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Everything posted by kimmeroo

  1. I know I have posting alot lately..I am dabbling w/new waxes...I have ordered some glass glo from cs..I am wanting to double wick a 10oz. status jar..am using cdn's...I also have cd's and rrd's....TIA! Kimmeroo
  2. Idon't know what is with imageshack! None of the links work! Ugh! I need someone who knows what they are doing to help me...anyone? Pm me.Thanks.. Kimmeroo
  3. Here is the ugly tops w/415..these are good compared to what I usually get... "] The 415 is the last link..don't ask me why it did all three!? Sorry..I am new to all this picture stuff!
  4. We'll try this link thing again! Here is the melt pool for 3hrs
  5. OK...I did it...I lit the 444 candle early this morning..the scent throw is awesome even tho I didn't let it cure only overnite! it is on it's 3rd hour and there is full melt pool....YAY!!! I will take a pic soon and edit it onto this page! Kimmeroo
  6. Yep...sure do! I have a website and I have a few wholesale accouts and i also do craft shows..soon I will try an ad in the local paper..I have been waiting as I have been doing lots of testing..I should be set by spring! I sell mine for $1 per ounce! HTH! Oh...I make several scents that's why it's taken me years to test and still testing. Kimmeroo
  7. Hey Arlene! I srarted out w/a cd14...I haven't lit it yet..prolly tomorrow or next day.I will keep you posted! Kimmeroo Here is a pic of the top! I think it turned out nice! I have ti lite it yet....will keep you posted. Just click on the red x...
  8. When I first started making candles I made gel candles...the gel wax supplier told me to make candles with bubbles to pour cooler and high.. no or fewer bubbles pour hot and lower...It's been a few years now since I have made them but I do remember that as I had a school fundraiser for my first account! I prefered the bubbles...but to each his own. Kimmeroo
  9. Hi Jaymo! EZsoy is GB415....I use it..I am now researching different waxes ... I love the scent throw..but hate the tops....they are ugly and I am sick of them..if you can deal w/that go for it!I also love the liquid dyes I just bought from JBN...they are made just for soy and work great! pricey but well worth it! About the wicks..I don't make tealites,sorry...I use cd wicks..I tried rrd's..didn't like them..they burn too fast.I just ordered some cdn's to try w/ my palm waxes..haven't got them yet. HTH...Kimmeroo
  10. I have purchased several 10lb.boxes of different soy and palm waxes.. my question for this wax(gb444) is..can you still add USA seeing it already has some in it? I ran across this in the search...GB444 is pretty much 98% GB415 and 2% UVA. I just poured 2 8oz.sq.masons w/JS winter spice...am letting them set as we speak. TIA....Kimmeroo
  11. Sometimes the candles catch up after 2-3 burns,,are you loking for a full melt pool right off the bat? You are better off double wicking if that is what you are lookig for.HTH! Kimmeroo
  12. I love Northwoods Christmas(BC) it is a sweet pine...Mistletoe...Christmas Cheer...Sugar Cookie....Spiced Cranberry.. First Frost....these are just a few..someone said Fig is supposed to be real popular right now too...I am sure someone else will chime in and offer more scents for you! Kimmeroo
  13. I agree w/ SatinDucky on this one...I get $1 an ounce..but ppl don't tend to buy the huge ones like that..of course they are probably selling to millionaire's...$88 to them isn't that much! Kimmeroo
  14. I do love the look of them..but the oil ones would make me nervous..nice conversation piece though!:smiley2: Yhanks everyone for our replies! Kimmeroo
  15. Yeah...I have seen them somewhere with the middle carved out and filled w/wax...i have also seen them w/votives inserted. How does the liquid wax rock candle stand? Is it sitting on the container w/the paraffin in it? I have never seen these in person..so I am trying to picture it!LOL! Thanks for all the replies..Kimmeroo
  16. I think the heat def. had alot to do w/it...whoever you swapped w/maybe ask a few questions abou what type of wax they use and what their procedures are...doesn't hurt to ask! Most of us on this board are pretty open to help other fellow chandlers out! Kimmeroo
  17. Hi beck! I just ordered some liq. dyes especially for soy from JBN and love them..except red...ugh! I had to use alot just for a 1/2 dozen 8oz. candles.Good thing I only use red when asked..I usually do pink or mauve or cranberry. Kimmeroo To answer your question..yes I think it os normal to use alot especially for darker colors.I always add a little black to help get that deepness I need.HTH!
  18. OOOOOOOO! That's pretty! I likey that! Are you my secret santa?LOL:tongue2: Kimmeroo
  19. I do love those colors Beck! What wax are you using? Very nice containers...I might add! Kimmeroo
  20. No...I could've sworn I saw them on here..someone used granite and someone else used slate...the search isn't working for me for some reason:angry2: It looked like the flat rock was cisled out and then wax poured into them..then wicked. I think these would be very unique for a certain show in our area for next year. If I come aross any I will post...thanks... Kimmeroo
  21. I have tried to do a search several times but the page is not available(it says). I would like instructions on how to go about making these.I likethe ones w/the poured wax in them..I have also seen oil ones but I like the wax ones. ANY help would be greatly appreciated.:smiley2: Kimmeroo
  22. I love them all..how do you get a decent red? i just got new dyes today and I had to use quite a bit to get red and not mauve.The first batch I did came out mauve..I like..but my wholesale customer is insistent on red.That is the only color I have a major problem with! Is that soy? i use soy(415). Kimmeroo
  23. I read somewhere that vanilla doesen't interfere with food!HTH! Kimmeroo
  24. So far, one last wholesale account..unless more pop up! LOL! Then nada for the rest of the year!!!! YAY! Playing w/new waxes and maybe trying to learn how to do pillars!My ultimate goal..rustics! Finishing the shopping..that's about it! Kimmeroo
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