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Everything posted by debratant

  1. BTA...you go right ahead and comment...I welcome ALL replies. I'm like you...I read alot about all of the types of candle soapmaking whether I do it or not. I obviously haven't read much on mottling container waxes...since I woke up this morning again to two unmottled jars I don't have polyboost ks, I never needed anything to promote mottling in my pillar wax. Lizzy....yep...I'm going to give up on this wax, somethings not right. I think I am going to try the 2530H from Candlewic that Steve in PA has recommended in the past. They are an hour from me, so will give it a try.
  2. Thanks Jeanie...you should see the tops...all sunken in...and I put sprinkles in them..so guess i will be burning those for me when there is no company around. Didn't realize they would shrink up that much LOL. Bernadette...I repoured 2 tonight using a different fo...Santa's Spruce from Bramble Berry and I poured them cool at 150. Hope it makes a difference. If this doesn't work I guess I will give Peaks a call and get some advise on what to do.
  3. Not sure what I did wrong. This is IGI 2281 mottling container wax from Peaks. 15oz of wax, 1 oz fo, Iced Cranberry and The Sugar cookie from Only Fragrance before he disappeared. No other additives. Heated to 190, added dye...added fo at 185, then poured. I didn't heat my jars and I cooled them on the stove uncovered. Should I try adding stearic? Mineral Oil? I poured these after midnite last night...thinking I would get up this morning to wonderful mottled containers was disappointed since I poured 4 of them lol. Any ideas?
  4. beaubien...your melts are stunning!!! Great job! I burned the autumn sunset one and the pine one. They were pretty strong...but gave me a headache. I had to shut them off, but I'm also using the 40 watt bulb in my burner. I like the pine. I don't know why I got such a headache from it. I ended up only burning for 2 hours..so will try again tomorrow.
  5. I'll let you know what I think tomorrow. I didn't see a sugar cookie, or I would have tried that one. It's a favorite scent of mine. I have the BH&G warmer too...LOVE it! It's a cute warmer and does a great job with my melts.
  6. So, I sat a booth for Century 21, with a co-worker, in the town our office is located today. Sentsy gal was there. She was located kinda caddy corner to our table. Am I even spelling Sentsy right? Is it Scentsy? No matter Anyway...They do have the cutest warmers. I admit it...I was smitten with a few of them. While sitting there at our table, minding my own business being bored *who wants to come to the real estate table?* Her husband came over and started asking us if we ever thought of giving out scentsy to our customers at settlement. He was going on and on about how his wife got his sister doing it...and she gives to all her customers now and has quite a following. I ended up cutting him off, in a nice way and said that I did love their warmers...then I pointed to the century 21 large soup mug that I had a pumpkin cornbread candle poured in and burning....and said that I make candles and soap . I can't believe he did not smell my candle burning. It's a 3 wicker and it had a great throw! Think I scared him away. I decided an hour later to go over and check them out. I could literally smell my candle over at their table...but I could not smell any of their stuff that was burning. Not one single bit! She had a bunch of burners lit up and going...but nada...nothing. I decided to pick up 3 of their "bricks". Just as a comparison. I really had to dig thru her basket to find anything I liked. It took me a long time LOL. I ended up getting: oats and honey festival of trees autumn sunset Cold throw...not all that impressed. They all smell like oils I have, that are way better. I'm going to try them in a burner tomorrow. I just have to see what the fuss is about. They were really trying to convince me to purchase for settlement gifts. Kind of a little pushy actually, but guess that's expected. I'm not much of a "sales person". I don't/won't talk anyone into buying a thing lol. I will do whatever I can to "help" a person if they wish to buy...but I certainly don't push things FOR them to buy if that makes sense. I did drool over a few burners in the catalog. I really like the outdoorsy moose burner. But I just couldn't bring myself to buy from them.
  7. Thanks! I didn't realize the superfat was 10, I left it on 5 on soap calc. I wish I had babassu. I have to place an order for some oils so will pick some up.
  8. I've been making soap for so long, but have never made a high OO soap. I did alot of reading and know it has to cure forever. This is what I plugged into soap calc and the results. Is this OK? Oh, goodness...the chart is messed up LOL 33% lye solution water 8.81 oz lye 4.3 oz OO...23.04 oz lard 2.56 oz CO 4.8 oz castor 1.6 oz Hardness 29 - 54 27 Cleansing 12 - 22 10 Conditioning 44 - 69 70 Bubbly 14 - 46 15 Creamy 16 - 48 22 Iodine 41 - 70 72 INS 136 - 165 130
  9. I placed my order today. Got my wasabi, the oatmeal stout, pumkin lager, santa's spruce and I think that is it. I'm sorry I missed your recommendation se...I would have tried that coconut. I would love a sample if you don't mind. I will pm you, thanks! Thanks everyone for your recommendations! I almost broke down and got the Salty Mariner, but I'm afraid to order it due to the seizing it can do in soap. I have daystars Salty Sailor, so figure they are similiar ?
