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Everything posted by debratant

  1. I have the same thing that KandleKrazy has. I'm in the market for a new one though, as mine is kinda worn out and nasty looking from our hard water. I have this one in my Amazon wish list. The one you ended up ordering will be great too! https://www.amazon.com/InterDesign-Bathroom-Constant-Tension-Conditioner/dp/B003OBY5FI/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1491780518&sr=8-11&keywords=shower%2Brack%2Bcorner&th=1
  2. Ok, so I did it today. I wet my finger, rubbed it on the soap and touched that to my tongue. Nothing, tasted like soap. I have never had a lye heavy batch to my knowledge, but the batch I made that turned to mashed potatoes 2 weeks ago was a bit damp for a day....but since has dried out, so I assume it was the fragrance oil leaching out. But just wanted to be sure. That batch was strange because it turned to mashed potatoes before I put the fragrance in. I'm sure it was because my soaping kitchen was so cold, in hindsight.
  3. So, I have been soaping for a long while now, about 8 years I guess? Anyway.... I do not not not like doing this. To the point that I just don't until at least 4 weeks or more. I have never felt a zap when I have been brave enough to do it....thank goodness. But, the last batch I made, I just feel I should stick my tongue on there sooner and test it and I can't do it!!!!! Let me explain by saying that I tend to attract static electricity. In the winter I spend more time trying to avoid touching metal, because darn it....I get zapped everytime! All day at work, going to our big metal file cabinets, I kinda do a tap with the elbow first, before I touch it with my hand. Everytime, zap. Static electricity hurts, I don't like it, I don't find it funny at all! LOL You might even say, I have a fear of it now, because I've had some real doozies haha. Anyway...knowingly sticking the tip of my tongue on my soap and maybe feeling a zap? Ummm...can't do it. Everyone says it feels like when you stick your tongue on a battery, ummmm, what does that feel like because I just don't do that, so I do not know! I think I did it as a kid for some oddball reason, but I can't remember at 48 what the heck that felt like. So I do have some PH test strips....and those seem to work, but they cost money and for free I could just use my tongue if I could just put on my big girl panties and do it.... Sooooo what exactly does it feel like? Tingly? Zap like a static electricity zap? Or like you were electrocuted (my mind thinks that one) lol
  4. I can't wait either! Those sparkly confetti's are going to be so pretty!!! Edited to add, I love glycerin rivers, so I'm curious to see if you get them.
  5. I try to bevel, because my husband likes them beveled because as Pheonix says, the feel in the hand. But I personally could care less appearance wise.
  6. Goodness, thank Goodness! I thought I picked April!!! I am so glad I picked May! LOL. I did a soap over the weekend thinking I had April. Well, seems the soap fairies visited me again and it was a total disaster! Was planning a technique pour, but it turned into a hot mess and a spoon and plop and glob into the mold. I think I was soaping way too cool....my batter thickened up to mash potatoes before I even added fragrance or my colors! Anyway....I panicked today thinking I need to get something done by tomorrow latest so it's ready for April! On a positive note, that glop and plop didn't turn out too bad looking on the inside. The top is fugly
  7. I started with MP, then quickly moved on to CP after seeing all the cool techniques. You can do a lot with MP, but you can do more with CP. The process itself is just fascinating....mixing oil, water/lye to get soap? It really never occurred to me that lye mixed with oils makes soap. Seriously. I never thought about it, I just bought soap from the store, never realized it, never cared! I just love it...it's just fun!
  8. OMG I'm LOL. It is weird...and kinda creepy lol
  9. I would give it a try! If you do please show pics!
  10. OMG I LOVE it too!!!! I think the thicker trace as candy mentioned in my tutorial, makes a very cool loaf of soap! I like yours better then the one I did LOLOL
  11. I can't wait to see it! I love the top!
  12. This is the prettiest omh soap I have seen! I'm going to be trying this too, I've never soaped with goat milk or honey! And your photo taking skills are epic lol...just saying!
