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Everything posted by debratant

  1. I ordered 2 lbs too...so hopefully it's close I have never smelled VS Rapture, or Goddess for that matter LOL
  2. I love Lychel's oils! Super strong I think, and you need to use less than typical. Follow her percentage instructions. Shipping has always been top notch from her. I also really love her flutter dyes! I don't know that I have ever seen an unfavorable review of her oils, come to think of it. Sultry Angel is one of my favorites
  3. I wonder when this will be shipping out? I'm getting excited LOL.
  4. So the mail lady said she didn't put the mail on top of your car, with the package...and you said your hubby was still outside doing stuff in his work truck when you got home. Are you sure he didn't grab the mail and set it on top of your car and is just not owning up to it now? Sorry...not accusing him...but that's what my hubby would do LOL. As a former mail carrier myself...I find it ODD that a carrier would put a package and your mail on top of a car and just leave it there. Not saying some carriers don't do that stuff, but why not just bag it and set it on the porch? I always carried bags...always...and used them often on rainy days for packages. Never did I leave mail outside of the box though...never! Plus, if I had a leaky smelly package...you can bet your patootie that thing would have been bagged. FO or not....driving around with some perfumey stuff wouldn't have cut it for me in those days.
  5. Megan...I added your blog to my favorites! Your so creative! It was your counters that have inspired me. I love the color you went with. I think I should "rethink" my sample granite. My husband says it looks like camo....girl at work thought it was a picture of land from google earth LOLOL. I thought it looked ok...wth? haha. I did buy some glitter...just didn't paint that on my sample.
  6. The instructions do say to use the glaze, even on the chocolate color. I've read that it gives it more of a wood look. I haven't started it yet. I'm hoping to get started this weekend. I can't wait to try it out! I will post before and after pics!
  7. Wow...that's horrible! I would talk to your mail lady and tell her what happened. She is going to be mortified too I bet. But also didn't the person that sent them to you from the classies tape up the lids with electrical tape? I thought that was standard practice when shipping oils. At least I do that when I have sent oils. Too risky not to!
  8. Angie, I'm glad to hear the cabinet transformation kit worked out so well! I bought it last week, bought the small dark wood kit. Figure I will do my bathroom first....cabinets and counter and if it turns out...do the kitchen lol. I heard the hardest part of the kit is the deglossing and applying the clear coat. How did you find working with the deglosser and clear coats? Here is a pic of my "sample" granite that I painted last night. This is the pattern I would like for the bathroom counter.
  9. My neighbors go to shady maple all the time. They just rave about it. One day I need to go out there and hit shady and fillmore. It's not really far from me. About an hour.
  10. I'm thinking of doing our kitchen countertops too. Been getting the itch to get rid of our laminate...but without the cost. I've grand plans of stripping the wallpaper, getting rid of the carpet (yes...a carpeted kitchen) and I really want to do something with my cabinets. I was considering buying the Rustoleum Cabinet Transformation kit for the cabinets. I want to get rid of the honey oak...problem is...the whole kitchen is loaded with Oak...windows trim baseboards...sigh. I want dark cabinets. But...I figure if I do the faux granite...it will make my cabinets look good LOL. These cabinets had to be expensive when the previous owner them in.
  11. LOVE them! I knew I would before even looking lol.
  12. who are you using for insurance?
  13. I ordered 2 lbs. Yikes LOL. I was eyeballing that Twilight Woods CandyBee...but ended up just getting the two pounds of goddess when I looked at my total! I have soooo many oils I need to get rid of. My plan is to get rid of all oils in less than 1 pd bottles. I've got to start clearing out the rental next door where I have them. All of my upper cabinets are full of oils! I just haven't had time to go thru them and make up the list for the classifieds! I'm a hobbyist for crying out loud. Why do I need 200 oils? I've got issues!!!! Candle and soap making was sooooo much more fun and easier when I didn't have a job lol.
  14. Should I go ahead and order 2 lbs of goddess? Never smelled it...and afraid if I LOVE it...I won't be able to get it again.
  15. I have had a few loaves that mottled like that....actually fit my soap scent though...cracklin birch. I used TD in it also. The fault line is from over heating. Looks like it got way too hot in the mold. In future batches...keep a close eye on it....if it starts to heat up quick...pop it in the freezer!
  16. I too use my CP soap on my face. I would always break out but since using my soap the last 5 years, rarely get pimples. I have VERY oily skin tho' so my skin just seems to love my soap! My oatmeal bar is a favorite for "acne" sufferers for some reason. Not claiming it calms acne..but it sure seems to do just that for me and my friends.
  17. New Directions Aromatics has a great selection. I've used many of their EO's.
  18. I line a cookie sheet with tin foil...take 2 layers of damp paper towels and lay them on that...then put my jars upside down on that. As they melt...I remove them one by one and wipe out with paper towel then soak in hot soapy water.
  19. I have the same escali that Judy posted too...in red. I love it. I don't think I've changed the batteries yet either and it's about 6 years old. Mine is beat up...but it works fabulously!
  20. oooh, done that too. another caution...after awhile these droppers break down, the rubber part. I had one leak all over my bin and had to clean everything. It was blue dye and it got all over every other bottle of dye in my bin. I luckily had some droppers of the same size and I replaced them all. Ya might want to keep extra droppers on hand to switch out in the future.
  21. I love my woodfields too. Have the double loaf and the slab. Nice Nice molds!
  22. So, here is how the suede has discolored so far. It's a bit darker today, but I took this pic yesterday after trimming the edges. I think the color is perfectly matched to the scent. Scent is just as great as the day it was soaped. Hubby likes it...and so do I!
  23. I'm hoping my hubby likes it. I have it on the curing rack next door, so I have no idea what color it is now..LOL. I haven't been over there in two days! I will go peek and see if it's turning tan yet. I'll also let you know PMM what hubby thinks of its cold throw. He just got back from a 3 week trip and hasn't seen it yet.
  24. I soaped suede tonight....so far I am loving how it is smelling. Unfortunately, I made it in a mostly olive oil soap...so going to be awhile before I can use it. It sure smells great though! I had no issues at all soaping it....rtcp, 33% lye solution, olive, co, castor, no color.
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