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Everything posted by Elizabeth

  1. Wonderful news Heather! Congratulations!!:smiley2:
  2. What other oils/butters are you using and the percentages because that is what will also make the difference in your lather. I use coconut, and lots of it, and i get a terrific lather and it doesn't seem to cause any dryness.
  3. Man, I just love that mold! Nice work Mer!!
  4. well, don' twanna make you jealous but i got one too It is wonderful. Sara is a true master of the cp soap process IMO.
  5. wahoooooooooooo!! you can come!!! Can't tell ya how happy i'll be to meet you and kelly. Just look for the drunk and lost, that would be our crew! lol
  6. Yes, it's BruceMakesSoaps! lol Don't know how you missed it E. He's posted pics in the gallery of his soaps.
  7. Your soap is wonderful!! Lather's like a MOFO and the scent is incredible. I could smell it all the way out into my hallway while the dh was showering last nite. Really made quite an impression on me. LOL, and he was using the lily of the valley one! Afterwards he said, Man that's a nice soap and it smells good too! Just goes to show ya, guys like the florals too! Thanks so much for sending them. You're really doing great work. Hard to believe you haven't been at it for all that long!!
  8. Wow are those beautiful Sara!! You sure do an awesome job on the swirlies
  9. Usually using alot of the exotic butters will yield a softer bar of soap. (i.e, shea, mango). The higher the percentages of the "soft" oils such as avocado,Almond, soybean oil, canola oil, will result in a softer bar. The thing is, using higher percentages of these softer oils, you get zilch for lather and the soap is soft and mushy, not real desireable traits for a bar of soap.
  10. those look great Shala! They are fun do make when they come out nice!
  11. beautiful work Les!! It almost looks like herbs in there.
  12. hey those look interesting Pam! I really like the one onthe left!!
  13. Yes you can use soy!! You can pretty much make any product and use soy oil in the mix. Try out different recipes and substitute one or part of the recipe with soy. Soy actually makes a nice lotion
  14. Those are some might purdy swirls there Sara
  15. Carmen sure does make some wonderful products, I agree.
  16. Yihaw Tess, you did it girl!! That is some beautifully vibrant colors you have going on there.
  17. Wonderful! I've always believed that packaging is everything!!
  18. That lavender batch is kick ass Sara!! (think a little piece of that should come my way lol) And those swirls look really great. A++
  19. That's ingenuity!! I usually use a big syringe i get from work.
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