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Everything posted by kimmeroo

  1. That soy would be alot nicer to all of us that want to conquer it!! LOL! Kimmer
  2. Don't feel bad Cherry! i was on this board lurking for months and when I got brave enough to "speak up"(post ?'s)ppl told me to do a search..I am like where? I looked and looked and finally I figured it out! Then I got a pm(private message) it was in there for 3 weeks before noticed it! So...what I am saying is we have all been there!!! LOL! Just ask if you don't know how to do something like that! If you already do...Yayy! You were quicker than me! LOL! Good luck w/the wax situation! Kimmeroo
  3. Unfortunately..that's how we all have to do it! The old fashioned way! LOL! It is alot of work but it is very rewarding! i love it! It is relaxing for me! I just got done making 11dozen assorted scents for a lady who wholesale's from me! But...Ionly do containers! i used to do votives and melts..but I make more money on the containers than the others...so I don't offer the others only on request! Good Luck! Kimmeroo
  4. I know exactly what you all are talking about! I am just getting back into candlemaking from taking a 2 year break! I just got soooo discouraged and thouht I have to take a step back and relax! i did, now my business is starting to pick up..I have a few wholesale accounts and i only do one large show..so far...I don't want to get to be a huge retailer..I just love making them and I can't burn as many as I love to make! I hope that made sense! LOL! I do only 3 styles of jars,but I let all my customers know I have access to just about any style jar and if they were interested i would order the jar and test the candle before I sold it.I have had a couple ppl order who were willing to wait..but most ppl want the candles NOW!Then i tell them they will just have to settle for the jars I already offer! They all love the 8oz.sq. masons!! Anyhow...I don't know if I could part w/my business!Good Luck to you!! Kimmeroo
  5. Hi Lightningbug! I see no one answered your post..I myself don't make pillars..but I did a small search and found something you could at least start w/then go from there w/your testing! I generally use 1/0 square braid in pillars. Some use 24 flat braid. I think I might have seen LX14...not sure on that one. I looked under rustic pillars in the search..only read a few so you may want to go look for better info! HTH. kimmeroo:)
  6. Try straight paraffin! It is a hard wax..should grunge great..although I have never grunged before..LOL! Maybe someone w/alot more experience will chime in here for ya'! You could also do a search here.Good Luck! Kimmeroo:)
  7. All that stuff at Yaley is mineral oil! That's what is added to straight paraffin for mottling. I can't remeber how much! I buy my wax w/it already in it. HTH... Kimmeroo:)
  8. My Turn!!! LOL!! Beautiful...great job!!!...Awesome! Love the color!!! Did I miss anything?! Really, I want that color for my bedroom! i am too chicken to do it! Is that a straight paraffin..it sparkles like my MP125! Keep up the good work! Kimmeroo
  9. Glad you are back with us Jo! I justed posted on another thread of yours...once again! Very nice work! LOL!! I am glad you are better! Kimmeroo:)
  10. Very nice Jo! i wish I could make pillars! i have enough on my plate w/just containers! Am getting ready for next year already and will have melts and palm...but anyhow...very nice work!!! Kimmeroo:)
  11. I love those!!! I have never heard of those scents..except Spiced Cranberry! Where do you order your scents? I usually order from Bittercreek North...but shipping is getting bad so I order from C&S..a little closer. Very nice display! Kimmeroo:)
  12. I can! i have wireless internet and a laptop!!! LOL!! i know some ppl like to read a real book! I was just making the statement that this is the BEST place to come for ALL you candle questions! i love interactive results...real ppl...assortment of ppl...but that is just my humble opinion! if you can find a good book go for it! Kimmeroo
  13. Hi Sparkette! IMHO, i think this is the best book yo could"subscribe" to! Plus it's free, and you are getting some of the best advice from some of the most proffessional ppl around the world!! To me that's worth more than a book could ever teach!!! Kimmeroo
  14. Those are vey nice! i hope you get LOTS of orders for them!!! Kimmeroo
  15. I was working on a wholesale order and decided to make one extra of each scent.Glad I did..the pine scent w/a cd14 startd tunneling and I freaked out..but I just let it keep burning and it did eventually catch on the 3rd burn!HTH! Kimmeroo:)
  16. Hmmmm...that is a good idea..I am waiting for a phone call as we speak from my Ins. agent,I will ask him if that is a consideraion or not!! I will re-post when I find out! i live in NY! I don't know if the results would be the same in Maine or not!?! Kimmeroo
  17. Thanks all for your replies!!!! Where is a good place to buy them,cheap? I have tried to make my own..but they look like crap!!!LOL!!! Thanx!!! Kimmeroo:)
  18. I used to double wick evrything until I got the hang on how to read those wicking charts!That helps alot! just check what type of wicks you are using to the diameter of the jar and it tells you where to start! I have a couple 4" wide containers I use cd's so I have to use the larger ones for that to get a full melt pool.I use cd 22.hth kimmeroo
  19. About the rusty tin lids..has anyone noticed that the smell from the process they use to make it rusty affects the smell of the candle? I love the look..but for my last show everyone who took the lid off and whiffed all made weird faces!:embarasse So,I whiffed myself..ughhh! You could barely smell what the scent was!I took them off the table..I had plenty of sq.masons w/rustic lids...the ones I removed were JJ. Just Wondering!!! Happy Thanksgiving ALL! Kimmeroo
  20. Thanx blazerina!! I saw someone sais they thought it may be the wicks causing the cracking...the cauliflower tops I persoanally still think it's the FO! Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!!!!!! Kimmeroo:yay:
  21. makes their own embeds? Just curious if it is cheaper to make my own(investing in the molds) or buying them from someone already made.? Kimmeroo
  22. Thanx Top!! I did pour slushy when I first started using this wax(as did I w/C-3)...but I had the same results! That's why I switched(as I did w/C-3)...no luck all together!!!:lipsrseal I will prolly switch!Thanx! Kimmeroo
  23. Whew!Thanx Kandlekrazy..I really thought I was going NUTS! I thought,man,am I the only one that has this problem!?! Thank you,thank you,thank you! I still am going to try the CO but if that doesn't work...the end of 415...I will be ordering samples of Advanced and 464! Thanx everyone who replied!!! Kimmeroo
  24. If I am not getting cottage cheese I am getting huge cracks and then sometimes both! I use 415 and I have done almost everything to conquer this wax..but I may be switching to avanced to see if it's me or what!? I don't use any additives on the norm..but I have tried the crisco...didn't work..I am going to try the Coconut oil. I am going to test advance and palm wax next. Kimmeroo
  25. Welcome!!! I love mottled candles and have been making them for almost 8 years!!! I only do container tho'! I use STRAIGHT paraffin(mp125) just add color and fragrance oil(fo).You will not see the mottle until almost completely dry...next day. When I first started I was sooo excited to make my mottled candles..poured them,checked on them 2-3 hours later and ughh...they were translucent and smooth,no mottle! So, I was discouraged....then i went to the shop the next day and they all were mottled perfectly!!! You will have to do a repour..paraffin always have a huge sinkhole...so make sure you save some of the wax from your pour...I use muffin tins to pour the extra, then melt them double boiler method tot op off! Hope this helps a little!!! Good luck and Happy candeling! Kimmeroo:D
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