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Everything posted by daniedb

  1. Embarassing story, but I'm revealing it in the name of safety and education, so don't laugh. At least don't laugh and point. I made Bunny's bath melts and in the tub the other night, put it on my belly because it was fun to watch it fizz. Apparently, I'm three. Anyway, I had a little red and irritated mark from the 10 or so seconds that I left it on there, so I would say that Robin's on the mark. Perhaps for liability purposes, it would be helpful to say something about not making direct contact with skin for a prolonged time, or something to that affect. Because we all know there are plenty of weirdos out there who put fizzy things on their belly buttons in the bathtub......... :awww: (and I'm sorry, but this guy is just a little obscene - just thought I'd throw it in there for kicks)
  2. If you do order from another CTer, I would highly recommend Trish's candles. THey are amazing, and definitely something to strive for. I have a Raspberry Lilac container candle from her, and it is unbelievable. Very yummy, and scent throw is amazing. She's a good pro to use as a measuring stick.
  3. That looks good to me. Kaolin is for dry skin, french green is for oily. Neem powder is verrrry strong, and also has a strong odor, so I use it very sparingly, and only in the oily mask mix. It's got mainly anti-blemish properties, so it's a good mask for breakouts or for acne-prone skin. HTH!
  4. We had an unexpected space open up - something unavoidable happened to one of our members, and she, sadly, won't be able to participate. So, we have an opening, and I wanted to find out if anyone can fill the vacancy at the last minute. I can extend your deadline until October 10th (or PM me if you need until a certain date, I can let you know if it will work). If you want the spot, you would send me 9 full size items of a bath or body product, and I repackage the boxes and everyone receives 9 items of all kinds of goodies! Check out this link, which is the original post about the swap: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2833 Let me know by posting here or PMing me or Melly - she's cohosting the swap.
  5. Okay, I have heard some negative reviews of this company, so I would proceed with caution, but I bought some FOs from them a while back, off ebay, when I'd just started out. They have a FANTASTIC walnut FO, right on the money, and very straight and simple. It's a fabulous mixer. The funny thing is that I've tried a few other FOs from them, and they don't smell anything like what they were supposed to, but their walnut is amazing. www.candlesupplycentral.com However, I would recommend buying from them through ebay, because then they are more likely to get it to you quickly: http://search.stores.ebay.com/CandleSupplyCentral-Com_walnut_W0QQfciZ6QQfclZ4QQfsnZCandleSupplyCentralQ2aComQQfsooZ1QQfsopZ3QQftsZ2QQsaselZ26284219QQsofpZ0
  6. THey look great! And can I say your title is cracking me up?!
  7. Hee! Ummm...could you possibly call my toddler and teach him that phrase?
  8. Excellent. Then you are hereby charged with reporting back as soon as you test them.
  9. So, who's going to be the guinea pig who buys and reports back?
  10. How exciting! I'll be praying for all those kinks to work out between now and then, and I can't wait to hear how the article comes out!
  11. Sweet! A customer of mine wrote me today and asked if it was okay to borrow my online picture of my deep cleansing oil...she's going to write a review in an online magazine that she freelances for, and she wanted to know if she could use my picture. She also asked if I was prepared for a sudden increase in business, because they have a few hundred readers (she emphasized that it was a very new ezine, so they don't have thousands yet), and wanted to know that I could handle an influx of new orders! So, I assume it's a good review, LOL! She's going to send me link when it's published, so I'll get to read what she says...I'm so excited, and completely flattered! Just had to share - it's been so very slow the last few months, and now I've started to pick back up! And now this! Yee-haw!
  12. I tested a bazillion wicks in my 16 and 24 ozers, and finally found that a HTP 1312 does a beautiful single wick job. I'm very happy with it...it tends to mushroom, but not horribly, and I get no soot. I use 100% soy.
  13. Their site shows the butter page as empty - I can't get to it by the main nav page, and if I click through from a recipe link, it doesn't have anything listed! I'm obviously going to call them tomorrow, but I wanted to find out tonight if anyone had any insight as to what's up - now that I finally have a regional wholesaler, I hate to lose my butter supply. Talked to Judy - the guy who she outsources to is http://www.onederbar.com/ She said that every Wednesday, the guy makes deliveries to her store, so if you have things you need from her and the other guy, you can just go in when you pick up and tell her that you have an order in the back from Onederbar (pronounced Wonder-bar). Haven't navigated the site yet, but it looks like he's having a mango butter sale, yay!
  14. Finally tried these - YUM-O-RAMA! I'm so excited to have a quick, easy, almost foolproof but indulgent treat to add to my menu! This is such a great recipe, Bunny, thank you so much for sharing! I used shea instead of cocoa, and added euc spearmint EO blend, and they are fantastic! Can't wait to try the cocoa with the butter! I do have a question - when you add cocoa powder, does it tint the bathwater brown?
  15. Dude, I am in LOVE with NG's peeps. I posted a while back about their amazing CS when it came to a special request I had. I'm a customer for life!
  16. OMG, LMAO!!!!! Just what I needed, you people are cracking me up! Thank you so much! VickiB - Soy technically takes color, but it when you do color, it shows every bit of frosting that soy tends toward...so due to our continuous 100+ weather here in South Tx, I give up.
  17. give me a kick in the pants. Even after my extreme disgust with the way my colored soys are turning out, and even after I decided to hell with the dye, and to leave my candles uncolored, I STILL try to color these babies. And I want to quit every. single. time. So...can I get a resounding, "STOP COLORING YOUR CANDLES!" please? Spank you very much.
  18. BCN has them too, but you can get them at almost any baking store. If you've got the Kitchen Collection near you, they have them.
  19. I ordered a year ago, and was very pleased with the items and the service.
  20. That is so cool! I want my supplier to have a CP soap class! I'm so excited for you, and can't wait to see pics!
  21. I have some 1312s that I'd be happy to send you - PM me with your addy and I"ll pop them in the mail.
  22. SC has an amazing mango called True Mango http://www.sweetcakes.com/product_info.php?cPath=8&products_id=187
  23. Okay, everybody got PMed today with the details of shipping, etc. Let me know if you have any questions!
  24. Nah, we can bump it back, it's up to you. What's a good date for you, you think?
  25. I get these little babies from MMS: http://www.thesage.com/catalog/Bottles.html?mmsID=bff5f2a1af999986a205fe8c3e7c8414 (second item down on the page)
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