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Everything posted by RWV

  1. Wow! Those are beautiful! Great job and so creative and patient, too!
  2. I haven't used them in a while, but checked their site and Candlechem still has many colors to choose from. HTH
  3. I've tried several oatmeal, milk, and honey scents and I've decided I miss the almond notes, so, what are your suggestions for an AM&H or almond-honey scent for both bath and body products as well as candles? I've tested numerous cherry-almond/amaretto scents and they always change when the candle is burning (I LOVE the original Jergens scent) so I'm thinking maybe the AM&H or almond-honey is the way to go. What are your thoughts and suggestions? Thanks so much!!
  4. Thanks everybody! I had poured them originally just above the cavities and had some wax left over, so just re-heated it and poured almost to the top--total weight/clamshell is about 2.8 - 3 oz. Thanks so much!
  5. OK, I've never done these before, but I noticed that where the top of the cavity stops is not the top of the clamshell. Does that make sense? So, do you all pour just over the clamshell cavity as it spills into the next cavity or do you pour over that to the top of the plastic? Also, I noticed that when I pour just above the cavity (and not to the top), each clamshell only holds about 2 ounces of wax. Does that sound about right? Thanks everybody!
  6. Of the two, Candle Science's mac apple was much stronger than ICS in my paraffin/soy blend. Of the scents I've recently tested, I am really liking ICS pink sugar and cinnamon & brown sugar. HTH
  7. Wow! Thanks for all the great suggestions! I think Palm Springs, whispering sands and Seguro sunset all would fit pretty well but I also like Rio, Baja, and Maroon Bells. I actually like the glacier one for another scent I wanted to rename. Thanks so much for your help!!
  8. Sorry Scented, I'm not good at descriptions, but here goes: it has green and some floral notes, but is not perfumey (if that makes sense). It's not heavy on the white tea part but you can detect tea leaf rather than a brewed tea smell. It would make a good spa-type scent and be good as a bath and body scent as well. HTH
  9. I saw this not too long ago and now I can't seem to find it other than at WSP, but $17.00/lb. Wow--that's expensive! Does anybody know where else I can find this? Also, has anybody used it in M&P, CP, HP soap? Just wondering if it's worth the money. I love the fact that cranberry is an antioxidant and I love anything cranberry. Much obliged everybody!!
  10. I love this scent from TCS! OOB, I wasn't too impressed, but in wax, it is clean, fresh and lovely. I was thinking of renaming it because tea and cactus together may put some people off from even smelling it (although the name would make me WANT to smell it). Any suggestions out there? Thanks everybody--you guys are always so helpful and I just want you to now how much I appreciate it!
  11. I completely agree on the pumpkin ginger streusel--very true pumpkin scent without much spice. It's really nice alone or as a mixer. I found that the Candle Source has the same scent, too. The sugared vanilla shortbread is one of my absolute favorite bakery scents, but I couldn't hardly sell it last year. I think it's one of those scents that when you open the lid of the candle, it's a bit overwhelming, but once you burn it, it's very nice and rich. I think I may re-name it this year (called it frosted cupcake last year), but I'm still deciding on the name.
  12. OK, how do you get nice swirls with M&P soap? I figure it needs to be in a multi-mold for squares or rectangles, but do you pour a first layer, then color the remaining soap and wait until the first layer is semi-soft, then pour the colored on top and run a spatula or chopsticks through it to swirl? I've read alot on how it's done for CP soap, but was wondering if this would also work for M&P soap. Also, to make OM&H soap, I was going to grind some oatmeal in the food processor to a fine meal, but didn't know if that is what you guys do. What do you think? Any advice is greatly appreciated! thanks!
  13. I love Brambleberry's and WSP, but they were pricey, so I went on a hunt to find one like theirs, but more affordable and I found it from Aztec. Smells the same to my nose--it's strong and more affordable.
  14. RWV

    M&P Recipes

    Thanks again Candybee--going to their site now! Woo Hoo--another addiction!
  15. RWV

