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Everything posted by kimmeroo

  1. I know exactly how you feel..except my fo was Autumn Spice! I love that scent now I can't find ANY thing close to it.I can't help you with your question,but I know how you feel. Kim
  2. I agree as well, I have used CBA for 3 years and striaght up only certain fo's seem to work in it..(from CS),imho,I then mixed it 50/50 with 415,I did get the best of both world's,but thten i was buying 2 waxes.I decided to go back to the C3,which I had originally(10yrs ago) started with,now i am sticking with C3.I have had excellent results with it with no problems and only one wax... Kimmeroo
  3. CS's Mistle Toe..it smells just like a fresh cut Christmas Tree! It is a strong scent in soy too! It's awesome! Kimmeroo
  4. I agree with Stella except that I have found with C3(I switched)lol...I always temper my wax to 200* then I let it cool back to hard wax stage then i heat it back up to 200* again then pour wax in pouring pot immediatly add my fo and stir,stir,stir then pour(I don't use color unless requested).My tops come out perfect everytime..smooth as a baby's butt! The only time I have had a problem is with the designer fo's I bought..IDK why..the wax turned really brown and lumpy..I haven't figured those fo's out yet..not much of a demand for them.Just my 2 cents.. Kimmeroo
  5. I am loving JS's citrus linen h2o! I also am loving blackberry sage,and BCS's whipped cream and caramel apple,and of course my all time and will never get sick of favorite..BCN's Pink Sugar! Love it! Just made me some ornies with it!YUMM!:smiley2: Kimmeroo
  6. Thanks! I just ordered BD from JS and was going to get the dupe for SS Yankme! You saved me some $$$$.... Thanks again! While i am here posting...does anyone know of a dupe for BCN's Autumn Spice..that was my very favorite they don't have it anymore..I bought a few samples from JS and kinda thought Holiday Wassail smelled similar but I haven't put it into wax yet..????Any help would be appreciated! Kimmeroo
  7. Hi Dave... I was doing a search about the very same fo! LOL! Here is just one of the links, I think you may find some answer's to your question here.Good Luck!:smiley2: http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72728&highlight=Campfire+smoke Kimmeroo
  8. YES it does! I use C3 and use JS alot and I do have to say Mimosa Mandarin does kick it!!! Kimmeroo
  9. Try a HTP 105 if that doesn't cut it try the 126..hth.:smiley2: Kimmeroo
  10. Try mixing them...I did thatwith 415 and Advanced and got the best of both world's.I like you at the time was testing alot of waxes and decided on one then had those left over so I mixed them 50/50,worked great.I now use C3 and am loving it...I don't color unless someone request's it. Good Luck! Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  11. I saw this recipe on the web..take a look..I don't make soap at all just thought I'd share. Kimmeroo:smiley2: http://www.pureandnaturalsoaps.com/recipe-easy-crisco-soap.html
  12. :smiley2: Hi Brenda! Try this place.. http://www.wellingtonfragrance.com/Designer_Fragrances_C9.cfm Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  13. Is whipped cream(BCS) considered a vanilla? I use the C3 also and made me a big(quart) size candle with it and it is strong! I am not too much of a vanilla person(at least never used to be) until now..I love that fo! Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  14. I use C3 now and I just poured me a Whipped Cream candle,fo from BCS(if not then BCN), anyhow it rocks as a vanilla! I love the cold and hot throw! Also Mistletoe from CS rocks,smells just like a christmas tree! Great cold and hot! Then I love the Mac Apple from BCN..that also rocks in C3,with cold and hot throw! Hope this helps... Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  15. Can you use the gel heart cut outs as a tart for melters??? Those would be different! Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  16. Whew! Thanks all for the replies..I emailed her and she emailed me back and she is out of business..yay! I emailed her again just chatting a little and asking her why she went out of business and just trying to let her know I was going to change my name IF I had to...she applied for a DBA in the bordering county..so it wouldn't have mattered anyhow. Thanks again..I panicked before I got a result..I am glad this board is here for imes like these! THAnks again! Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  17. Is it legal for someone to have the same business name? My mom was looking on the web and saw a Black River Candle Company...but it was like twenty miles from where I do business....I use Co. they use the whole word(Company).It kinda made me mad at first but they probably didn't know about me. I sent them an email to let them know I was out there.I hope neither of us have to chang our names..that could be costly.. Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  18. Okay...so I made a 5oz. candle using C3 and I used 1/2tsp. USA with .5oz. Amazing Grace Type from Jody's...I let it sit for 3-4 days,still very weak CT so I lit the sucker up and 3 hours into the burn barely any smell...Oh,I used HTP 104 wick, so I put it out..next day trimmed the wick lit it up let burn another 3 hours..ugh! no smell..then i looked at the wax and it is all mealy looking and off colored,like dingy brown... so I decided..no way am I using ANY of those oils that I bought from Jody's to sell...I will use them up for myself.I guess you live and learn.I do like the jars I bought there. Just thought I would update this thread.. Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  19. WOW! Those are nice and vibrant! What kind of wax are you using..they look real smooth! Good Job! Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  20. Hi Jaime.. Are these the one's you are looking for? http://www.yessupplyco.com/barrel_jars.htm Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  21. :laugh2: WOW! I cannot believe this! I can see maybe using the fat but not that kind of a wick! LOL! Holy moly! Did you check out the homemade deoderant? LOL..take a look at that one..LOL! Go Stella! Your on a roll! Kimmeroo
  22. I do agree that she has great products..I am very satisfied with the other things that I ordered and yes very timely! I was just sick about the fo's,that's all...I paid alot of money for those designer dupes and to get them and not be able to sell them..ugh...I was going to make the best of it and decided to make a couple wickless and those lost the scent too! It's ok...I just won't but the fo's fom there anymore. Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  23. Those are incredible! They would match my website..lol! Nice Job! Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  24. I would start out with a CD 12...then go from there.HTH.:smiley2: Kimmeroo:smiley2:
  25. I bought one frome Time & Again..but can't tell you how it burned because it kept drowning itself out! UGH! I called the place I got it and they wouldn't replace it...so I melted it down and wicked it myself..lol! I wasn't going to trash it paying 12.00 for it! Cracker Barrel sells them in their gift shop..I think Wood Wick puts themout in these heavy duty gorgeous blown glass containers...I almost bought one for the glass..but didn't.:rolleyes2 Kimmeroo:smiley2:
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