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Everything posted by daniedb

  1. It's nice and clean, that's really great. In addition to the other critiques, I would also add that "Lavender" is with an e, instead of "Lavendar". Just one of those little random things that you might want to correct. It's a great start, I like the cleanliness and order of the site.
  2. I offer a few EO scented candles, for my clients that like all-natural stuff. It really is just a trial and error thing...you have to try and see what happens. I like www.wellingtonfragrance.com, www.meadowsweet.com and www.thesage.com for EOs, for price and shipping.
  3. That's a bea-yoo-tiful color. I got a sample of it too, and played with it in some sugar scrubs. It was gorgeous! I can't wait to see pictures!
  4. I just asked my DH and he said, "The MESS. And the money." Good thing he loves me, huh?
  5. Just read one of the replies - is it the ribbed look you don't like? If you had smooth sided closures, would that appeal to you? MMS has the smooth sided black tops, which I use and love for my butters. I use their 8-oz shallow jars with the black smooth sided tops, and I think they look very professional, if I may pat myself on the back.
  6. I put my bath salts in a tin. I package them in a small ziploc bag, then put that in the tin so it doesn't rust or spill. I've seen body butters in a tin at Whole Foods. I cannot, for the life of me, remember what the brand was...but it started with a Z. It's a nationwide company. If you have a WF near you, it's worth popping in there to see what the brand is and maybe buying one to keep around to test the rusting thing. I buy my tins from specialtybottle.com, I like their CS and their prices.
  7. Mostly liquid, sometimes blocks. If I'm going for a darker color, I try to use mostly blocks, but I've gotten so used to my liquids that they're hard to give up.
  8. I'm so glad you're feeling a little better. I almost threw in the towel last week, I just about pulled my candle page on my website and said to heck with it. A new day makes everything look better, doesn't it? And I. Love. Your. Scripture. Quote. LOVE IT.
  9. Thanks so much, guys! I put a little raffia (the kraft color) in there, in the bottom, but the basket ended up being so full that if I tried to stuff more raffia in there, it just looked stupid. I sent it out like that, so I'm hoping that it'll look nice enough like it is. foxhill - yes, I do all my own packaging and labels. I'll let you guys know how it turns out, I'm so excited, but nervous!
  10. The woman I'm sending it with will meet with the boutique owner either this week or next. I guess I'll follow up with a personal visit after I know the owner's gotten the basket after a day or two, with a catalog, price list and order form!
  11. I don't have any great suggestions, I just wanted to sympathize. That really sucks. I have the watchmaker case, just the little one, and have been pouring little samples as I make a batch...I really hope the same thing doesn't happen to me. :undecided I wish I had a good idea, I'll brainstorm and get back to you if anything pops into my mind.
  12. Is he CRAZY? So, he wants you to just give him 9 sets worth of pillars. Just get them for free? What a dork. I'm so glad you've got these new wholesale accounts to fall back on, because you soooo don't need his business.
  13. No, it's almost the same thing - but 20 and 80 are generally used for different mixtures. Like, 80 tends to create a little foam when shaking, and 20 doesn't. Hang on - let me get a link for you From MMS:
  14. Ummm...wow. Isn't that just opening yourself for a HUGE lawsuit?
  15. Not necessary. You don't need it. I use a combo of Dead Sea, kosher and table salts. The dendritic are great, but really not a necessity.
  16. Not too late! 1. Daniedb 2. Melly 3. Macy 4. Purple lilac 5. Ksbell 6. Stacy - DayStar Supplies 7. chopsgirl- Angie 8. 9. 10.
  17. Hey - you people sign up and I'll quit bumping. Deal?
  18. Other than Poly 80, I don't think there's anything you can use that will do the same thing. Sorry I can't be of more help!
  19. IMO, you can't beat MMS on high quality at a good price. They have very affordable shipping rates, and everything I've gotten from them is of the highest quality. www.thesage.com
  20. Sara, I'm always up for testing, if you need more than one opinion!
  21. http://www.glassware4gellin.com/rocks.html About 1/2 down the page. You can order a sample lid from them...I've also been looking for the lids, and they sent a sample one to me for like $.18. Really, really nice people. They fit a 3" opening, according to the site.
  22. I have not checked yet with the state, but I have checked website availability. Many variations of the CCC are available, so I'm good there. I'll be doing the state checks and all the other dba junk next week after Labor Day is past. Thanks SO MUCH for the opinions. I'm leaning toward the first one, too...DH prefers it as well.
  23. I like Gold Canyon Candle Co.'s candles. They are a regional seller, and use a MLM marketing system much like Mary Kay Cosmetics, but I enjoy their candles, and I prefer them to Yankee. Freezin - I agree that the WYW Citrus and Sage dupe is identical. That's my second fave Yankee scent (behind Rasp Sorbet), and I am amazed at WYW's dupe.
  24. Is your typing correct, that you add the FO at 125*? If so, then I would definitely suggest adding the FO at a much higher temp. Many waxes need it to be 160-180 to bind. I add mine somewhere between 165-175*, always aiming for 175* as the ideal.
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