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Everything posted by wvcandleguy

  1. I get most of my jars from TVG...... I think that is the name anyway. I am at work right now, so when I get home this evening, I will double check and post an email address or phone number.... I think they are in NY, and shipping to WV is not bad at all.. thats why I use them....
  2. Bravo had good points in shipping. You can also use the packing peanuts. Those work really well to keep things from moving around. You can just recycle the peanuts you get in your shippments or you can get big bags of em at most office supply stores like Staples. Just thougth I would add that to the topic
  3. try this... I think it works http://www.harborfreight.com/cpi/ctaf/displayitem.taf?Itemnumber=43475
  4. I definately would include a note or brochure with the scents you have tested and a price. Also make sure you include your phone number or email address. This way if she really likes your candles she can contact you direct. Or if you are comfortable with the idea, let your friend make contacts for you, and let her continue to get her candles free or at cost.... this way its a win win for both of you.... Just my 2 cents.
  5. They look good.. you definately have been busy. :smiley2:
  6. I have just started making pillars, and I started out with 3 x 3.75 seamless molds, and also bought some 3 x 9.75 molds, which I cut 2 of them down to 6.5... the 3 x 3.75 molds are really easy to use IMHO. As for wax, I use OK6228. It has worked well for me so far... makes excellent rustic pillars, and cakes really easy too... just thought I would put my 2 cents worth in
  7. :wave::wave:WELCOME!!! Nice of you to come out of the shadows. Definately post some pics of your candles, etc. And yes, it means you have to learn that digital camera:bliss:
  8. I agree with ya on that one, and being ont he east coast, I would be more than willin to travel for something like that.... and you have an awsome site and candles...
  9. wanted to post some pics of my first attempts at a rustic pillar and a cake pillar. The cake is supposed to be a light burgandy, scented Sun Ripened Raspberry. The yellow one is a rustic pillar scented Spiced Orange Gumdrop. The pic didnt come out like I wanted as I am havin problems with my digital camera... so anyway, here it is....
  10. I gotta agree, you do need some filler in there. Maybe put in a votive holder , and those types of baskets are easy to use shirink wrap bags on. Otherwise they look great
  11. I currenly use too many of the FO's to list, but my best sellars are Hot Orange Danish, Smoke Eliminator, Orange Clove, Apple Jack Peel, Fresh Linen. I also like their Dragon's Blood FO.
  12. Howdy from WV. That small of a jar, plus the FO you used wont have much of a throw. Angel Wings is a light FO. You may want to try more FO. I would also suggest using a stronger FO to test...maybe something like Black Cherry, or something strong like that. Also, smelly jellies wont in general have alot of throw, but do work fantastic in small rooms or offices... anyway, welcome from one fellow WV'ian to another
  13. thanx for that tip.. at this point im up for trying anything to get this to work...
  14. Ok, here is my delima. I am trying to get this pillar thing down, and im running into a snag. First off, I am using OK6228, only using 1 oz pp, and minimal liquid dye. I did make a mistake and poured this one too hot, so I remelted them and did a repour. First pour was at 175, and second pour was at 185. Can anyone give me an idea of whats causing the blisters? On my second attempt, one came our perfect, but the other had the same type of blistering. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated. Dont know why the pic came out so big, but you can see the whitish blister. Also, forgot to add that I did heat up my molds with my heat gun, but may not have gotten it warm enuff.
  15. try www.firstandmain.com . They sell plush just for dipping.... HTH:smiley2:
  16. Hello and welcome!! I have used both Soy(blend) and parafin. Both have their headaches and qualities. I would suggest buying a kit to start out with. Also, you need to be careful using other things for tart molds, as you dont want to make them too big, and your burner over flows, lol (lesson learned QUICKLY). I would suggest along with the others who have posted to go ahead and look for a kit first. They give you everything you need to start and its a good place to see if its something you want to do.... Anyway, WELCOME and enjoy your newest addiction
  17. Presto pots all the way... except on big orders then I have a 22qt electric roaster, but it takes FOREVER .. currently I have 3 presto pots, and getting ready to add 3 more
  18. I pour around 180-185... it may have something to do with the wick pins. I still use the screw and sealer set up... let me know how it turns out...
  19. I use the same wax for my pillars, but I am still learning, and I only make the 3 x 3 pillars. So far, I have not had any major air holes. (knock wood). What temp are you pouring them? And as far as I know, you can remelt them several times....
  20. I never thought about an electric knife. If you cut slow, you should be able to use that.. just try to stay as close to center line as you can... sorry I couldnt be of more help
  21. if you have access to either a table saw or band saw, you can cut it that way. You can also use a handsaw if you can get it stable enuff to cut.. just a few ideas
  22. no laffing here.. they look good for your first attempts. Only suggestions I can offer are you need to level them a little, and maybe not so much foam on the beer mugs. Otherwise you did a good job.. nice coloring too santa cool
  23. Enzyte works better....... so I have heard
  24. those are very nicely done.... just have 1 question... how tall are those?!?!?! They look HUGE.. I like em tho. good coloring:D
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