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Everything posted by Wessex

  1. OK, now that the Holiday rush is passing I am finally testing some FO's that I did not have time to get around to earlier. Just put CS Baby Powder in Palm. CT and HT are really strong! So anyway, wanted to give some as gifts, but just don't like the name. I am horrible at renaming things! So any suggestions? Thanks All. Steve
  2. That's about the same color I get with liquid dye (I have not tried adding more to get a deeper red, tho). When I use dye chips (from CS, but they are probably all the same), in the color of cinnamon or cranberry red I get a much deeper red (without using more than 2 chips per pound). HTH, Steve
  3. It's on prebuy now at MW. I like it also, but since I have not yet received my Merlin's Forest from the last prebuy and the prebuy before that was cancelled, I am goint to pass. Shame, tho, it is a great FO. Steve
  4. I like Hawaiian Breeze from Lonestar. I've also tried the one from CS, but like the LS one better. Not too perfumey IMO. Cheers, Steve
  5. OK, here is my opinion as a consumer: white label - best look on that type of jar, maybe a little taller so you won't have as much glass showing. clear label - doesn't really work with container or wax (I like a clear label on palm wax to show the pattern). silver label - a little too "upscale" for this type of jar (would be good on Metro or Status jars). Maybe try a light kraft label? I do like the actual label design, very nice. Now my opinion as a business owner: Which is cheaper, LOL! Overall very nicely done. HTH, Steve OK, just went back to look again, the silver label is actually a nice look, but again maybe taller. But still think you might try a light kraft label (unless that is too "country" for your liking)
  6. All the starburst I have ever used had the yellowish colour when liquid (from candlescience and Candles and Supplies). And even when using a decent amount of dye it does yield the softer (almost pastel) "pink" red. I personally like the lighter shade of red. Would probably take alot of dye to get a deeper red. HTH, Steve
  7. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5492 Here is a list of suppliers and abbreviations. Must have! Cheers, Steve
  8. Good job on the votives. Just a heads up on wicking, I have found the CSN7 works better on some Feather votives (Apple Jack gave me an 11 hour burn with CSN9, 14 hour with CSN7). I have found that some scents definately last longer and throw well with the CSN7 wicks. Good thing about the 6 inch CS wicks is that you can wick two votives with each wick (using an extra wick tab). Cheers, Steve
  9. I've been getting mine from Aztec. So far it is the cheapest for me. Cheers, Steve
  10. I've spent way too much time and money testing Palm to give it up. As far as CS dropping it for environmental reasons...I still think it was a smokescreen, given the problems with their last supply (just an uninformed opinion). All waxes have trade offs with environmental issues, you will never get a perfect environmental solution. I think some of the palm oil problems are being blown out of proportion, just like "bad" paraffin and "processed" soy. You can't please everyone. So, no, I am not going to go away from palm wax anytime soon. Cheers, Steve
  11. http://www.shuruaat.com/ This place has soapstone warmers. The prices have recently gone up it seems, not as good a deal as they used to be. Never ordered from them, but keep meaning to try some out. Cheers, Steve
  12. I prefer the cheap route myself. I use craft (popsickle) sticks with holes drilled through them. After attaching the wick to the base of the jar, I put the wick through the hole, put a little pressure on the stick to bend it inward a bit, bend the wick and paper clip it to the stick. Nice and taut. Since I warm my jars, when the come out of the oven, I have a second chance to pull them tight before I pour, if needed. Works great, but is a little tedious when pouring lots of jars. Cheers, Steve
  13. I use 6% in most of my containers with great results. A couple of stronger FO's I have gone a bit lower (never as low as 3%), and a few I have gone to about 8% with no problems. Never had a problem with any FO's bleeding, and think GG could handle loads of 10% if it had to, though never tried it. So I think 6% is a good FO load in the GG (and the pillar palms). 3% might be a bit low for a good throw, but this is just a guess. Cheers, Steve
  14. like these? http://www.candlescience.com/equipment/wick-stickums-small/
  15. I've pulled a wick once or twice to help dial in, but it does add an extra step. I still have to test the candle at least twice more (with newly poured candles) to make sure, plus the ever fun power burn. Pulling wicks can be helpful to a certain extent, but it should not be counted as a test burn. Of course you cannot burn it too far down as the wick is not attached to the tab, so you have to be vigiliant. Cheers, Steve
  16. CS says they have no plans to pull the CSN wick line. Why would they, still a very popular wick and they probably do alot of business with them. But if you want to reinvent the wheel, go for it. You might want to try the CDN line of wicks, also. They are made to take the acidic waxes. Steve
  17. With starburst palm, I usually use the CSN 14. Like Candybee said, search starburst to get to Top and Stella's post on the subject. Also good stuff if you search feather. Palm pillars will never burn like paraffin, totally different wax. Cheers, Steve
  18. I can't be much help on the type of wick, as I use palm wax. But as far as the Whisper 102 (12 oz) jar, I have never been able to get a correct burn with a single wick. I have been double wicking this jar and gotten very nice results. Again, I am using palm, no C3, but your best bet might be to double wick with whatever type of wick you decide to go use. Hope this helps a little. Cheers, Steve
  19. Just my personal opinion here. If I was looking at buying something from X Organics, and then found out it is not an organic product, I would be irritated enough to not buy. It would seem like they were trying to misrepresent their products. I know that is not what you are trying to do, like I said just my own opinion. What about having that name and also another, similiar name for the products that are not organic? Especially if you are going to eventually sell candles, as the only organic wax I have ever seen is a beeswax (and that is rare due to the rules for bees). Like I said, personal opinion. Steve
  20. Welcome to your new addiction, Amy. Hope all goes well with your candles and welcome to the board. Cheers, Steve
  21. I love the BS you see some people claiming for their products. I've seen one person claiming their palm wax is 100% organic. Never seen organic palm wax, so I'm doubting that one. Also how palm wax is sustainable because the plants are grown on islands! What?!? Can't quite figure that one out. What do islands have to do with anything? Just want to call them out on the BS, but better to just walk away... Cheers, Steve
  22. Not a big fan of double wicking myself. But with some FO's I had to do it with the 12 oz Status and 12 oz Whispers, so figured I would just branch out into the larger apothecaries. Just don't know which one is better, or if it just personal opinion. Looks like I will just have to break down and order several different styles and sizes. Worried about the deeper ones, if the flame will struggle so far down in a jar. Cheers, Steve
  23. One thing to keep in mind...don't throw a glass candle. It could break and glass would go everywhere...big mess. Throw a candle tin instead! And don't forget to follow through, don't want to injure your throwing arm. Cheers, Steve
  24. Definately bring as much as you can pack. Always better to have too much than to run out and miss making a few bucks. Also, this is a no-brainer, but sometimes overlooked in the rush...bring plenty of small bills and coins to make change! Also, never hurts to inquire of the customer if they want to pay with smaller bills at checkout. Some people seem to go for larger bills in their wallet when the have a boatload of ones and fives. Running out of change can be a bummer when you are busy. HTH Steve
  25. I was delivering some candles to a wholesale account today (finally tested out Apple Harvest, yay) and had a customer at the store approach me about unscented pillars. I have been so consumed with all the fall/holiday scents that I totally forgot that some people want unscented holiday colored candles!!! She ended up ordering six 6 1/2 inch pillars in red (cranberry) and green (hunter). How did I overlook the unscented line!! Just found this funny. Got to slow down and think ahead sometimes, LOL. Off I go to get some pillars made... Cheers, Steve
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