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Everything posted by Elizabeth

  1. I'm bumping this post up because this really is a hell of a deal! I ordered two and got them two days later. I can't tell you enough how great this immursion blender is! It's one solid & strong piece of machinery. Thank you Brian for sharing this with us
  2. Although I love this scent in a candle, Not really sure I'd want to soap that one. Don't think most people would find it an appealing soap scent.
  3. I've always found it at Kroger's! Thank GOD I found a local supplier that will even deliver right to the door!! yihawwwwwwwwwwww
  4. Looks like you're making some headway there Trish. I knew you could do it!!
  5. Heather, I can help you out with some of this stuff next w/e when i'm down.
  6. I'm curious, what exactly was yankme using these for?
  7. One more suggestion: I would make your contact info at the bottom a little smaller and I would use a more standard type font for the phone number. Sometimes those fancier fonts make it a little difficult to accurately visualize numbers.
  8. I like the feeling it evokes as well. A couple suggestions I have: Lighten the picture of the rocker so it is more of a sillouette. This will allow your tagline to "pop" more. As it stands now, it competes with the rocker and ends up losing out. This is just a personal preference, but there are a TON of fonts available and I would explore a few more of them for the business name. What you have now is sort of bland and its' style isn't in keeping with the "feel" of the label.
  9. It actually depends on the look you are going for. Astorlite V gives a creamy, opaque, satiny appearance. I use it exclusively for molded floating votives (rose floaters) and it is by far the best wax I've used for this type of application. HTH
  10. Ange, It is ALWAYS a pleasure to see your beautiful creations
  11. Nice! You sure those aren't beveled cuz they sure look like it from this angle
  12. I think i will! I have to go back through my notes and find the fo's that were the seizure culprits first though. I'll keep ya posted..
  13. What was used and suggested was Boric Acid, not Borax. I think someone was just wondering if they were the same thing. Thanks for the info.:smiley2:
  14. Well actually, the person that spoke of this is a VERY experienced soaper. Been doing it successfully for a little over 10 years. I'll check with her again on the amounts to use, but i believe she said it was "a couple tbls per pound". Will let ya all know...
  15. There are very specific names for colorants. These are referred to as INCI names. INCI is the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients. If you are manufacturing a cosmetic using color additives, you will have need to know the INCI names of the color additives for use on your packaging. Most colorant suppliers will list the INCI name for each of their colorants on their websites or on the colorant label. HTH
  16. LOL! And why is it that always at that particular moment in time, the phone starts ringing, or the dh starts yappin', or a cat jumps on the counter and starts buggin'? I've since then learned to do my soaping late at nite when all the little suckers are asleep LOL
  17. when i made soap like this what i did was pour a "cooler" thinner layer first to just cover the tops of the shavings. let it cool a bit, spritz with some alcohol wo the next layer will adhere and then pour the last layer. Worked out fine for me. Good luck!
  18. I think they are. Hell, i don't know:rolleyes2
  19. IMO a 4 oz is a nice "tester" size lol I package mine in 8 oz (still too small) and a 16 oz. Hands down, the 16 oz'er is the biggest seller!!
  20. I recently learned that you can add boric acid (mixed with some water) to your soaps that are in a state of seizure and it will stop the acceleration, even reversing it to make it a workable batch again!! I've not tried this yet myself but thought i'd pass the info along.If anyone has any experience with this, please chime in...
  21. I wholeheartedly agree. Bruce be the candle man. You'd be wise to heed his warnings.
  22. how young of a population are you targeting? IMO, that label would appeal to younger girls. Teenagers/young adults would be more apt to go for the the same type of label that women do (since they want to play like the big girls lol). I do think that color in the label would be most eye "appealing" to them though.
  23. working in a surgical area I am very well schooled on strict asepsis and am aware of how EASILY things can be cross-contaminated. Unless you don surgical gloves and everything you touch is sterile, there is no way to prevent the introduction of micro organisms into your product. I think the best we can do short of autoclaving everyting and "suiting up" for surgery, is to work on clean surfaces that have been cleaned with either a bleach/water mix or alcohol (at least 90 proof), have clean hands that have been scrubbed thoroughly with an antibacterial soap (for at least 3 mins and don't forget under the nails!) and that you use an effective and appropriate preservative to prevent things from growing.
  24. What a position to be in! Wish I had some insight for you Trish. Good luck tomorrow!!
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