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Everything posted by debratant

  1. I would try both too. I would also incorporate that cute paw print on the tin, on the glass jar if you can. Maybe make the paw print band and put your round label on top to help hold it in place. If that makes sense?
  2. I would be happy to help you out. I've not found much time to make my own candles, due to my new job, so I would love to help ya. I enjoy testing LOL.
  3. have you checked a sams or cosco? I bought a big thing from sams club once.
  4. ooh, it's so pretty! sucks when the brightness fades don't it? but, it will still be pretty. polish it up with a bit of panty hose to make it shiny! oh, after it hardens awhile.
  5. Mine had a pretty good throw for the 3 hours I burned it. Not as strong as mine tho. It looks like an htp wick to me. Are these a soy blend? My cooled pool has what looks like pitting in it. Almost looks like some soy that I've worked with.
  6. Thanks Chandler I wanted it simple and ONE color...black! Sometimes I'll kick it up a notch and color the scent name to match the wax color LOL. The section of town where I live is called the old village...it's mostly pine trees, hence the name.
  7. Thanks! Here is the link to their site Horse http://www.avery.com/avery/en_us/Templates-%26-Software/Software/Avery-Design--Print-Online.htm?int_id=templatesandsoftware-adpo# I don't always use it, I kinda bounce between publisher and my scrapbook factory deluxe cd for stuff. I am pretty sure you can design right online with this one.
  8. Adam, I print up my own labels, hang tags too. You don't have to spend money on custom printed. Alot of us make our own. Avery has a free label design tool...called design pro that you can download and use for free. It's a great free designer. You just have to buy your own labels. I use 2x4" labels for most of my jars. I hang tag the 8 oz masons and my pillars. Here is my hang tag for my reed diffusors. Took my personal info off...and this is only the front, but you get the idea. I buy the avery business cards for these, but you could certainly use card stock, I do that too for different colors. It's a bit blurry on here, but it's because I converted it to a jpeg file.
  9. I just picked one up today. After reading about it here, I had to try it. I will be lighting it up in a bit. I'll let you know if I get a good throw. The CT is strong. It reminds me of another FO I have, but can't put my finger on which one. I will have to figure out which scent I have that smells similiar.
  10. I'm not going to bust your stones for trying to get up and running in a months time Adam...I think that's been taken care of already LOL...and rightly too. I have been making candles/soap for geesh...since 2007 I guess and I am still not confident enough to sell. Sure, I do give as gifts but I've spent lots and lots of time reading, testing. If you don't have the attention span to read and learn, then this is not the hobby/business for you. It costs ALOT of money. I'm talking ALOT! I can't even give you a figure on what I've spent. I don't know that I will ever get back what I have put into this. It really sucks to lose a job. The economy really blows out there. Candlemaking is not a get rich quick scheme. And I am sure you are aware of this now. I did peak at your candles that you posted on your site. You need to put a lot more effort into your labels. They were crooked and to be quite honest, if I saw them at a craft show, I would likely pass on by. I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm just being honest. You will find there is competition at craft shows. You need to present the VERY best product you can...and this includes your whole presentation. Stick around here and read the forums. This will be the best thing you could do.
  11. I have a case of 4625 wax and a case of 1343 wax, both from Peaks and they were shipped with just slabs in the box. My box was fine, unopened, undamaged, but maybe a bit rumpled. Some of the slabs were broke, but that's ok, saves me the trouble of breaking them with my hammer LOL. Anyway, yes, there is some cardboard on the itty bits of wax, which I expected. I just wipe it off. I would rather pay less for the wax than to have them charge me to repackage. But that's just me. I'm a hobbiest and it's expensive enough. I think in your case UPS is responsible for the terrible condition of your box. They obviously manhandled that thing. My 4627 from Peaks comes in the 25 lb block and is wrapped in that heavy heavy plastic bag. I'm not saying you shouldn't have brought it to their attention, but it really is out of their hands as far as cases go. That is why it's cheaper. Ya kinda get what you pay for sometimes.
  12. o oh...i ordered that one too...with several others. my package is on the way.
  13. Scented, did you get a good salsa note? I smell alot of saltiness in it. I love salsa, just not this smell lol.
  14. I think you will find a use for it in blending. I can barely use a blender, let alone try my hand at blending fo's I can't wait to give it a whiff again tomorrow morning, just to refresh my memory.
  15. I have a 4 or 8 oz bottle of the chipotle salsa. I took a whif out of the bottle and I do not like it at all. You are welcome to it, seriously...free to good home LOL. PM me if you want it
  16. Does anyone have any idea if there is a dupe out there for this wonderful limited edition scent? Office manager had it out yesterday and I could smell it at my desk. It's such a GREAT scent. So unisex...would make a great soap! The description says essential oil of lemongrass and cardamom. I can't even get a bottle to see if I can try to make it myself. Well, I can, but on amazon it's going for $50 bucks a bottle:drool:
  17. Here ya go classic...here's my experience with them. Will I still use them? Only for personal use now...and under close scrutinty. I now have aluminum cups. That incident scared the crap out of me, so would never ever sell them or burn them unattended. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?100309-plastic-tea-light-catches-fire&highlight
  18. Hi Deb, does farmhouse have a storefront to check out? I'm about 20 minutes from there, but never thought to go there as she doesn't have my wax. Would use those salsa jars and her scents though. I work in woodstown now, so would love to check it out after work one day if she has hours.
  19. Right now all of my fo's are next door in our empty rental in the kitchen cabinets. We live in a duplex...and our unit has been empty for 2 years this month. The lazy susan is full...plus 3 upper cabinets. It's a cluster F*&^! There is no rhyme or reason...they are just thrown in there in no order! LOL. But then again...I'm not in business, so I guess I don't need to be that organized . I have NO idea what I will do with all of it should we finish the unit (we are updating and have been for two years, we move slow). I have no place to put it over here! Going to have to rent the damn thing soon, as I got my real estate license and hubby wants me to find a good tenant. I may be listing some stuff in the classies! So...don't follow what I do, I suck at organizing anything anymore! We have out grown this house...so therein lies the problem.
  20. Peggy, I don't think Scented meant it that way at all. I think she was just pondering....hmmm maybe it is your post count that is preventing you from accessing that forum because you have been here over a year 1/2. In some of the forums you have to be a member for so long, but sometimes post count prevents you from posting too. So I think she meant that hmmm...as pondering the why's of why you couldn't post. If that makes sense LOL. Anyhow, I really should update my email with some of these suppliers since I don't get newletters anymore . I need to order more fragrance like I need another hole in my head Deb
  21. Is this a pic of the candle freshly poured? Because it looks like gel wax to me from this picture. It sure looks clear if it's paraffin or soy wax lol.
  22. Just got a slab to try out. Since it seems to be similiar to 1343, would it be safe to say that the wicking would be similiar as well? I plan to start out with my htp wicks but do have quite a selection of all the wicks if something else works better. Is there a series of wicks that anyone has found is better with the mottling container wax? TIA Deb
  23. When you get right down to it...half the crap we eat is gross LOL. I love eggs...and love my milk, drink a glass of WHOLE milk every night with my dinner, but what nut did decide to start eating half this crap? Take crabs...who's hair brained idea was that to eat that ugly thing? But boy they sure are good! (even though they are bottom feeders who have likely chomped on a body or six, this is jersey after all LMAO) I'm not offended by the breast milk thing. I actually don't find it that icky. Some of us drank it at one point...now that's ickier than washing with it LOL ;)
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