiful!!! Great job!!! I am sure that you will sell many!!!
  4. Lauren....you will LOVE the paraffin....good stuff it is, it is !!! Have fun!!!:smiley2:
  5. I'm not a soap maker, but you folks make some BEAUTIFUL soap!!!!
  6. I will be making some hand-rolled Cinnamon Buns made with the scent of the same name from ICS. I'll be in heaven and it's supposed to be cooler this weekend too....yea!!! Everyone have a wonderful, fun , scentful weekend!!!:smiley2:
  7. Well Faithful, It sounds like you have some pretty good critics there!! You need to keep them around for the orders to come as we want to hear what they think!! hee hee!!! Thank those critics for their opinionated opinions because they count!! Thanks for the reviews!! It is always great to hear what others think before we buy! :smiley2: Have fun playing with all those wonderful scents!! Keep us posted!!
  8. :yay:Oh, those are so gorgeous!!!! Love the designs!!! Beautiful colors!!!
  9. That Fireplace is just kinda a weird smelling scent all by itself...but it is a great blender!!! OH GIRLFRIEND!!!! It would be so much easier to tell you the ones I don't like...which is hardly none..hee hee. Let's see....I love the Cinnamon, Apples & Berries, Banana Nut Bread, Monkey Farts (Fun bubblegum,banana scent), Jamaican Me Crazy (Sold tons of this, this Summer) ,Butt Naked, Apple Strudel, Autumn Spice, Blackberry Sage, Butter Cream Crunch (Rich and Yummy!!), Chocolate Fudge Brownie (OH MY!!) , Bayberry, Cool Citrus Basil, Lick Me All Over (Gracious this is good!!!), Pear Glace, Peppermint (I think the best around), Spiced Orange (Best-Seller for me...they ran out last year..acckkk!!! and got in just in the nick of time for orders) , Strawberry Jam, Vanilla Bourbon (You can actually SMELL the bourbon in this), Vanilla Chai... and I can just keep going on and on...love them....you CANNOT go wrong with these folks!!!!
  10. Who hoo:whoohoo:!!! Give us a review when you get them!!! :smiley2:
  11. You are welcome and good luck. Keep us posted!!
  12. You are welcome!!! Glad to help my buddies!!!
  13. Hey Quiet Girl! I love the larger jars!! I came across a new candle company that had an ad highlighting these larger jars and the hunt was on for me! I did a search online and found them at a candle jar store supplier that sold them per each. Thank goodness my regular supplier now carries them! :smiley2: I use the 51-32-18z wicks in both of these jars, I use 4786 container wax. I sell my 12 oz jar for $13 and the large jar for $22.
  14. I don't mind at all Megandgarr. I actually purchase from 2 places...I buy my Cinnamon Stick and Clove from The Candlemaker Store and just FYI, I have also purchased the Nutmeg from them....awesome scents!! I also love Cajun Candles Cinnamon and use it alot. When making my Cinnamon Stick and Clove Bud I will use .50 Clove, .25 Cinnamon (From Cajun) and .25 Cinnamon Stick (from Candlemaker). I have sold tons of this scent...it is just so wonderful at Christmas time! If I run out of either Cinnamon, I will mix the Clove w/the Cinnamon that I have left...it still smells wonderful! It along with the Spiced Orange (Cajuns) are big sellers for me. :smiley2:
  15. Thanks for being so sweet Dessa!!! I had been debating on telling/giving everyone here the info and I just got so excited about telling everyone...well I hi-jacked your thread without thinking. Once again I'm sorry. But I am so glad that you made that blend....it is an excellent one and extremely popular with my customers that want the spicy Christmas scent!! Let me know what you think!!:smiley2:
  16. Megandgarr: I am so sorry that I highjacked your thread, please accept my apologies!!:embarasse I know better!! Here is one of my best sellers for Fall/Christmas : .50 Cinnamon Stick or Cinnamon and .50 Clove once again, I am so sorry:tiptoe: I'll go behave myself now....
  17. Love the status jars...especially in the new larger 21 oz size ...they are beautiful ...right off hand I know that Aztec and The Jar Store sells them. I sell them without a label on the glass so that the customers can enjoy the candle burning from any angle. Here is a picture of some of mine made up: 21 oz Status Jar
  18. oops ...sorry I reread the original post and realized that you made the major portion of the haunted house out of clay...then added molded pieces??!! Wow....more impressed...great job!!
  19. I have done a blend 50/50 of Cinnamon/Clove and called it Cinnamon Stick and Clove Bud...has been an awesome seller for me. If I was going to try and dupe maybe .35 Cinnamon or Cinnamon Stick, .30 Clove and .35 Nutmeg. I can see why the store loves the scent...such a wonderful blend of 3 awesome homey, spicy scents!!!:smiley2:
  20. Tell her that you don't know where the other supplier gets her scents, but that YOUR scents come from Top of the Line Suppliers and with YOUR awesome candles she will only need 1 wick and her candle will last twice as long!
  21. Hey Leisa, Hmmm....I use only one zinc wick too for that jar. I think I would really try to talk them out of it because it really is designed for 1 wick (maybe the person who made it did their own thing), BUT if I were even going to think about doing a dble wick I would use the 44's. Curious to see other people's opinion on this too!:smiley2:
  22. Hey There Megandgarr, Cajun Candles has a wonderful Autumn Spice! It's an excellent warm, spicy scent perfect for Fall! I love it!! :smiley2:
  23. Local....people HAVE to touch, smell, see what they are getting.
  24. THAT is so cool!!!! You made your own templates??!!! I am amazed at the tallent here!!!
  25. Ok guys....I am throwing this out there just in case you all have never seen because when I discovered this about 4 years ago, it literally BLEW my socks off!!! Do a search of yankee mixology......tons of ideas for blends/names.....have fun!!! They also have these papers in their stores, so it is not a secret. Of course, creating YOUR OWN name for these blends would be good. This is where I have gotten a lot of my scent blend ideas from. I have also taken these blend ideas AND ADDED OTHER SCENTS to them to create an EVEN BETTER SCENT!! So folks, GETS THOSE CREATIVE JUICES FLOWING AND MAKE TONS OF MONEY!!!! Here is just one - http://www.dreamsnrainbows.com/ynkmix.htm
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