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Everything posted by daniedb

  1. I think I'll be too busy throwing up after the patch invades my house to think about this woman again, LOL!
  2. debscent- yep, something very clean and simple. I think I have a mockup ready that I'm liking, and I hope it fits well with my overall image. Whee! I think we have a winner, I'm so grateful for y'all's opinions!
  3. Isn't that the truth?! I like your attitude, Scent Cellar. And the calm time has actually been really good...I've been able to start gearing up for Christmas!
  4. Sweet. I'm leaning toward Caroline Candle Co as well...I'm trying, like Indescent said, to keep in line with Henry & Co., the image and look. Thanks for the opinions!
  5. Gotcha. My parent company, Henry & Co., is in the process of being incorporated, so as soon as we finish the whole deal, I'll check the other. I actually want to run it as a dba under Henry & Co., so I'll have to find out the legality of running a Co. as a dba. Thanks very much for the reminder!
  6. Caroline Candle Co. Caroline Candles Which is easier to remember, and easier on the eyes and most appealing in terms of image? I mean, what do you think of when you see the name? UPDATE: Here are the label mockups I'm working on. Which of the two do you like better? The last one is my parent company logo, and I'm looking to make sure I stay consistent with that image.
  7. Unfortunately, you're right, LOL! I hate those scents, but I have to offer all varieties. Since I have no nose for these scents, I'm glad I have y'all to quiz. I can't believe you don't like the coffee scents! I don't LOVE them, but I don't hate 'em either...but then there's thems that likes their patchouli, right? Thanks so much for the great suggestions so far.
  8. I haven't gotten an order in ages! It seems like forever. I was closed for a month and a half, during our move, but I still got a few orders during that time. It's just been dead! I'm counting on it being that slow time before the fall buying picks up. Please don't tell me that y'all are having phenomenal sales and going like gangbusters...as much as I want everyone here to have success, I don't want to be the only one in this boat! :undecided
  9. I just hate anything heavy, anything patchouli, anything "sensual". BARF. Ergo, I need you guys to help me choose. I know that "Amber Romance" from B&BW is a really popular scent, and I just can't stand it...so can you guys give me your best sellers in this category and which are your personal faves? Thanks very much!
  10. I've heard NOTHING but excellent and amazing reviews for this product. I have it on my wish list for my next personal splurge. They just started carrying wick centering tools, too - I really want a few of them, but they are a little spendy. I might just buy one set and then see if it's so awesome that I have to have more!
  11. Another update, in case you care... My mother's best friend is also Ann's very best customer, and I exaggerate by NONE...the woman seriously probably keeps Ann in business singlehandedly. Anyway, I told her about this whole thing, and she told me that she's going in to pay her account at Ann's on Tuesday, and she wants to take the basket in for me! She'll be seeing Ann directly, and has ordered from me (about a $300 order in one shebang) and LOVES my stuff, so this should be a great solution. God is so good, He always opens a door!
  12. I like BCN's lotion, but if you're looking for a really thick cream, I heartily recommend Majestic Mountain Sage's body creme. www.thesage.com
  13. Wal Mart has it, too...in the craft section where the basket are.
  14. Here's a random tip that *may* help you. If you can, when you're saving, type in the "Save As" box: "filename.jpg" instead of just "filename". Sometimes it will work, sometimes it will just save it as "filename.jpg.gif" or whatever. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  15. Llyrellin - The only drawback for me is finding the best way to get the wax into the pour pots without spilling it everywhere. Some chandlers will modify their pots by drilling a hole in them and adding a spigot, so the wax will pour out through the spigot like a tea urn, but that's waaaay more trouble for me. So, the only drawback is that I will get some small drips when I ladle my wax into the pour pots...but it's no big deal, easy to clean and I have it down to where I hardly spill any anymore.
  16. Erika - a lot of the recipes I've found use borax as an emulsifying agent, and that's what I've been trying. Forget it, I'm waiting on the ewax. Lilac - PMed you back!
  17. Did you pour the soy wax into the jar when it was still hot and completely liquid? I'm a little confused as to what you mean. I wait until my soy is at the slushy stage to pour, and depending on the size of my container, sometimes it can take 20-30 minutes to reach a harder stage. So, I've never used paraffin, but I don know that it can seem to take quite a while for soy to get hard!
  18. I tried two recipes yesterday, both tried and proven by other lotion-makers, and I blew it. AGAIN. My lotion disasters have never had the word "emulsify" introduced to them...they look beautiful, creamy and smell delicious, and then the water just FALLS out of them. So...I'm officially giving up on lotion until I buy some e-wax. Can you promise me that e-wax makes it easy? I'm convinced that even with e-wax, I'm going to get a watery, sloppy mess.
  19. I do a 60/40 butter/oil split. I find that using grapeseed oil really lightens the greasy feeling, as it penetrates quickly and easily.
  20. Great points so far. I wanted to add that the reason I desire to branch out into CP soap (right now I only do M&P) is because my philosophy for my products is that they be as pure and natural as possible, without any unnecessary additives. M&P soap is more accurately described as a detergent, and while it is just as additive-laden as Dove, Ivory, etc, etc, I want to be able to offer my customers something that doesn't have six lines of ingredients on it, LOL!
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