  10. I think it stings the eyes a bit more too...also tastes nastier when it gets in your mouth. I had a soap that I thought might have been too harsh on my private parts but it must have cured out because I haven't noticed it again. I can't even remember what fo it was or the recipe. I've got so many bars in the bathroom, it's insane lol.
  11. chrisstine you can also use this site...be sure to read it thoroghly...I NEVER make a batch without it. http://soapcalc.net/calc/SoapCalcWP.asp
  12. I need to order a bottle of Wasabi, special request from my aunt, and figure I should pick up a few more scents while I'm at it. No point in ordering just 1 bottle LOL. I haven't ordered from them in at least 2 years or more...any recommendations on what's good? I'm flexible on scents...so any type that works good in wax and soap would be helpful.
  13. BTA....start on this site, it's a directory of direct sales companies. Some of the popular ones I've seen are willow house, tastefully simple, arbonne, twenty one, pampered chef. Find local reps in your area for these companies and tell them what you want to do. They love home parties. Our local winery does it and it's always a good crowd. The ladies shop and drink wine and there are always snacks and of course, the tastefully simple girl always has sample goodies LOL. Tons of fun! http://www.internetbasedmoms.com/direct-sales/
  14. You will enjoy this. I've been to a few at our local winery. She has these events several times a year. I'm a miche' bag ho. She usually has about 10 other ladies there including tastefully simple, miche, a girl who does clothes called rack and roll, she has jewerly gals, all sorts of stuff. It's fun...and I always buy too! Have a GREAT time!
  15. This is what you have to look forward to Ivy! LOL...It's a sickness, it really is...and I'm just a hobbyist too!!!! And, there is no rhyme or reason to my organizational skills. They are all just in the kitchen cabinets in our empty rental LOL. God forbid if we ever decide to rent the place...I won't know where to put my oils.
  16. Hey Creeper, Welcome!!! LOL Hi Ivy, I creep around here alot, just reading, the occassional post here and there. So much to read, that I sometimes forget to post. Welcome to your new addiction.
  17. Sorry about your impending divorce Joe (my husband is a joe ) but I had to LOL...I'm a metal head too..or maybe it's hard grunge rock, not sure. I'm a HUGE Godsmack fan! And Sevendust...love me some Sevendust too! I love loud angry music!
  18. I can't say I'm not surprised. I could read it in his posts. He was going to do this...end of story. He doesn't want to take the time to read and research...and from my experience with people like that...they will go ahead and do what they want no matter how you try to talk to them otherwise. He is going to get rich quick...and nothing we say will change his mind. He's going to be the next Yankme...just you all wait and see I saw his candles...I can't imagine anyone buying them if he goes ahead as is...I wouldn't look twice at them personally. Should like his page to keep tabs lol...but I don't want him to think he actually has people waiting for these unsafe, untested things LOL.
  19. Girl, you need to use that crisco to fry chicken! Of course, this comes from Minny in The Help (which I just watched again)...and it IS lip smacking good LOL! Best fried chicken ever! I saw the post on FB, I like their stuff lol.
  20. Thats an awesome pillar! Love the colors!
  21. Here ya go Pixie http://www.chicagopapertube.com/Designer/Natural/natgal.html
  22. This almost looks like grocery bag to me. Or brown craft paper with some type of mod podge to make it stiff? Or cardboard even? It's quite cute!
  23. What's your name? Debbie How old are you? 43 Where do you live? in South Jersey right across river from the philly airport How long have you been making candles/soap/whatever? Since 07 I think? How did you get started making candles/soap/whatever? I got hurt at my previous job...went a year with no pay, started getting a wee bit depressed and having some anxiety...My family doctor said I needed a hobby to take my mind off of the stress of my injury. I went for a massage and she used essential oils. It relaxed me so much that I started thinking maybe I should be smelling these all the time LOL...so started making melt and pour soap. That progressed to CP soap, then to candles...and now my FO addiction Are you married? Any kids? Yes, been married for 12 years...but together 24 years. No kids but a yellow lab named Primo. If candle making isn't your primary job, what do you do? I put myself thru real estate school last fall..and am now doing that full time. Anything else we should know? -I am originally from michigan, moved to NJ in 1987 after I graduated high school -I'm an outdoor girl. Love to fish, hunt and target shoot...but can't do much of that with my bum arms. -I'm a history channel, discovery channel, travel channel junkie.
  24. Now I have to run downstairs and smell it LOL. My husband is the firearms instructor and the police department armorer, I've smelled that smell a million times, but never paid attention to it. Off I go to the basement! What a strange scent request LOL.
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