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Everything posted by Angel91805

  1. Yeah....get them all. Truly. There are only 7 colors total.... but one will not work in CP...it morphs....I think the strawberry one? it's on TKB's website....but it will work in scrubs and lotions....so, yeah, get them all. It will be a long while before I do another co-op on these....<shudder> Donna
  2. Yup. What they said. Even the unscented portion I colored hot pink turned a little bit.
  3. Hmpf....I thought the class was Sunday night at 6. I don't have any of my stuffs ready to go yet. Oh well...guess I'll make it tomorrow.
  4. Not much this weekend.....I need to make my floral M&P for the swap.....and my three oil soap for a swap. And I might just get around to HPing Dream. Other than that, dunno.
  5. I have only soaped (so far) three of FBD's scents: Burberry London - nice, a little light, but nice. It's not overwhelming and great for layering Irish Spring - holds wonderfully! Blue Sugar....YUM. Smells wonderful and doesn't fade at all. Totally lickable. Donna
  6. I haven't made it....so I'm no help to you at all. BUT...I will say that the LS we made in Z's class....mine isn't near thick enough to suspend pumice or anything. Maybe after I hit it with crothix....grab a dixie cup full and try it. Donna
  7. AND, Bert's rocks in soap....turns it a luscious dark chocolatey brown. YUM.
  8. I'm not getting denfensive at all. I totally understand that you have had a negative experience and nothing said will change your mind. (Kind of like me and Jody's Soaps & Things!) I think what bothered me is that you classified all the DHL employees as "dense" and "heavily involved in the internet identity theft ring". FWIW, I noticed you didn't include UPS in the internet identity theft ring. You should have. They were delivering packages in that You Tube video you posted.....and DHL was picking one up. Whoop-de-doo. That doesn't mean that either UPS or DHL was involved in the internet ring....just that they got a request for pick-up and they picked a package up. Now...there may be more to that story....but I watched all 5 minutes and 30 seconds of it and there was no other mention of DHL.
  9. Weeee.....I've got to jump in here and take offense to that statement, though in the end, I'm sure it is unintentional. FWIW....my husband is a contractor for DHL. Used be a contractor for Airborne Express before DHL bought them. I can assure you, our drivers are not "dense". I can assure you, at least, that our drivers, nor my husband (the contractor), are involved in an internet identity theft ring. Believe you me, DH is now tracking down that bit of news source. FWIW...only about 5% of the DHL "employees" are actually employees of DHL. All the rest are independant contractors. Next time you see a yellow Ronald McDonald looking delivery truck go by (yes, we hate the colors too!)...look for writing on the door...if it says "Operated by:......" then that is an independant contractor. Yes, DHL has issues. As the contractor, we see it from our point of view. DHL had no business taking over Airborne Express and overnight becoming so huge in the US. They bit of more than they could chew. Their customer services sucks wind. Their CSRs are not trained well at all. I can't tell you how many times DH or I have had to call a totally pissed off customer and explain to them the problem when customer service is promising them the moon and there is no way we can deliver it to them! (Literally!) And don't even get me started on the gas prices! LOL. I know Fed Ex and UPS's drivers get a decent wage....out here about $15/hr part time....but DHL doesn't pay us enough to compete with their pay scale. So....you get employees that you can pay for.....not always the cream of the crop. I know that sounds bad. We are a small contractor and only have 5 employees. The "youngest" employee with us has been with us for 6 months now, the oldest about 18 yrs. (The new guy replaced a 5 yr employee!) However, the larger contractor in El Paso has something like, I kid you not, a 65% turn over rate. So, some of his drivers are less than "stellar", though still not dense. Back to the gas prices....we all know that USPS, UPS, DHL, etc have all raised their prices because of the gas increases. Guess how much of that increase funnels down to the contractors? Not one thin dime. Not one. Am I bitter? Just a touch. LOL. I'll jump off my soapbox now, but I just wanted to point out that just because there are a few bad apples in the barrel, doesn't mean all DHL's contractors/drivers are "dense" or thieves. We keep hearing rumors of DHL's demise and don't look to renewing our contract with them this year. Going back to my corner.... Donna