  13. 2017 January Jcandleattic (Liquid soap) February Candybee (OMH w/Aloe soap) March Debratant April May Debratant June Candybee (Summer Acne Soap) July August September October November December 2018 January February March I will do May again, probably another technique tutorial
  14. Thanks everyone! It's smelling so good! In a day or two I'm going to check the lather.
  15. For this months soap of the month I had to abandon my original idea of trying to pipe soap. I don't think I am the person for that tutorial anyway, as I myself, have not piped soap yet. It has been on my bucket list, and I have the piping kit, I did a test run and I need way more practice. So with that said, I decided just to try a technique. I chose the Clyde Slide, from soap creator Clyde Yoshida of Vibrant Soaps. I always check out the Great Cakes Soap Challenge Club, though I myself have not felt confident enough to join in yet. That too is on my bucket list. This is my first Clyde slide....so if I can do it, anyone can. I decided to use a high lard recipe. 1 because I like lard soaps, and 2 because I was hoping the high lard would slow down my trace. I am using Tassi Lavender from Soapalooza for this soap. Here is my recipe: 2 lb batch, I left the default values in soap calc for lye concentration and superfat, which is 5% Lard 50% Olive Oil 25% Coconut Oil 20% Castor Oil 5% I used Beer as my liquid....just what I had laying around, Miller Lite....this was left out for several days to go flat...but you can boil the night before if you want to. Beer 344.73 Grams Lye 127.14 Grams I mixed my lye into my beer....it will turn brownish....this is normal. I think it also stinks, but it goes away quickly. While that is cooling down in my ice water bath....I melt my oils. While the oils are cooling down, I get my colors ready, weigh out my fragrance and all that jazz. For these colors I am using: Mad Oils Grape Nehi, Twilight, and my black oxide. I will also use TD. I did not get a picture of my colors mixed. So sorry. Things started to move on me. I thought this was a thin trace, in fact, I got too happy with the stick blender because I almost thought I had false trace. I got the colors mixed, but they started to get thicker than I wanted for this technique. So I got a fresh clean bowl, and started pouring the colors down the side of the bowl, alternating colors as I went until I used them all....saving a bit for the top. As you can see, things got thick LOL. It looked SO COOL going into the mold...I wished I had been able to get a pic of it....but I just couldn't. Here is a pic of me trying to get a pouring pic.....I had to stop because I needed both hands at this point. I got it in the mold and plopped the rest of my batter on top Out came the bamboo skewer I was not sure what to expect when I unmolded the next day. I was hoping it was going to be good, but because it got so thick, I didn't have high hopes at all. Imagine my surprise when I took it out. The sides: SO COOOOOOL The Bottom: LOVE LOVE LOVE how this looks I decided to cut this log in 2 ways....regular cut bars....and then a few I cut length wise....to see if the pattern is different. It is. I'm SO happy with how this turned out. And it smells SO good. This was my first time trying the Tassi Lavender and I love the scent. The bar on the left is cut the traditional way....the one on the right was cut length wise. I hope those of you who haven't tried this will give it a go. Sure is fun! I just unmolded this yesterday, so unfortunately I don't have a bubblage picture for you. I can't wait for this to be ready to use.
  16. I might have to change mine for March. No way I am going to be piping anything for a tut. My test run was a fail. I will be doing something else. Still soap, but I will focus on a technique....swirled, layered, etc.
  17. I just soaped Soapalooza's Hawaiian Sandalwood tonight. I had absolutely no ricing or separation on my batch at all. Actually was slow tracing and I poured it into the mold at a very thin trace. I soaped around 110-120 or so, heavy lard recipe, no colorant, used beer for the liquid. I was expecting issues, after reading your post, but I didn't have any. I just got the oil today LOL. I had to soap it immediately as my husband is waiting for his coconut soap ha.
  18. I have always read that Candle Cocoons Red Banana was Awesome, but I never tried. I like all of her oils though that I did order. I still have to order that Hawaiian Sandalwood from Soapalooza....it's on my list to get because my husband loves coconut scented soap and I've not found one that works.
  19. I'm wondering if we should have this be open to more than soap? What about lotion or scrubs, bath bombs etc??? Just trying to get ideas to get more peoples involved! We could call it....Product of the Month or some such? I will be doing March...though not sure the piping I planned is going to work out. I may have to come up with a plan B. I intended to make a test run, and just haven't had the time. I will think of something LOL
  20. I love Ann Watson's books. Here is her milk soaping book https://www.amazon.com/Milk-Soapmaking-Making-Buttermilk-Coconut-ebook/dp/B01N0DQAFF/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1486689993&sr=8-1-fkmr0&keywords=ann+watson+milk+soap+in
  21. I signed up for March. My plan is to pipe some icing on soap. I have not done this and it's been on my bucket list. I have some new piping tips so this will motivate me to do it! Hope it's not a fail!
  22. 2016 March Candybee April Chefmom May sherry June Candybee July Chefmom August puma52 September Jcandleattic October sherry November debratant December debratant 2017 January Jcandleattic February Candybee March Debratant April May June
  23. He actually likes it, and I do too! Next time though I will not add any other scent to it. I will just let the pine tar be pine tar. It has mellowed and it's actually a great bar!
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