    M&P Recipes

    Just wanted to say that I have tried PA's recipe twice now with wonderful results. Used the canned goats milk and followed the recipe. The first time I used caribbean salsa scent and it turned out nicely The second batch, I used pink sugar fo from ICS, which, of course, turned the pink a little dark, but not much. I also added a little body glitter before pouring. I used individual molds for 4 oz bars and also some small guest-size rose-shaped molds. The soap turned out beautifully. Tested it in the shower last night and it lathered nicely and I felt squeaky-clean afterwards. I will be trying Candybee's OMH and cranberry spice soaps next. Thanks you guys--I love this stuff and I actually feel like I can experiment some, too. P.S. Where can I get colorants for this that will make bright and vibrant colors (do I use pigments, colors, or micas)? Thanks again!!
  16. Sharon, do you use half the amount of the pink sugar from Scent Works? I usually use 8% to 10% in my candles, but that would be really pricey so if I could use half or 3/4 of that amount it would be at least worth getting a sample and trying. Thanks!
  17. OK, I've read the threads. Saw CW CBL 141, IGI 4794, and Ky parasoy for tarts, but want to know if these would be the best for clamshells. Any other suggestions for clamshells? Also, I've seen threads for higher fo loads so the scent in the clamshells last longer in the warmers. Which waxes will hold 1.5 to 2oz/lb for the clamshells? I use anywhere from 8% to 10% in my container candles usually, but my container wax combo may be a little too soft for the clamshells. Any suggestions or recommendations are greatly appreciated! P.S. I'm computer challenged--how do you get your title for the thread to be in bold? I tried highlighting it and clicking B for bold, but doesn't seem to work.
  18. OK, I thought that if a company had a scent (ex: Davidoff makes Cool Water) but they don't put the scent in a candle as a finished product, you could use the name for your candle and add the word "type" at the end--like Cool Water (type). But, if they also use their scent to make candles, then you had to change the name. (i.e., Cool Waters, Raging Waters, etc.) Is that right?
  19. Maybe something with the word vanilla in it. I tested this yesterday in candles and it doesn't smell like gingerbread to me, either--more of a vanilla smell with some slight nutty undertones. Good luck!
  20. Candyebuddy, let us know how that works for you. I love the bayberry apple spice scent from C&S, too, but it just isn't strong enough for me, so I was thinking of mixing my own as well. Good luck!
  21. I'm not sure who the maker of the paraffin wax is you used. I see Yaley in the Michael's craft store and I've never tried it. I used only 1/4 tsp. Vybar 260 and I also used the Micro 180 (think I got that from Genwax, but don't know if they still carry it) BCN used to carry it also. If you use too much vybar, your scent gets "locked up" in the wax. If you don't use enough, you get fragrance oil seepage--it's a fine balance. Play around with it and have fun! Sometimes the fun turns into "pulling your hair out"--LOL!
  22. Thanks everyone! I got the ICS pink sugar in today--smells strong and true OOB. Will have to pour it this weekend. May order it from Daystar and the Candle Source, too. Has anyone tried the one from TCS? I usually have good luck with their scents being strong enough in my wax, but haven't tried the pink sugar. His VS pink dupe is dead-on, though. Thanks again:smiley2:
  23. Bountiful Harvest Full of Fall Autumn Gift Autumn Glory or Autumn's Glory Harvest Splendor
  24. I tried both a long time ago, so I don't remember what the difference was. Seems that one was more spicy while the other had more baked notes to it. If you call or e-mail Steve at the candlemakers store, he is usually good about answering that kind of question. Good luck!
  25. I haven't used the straight paraffin from the craft store, but have used straight paraffin from other sources with additives in the past and got excellent throw. You just have to play around with additives (i.e., vybar, stearic, micro 180, etc.). Keep in mind that if you want the wax to look creamy, you might need to add something like vegetable shortening. The good thing about straight paraffin with additives is that you can always tweak your ingredients to suit the scent AND, many times, the wax will completely pull away from the sides of the jar, so no wet spots! Have fun!
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