  10. Chai tea Bonsai Spring Mountain Mint Cool Mountain Lake Karma Pretty much what Meridith said!
  11. Ooooohhhhh.....nice! I want some. I must buy buckets and whatever else I need for this class!
  12. Yeah, family issues is what she said. Actually....she was in talks with me about buying her business. She said she would work up some numbers and get back with me. That was, what?, 2 months ago? Never heard back from her. Oh well. I've almost got her shea base reformulated to my liking. Donna
  13. Those look fantastic! Let me send you my address, cuz I want one! LOL at the chaise lounger heating pad thingy. Very ingenious of you! Love the huge pillar on top holding it down. FWIW...I have never insulated my salt bars.....at most I'll put them in an unheated oven for a bit. Try a batch without insulating and see if there is a difference. I've never noticed one, and I'm lazy, so I don't bother. Donna
  14. I looked on the Scent review forum, Sherry...and it's not listed. BUT other supplier's white tea and ginger seems to not be accelerating, so it should be good to go. In fact...I have a 4oz bottle from Solas and I might use it on my batch of shaving soap. That is, if DH approves. I have to do "unisex" scents since we share bars (and I am too lazy to make him a manly scented batch!) Julie.....I said "no florals" since those seem to be speedy suckers. BUT, since you have already soaped Kai and know all about it, you could still use it.
  15. Who's White Tea & Ginger are you using? Have you checked the scent review forum for other soaper's notes? Definately stay away from florals......:tiptoe:
  16. Oooohhh...that is a neat stitch! Where in the world do you get crochet hooks long enough to do that?? I want to learn the filet stitch....my MIL was trying to describe it to me yesterday. Cuz, you know.....I don't have enough hobbies with the soaping and candles and lotions...ROFL Donna
  17. That isn't necessarily too much FO. My normal usage is 1 oz per pound of oils (ppo). 59oz is 3.6875 pounds....so 3.6 oz would be the maximum I would use. Donna
  18. I didn't get around to making any today.....other than the castille I grated and flavored.....but I'm going to in a day or so. Question. I want to just make bars.....or chunks and I'll keep them in a little plastic dish or something....wet brush and rub it over it. Now.....if I want to go ahead and add the EO to the batch, how much EO ppo would I use for flavoring? It would be more than just straight CP right? What about flavor oils...would those hold up to a possible gel? I know...I ask a lot of questions..... :tiptoe: Thanks! Donna
  19. Well.....I used plain ol' castille this morning...and WOW. It's that "fresh from the dentist" feeling. LOL. Yeah....I'm gonna make some in just a little bit. Donna
  20. So I was reading the L-O-N-G thread over at the Dish that Barbara posted..... So.....while I wait for the soap I'll make today to cure....could I just grate up a yr old castille, rebatch it and add some EO's to it and remold it? That would work, right? No coconut, no palm..... Who's kidding who....in the meantime, I'm going to go swipe my toothbrush across the plain ol' castille. I'm another one with tooth issues.....ever since my son was born 9 yrs ago, it's been cavity after cavity no matter what I do!
  21. COOL! I'm going to make some today. I'll sub something for the sesame oil. Woot!
  22. Awesome! I don't have any sesame oil but I can get some this week. I've never used tallow (or bought any....wouldn't know where!). Since you use tallow....would you sub lard or would that be icky? Does it foam on your teeth? I can't wait to try this!
  23. Well....that is just the shiznit! May I ask (beg) that we have a class/tutorial on tooth soap?? I'd love to make some! Donna
  24. Of course, I have PS20, not PS80!!! I was thinking about tinkering around and making Bunny's body butter since I have some aloe juice open that I need to use up. But, it calls for PS80. Is there a sub for it, or could I just drop it and up something else? I'm still new to this lotion making thing. TIA! Happy Easter! Donna
  25. TKB Trading also has it. Somewhere on their site or in their forum is information about making mascara. Donna
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